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interface IDualEngine20BrowserSession


The DualEngine API is part of a Limited Access Feature (see LimitedAccessFeatures class). For more information or to request an unlock token, contact Microsoft Support.

interface IDualEngine20BrowserSession
  : public IUnknown

Represents an Internet Explorer process session.


Members Descriptions
CloneActiveTabRecoveryData Duplicates an active tab's recovery data.
CloneInactiveTabRecoveryData Duplicates an inactive tab's recovery data.
CreateDualEngineBrowser Creates a Browser object in this session.
DeleteAllButRecoverableRecoveryFiles Deletes all but the provided tab recovery data files.
DeleteInactiveRegionRecoveryData Deletes an inactive region's tab recovery data.
GetRequestedHostForwardedAccelerators Returns a list of keyboard accelerators that should be forwarded from the Host.
Initialize Initializes the session.
ParseEmieSitelist Parses the sitelist XML at the provided path.
SetConfigurableSitesFlags Sets flags that determine how configurable sites are handled.
SetHangDetectionMessages Sets hang detection messages that will be sent to the session by the host to detect hangs.
SetHostIntranetInInternetExplorer Sets whether to open all Intranet sites in the session.
SetHybridMode Sets whether to enable Hybrid Mode site list handling.
SetReverseCookieSync Sets whether cookie changes are synced back to the host.
SetSitePermissions Sets site permissions for the session.
SetUseAdditionalHangDetection Sets whether to enable additional hang detections.
ShowDownloadWindow Shows the Internet Explorer download window.
SyncCookies Sends cookie data to the session process.

Applies to

Product Introduced
Windows 10, Version 20H1 KB5032278
Windows 11, Version 22H2 KB5032288



Duplicates an active tab's recovery data.

public HRESULT CloneActiveTabRecoveryData(HWND hwndBrowser, REFGUID guidSrcFile, REFGUID guidDestFile)

  • hwndBrowser The HWND of the hosted browser window.

  • guidSrcFile The GUID for the source recovery data file to copy.

  • guidDestFile The GUID to associate with the new tab recovery data file.


Duplicates an inactive tab's recovery data.

public HRESULT CloneInactiveTabRecoveryData(REFGUID guidSrcFile, REFGUID guidDestFile)

  • guidSrcFile The GUID for the source recovery data file to copy.

  • guidDestFile The GUID to associate with the new tab recovery data file.


Creates a Browser object in this session.

public HRESULT CreateDualEngineBrowser(IDualEngine20Browser ** ppDualEngineBrowser)

  • ppDualEngineBrowser The new Browser object.


Deletes all but the provided tab recovery data files.

public HRESULT DeleteAllButRecoverableRecoveryFiles(int cRecoverableGUIDs, LPCWSTR * rgpszRecoverableGUIDs)

  • cRecoverableGUIDs The number of GUIDs in rgpszRecoverableGUIDs.

  • rgpszRecoverableGUIDs An array of GUIDs representing tab recovery data files that are not to be deleted.


Deletes an inactive region's tab recovery data.

public HRESULT DeleteInactiveRegionRecoveryData(REFGUID guidTabId)

  • guidTabId The GUID of the recovery data to delete.


Returns a list of keyboard accelerators that should be forwarded from the Host.

public HRESULT GetRequestedHostForwardedAccelerators(DWORD * pcAccels, ACCELERATOR ** prgAccels)

  • pcAccels The number of accelerators in prgAccels.

  • prgAccels A list of keyboard accelerators that should be forwarded. When finished the caller must free the memory allocated for the list with CoTaskMemFree.


Initializes the session.

public HRESULT Initialize(DWORD cAccels, ACCELERATOR * rgHostPriorityAccels, IDualEngine20BrowserSessionObserver * pSessionObserver, LPCWSTR pszProfilePath, LPCWSTR pszProfileId)

  • cAccels The number of accelerators in rgHostPriorityAccels.

  • rgHostPriorityAccels A list of keyboard accelerators to have the session forward to the host.

  • pSessionObserver An observer for events from this session.

  • pszProfilePath The path to host's profile path where the session will store relevant files.

  • pszProfileId The host's profile ID to associate with this session.


Parses the sitelist XML at the provided path.

public HRESULT ParseEmieSitelist(LPCWSTR emieXmlPath)

  • emieXmlPath Path to the sitelist XML to parse.


Sets flags that determine how configurable sites are handled.

public HRESULT SetConfigurableSitesFlags(DualEngineConfigurableSitesFlags flags)

  • flags The flags indicating how configurable sites are handled.


Sets hang detection messages that will be sent to the session by the host to detect hangs.

public HRESULT SetHangDetectionMessages(UINT uiSyncHungCheckMsg, UINT uiAsyncHungCheckMsg)

  • uiSyncHungCheckMsg The window message ID of the message that the host will synchronously wait on to be handled.

  • uiAsyncHungCheckMsg The window message ID of the message that the host will asynchronously wait on. Browsers signal the host by calling IDualEngine20BrowserObserver::OnAsyncHungCheckReply().


Sets whether to open all Intranet sites in the session.

public HRESULT SetHostIntranetInInternetExplorer(BOOL fEnable)

  • fEnable If true, navigation to Intranet sites will stay in the session; otherwise, whether a navigation will stay in the session or not follows default determination logic.


Sets whether to enable Hybrid Mode site list handling.

public HRESULT SetHybridMode(BOOL fEnable)

  • fEnable If true, Hybrid Mode behavior is enabled when handling site list URLs; otherwise, normal navigation behavior occurs.


Sets whether cookie changes are synced back to the host.

public HRESULT SetReverseCookieSync(BOOL fEnable)



Sets site permissions for the session.

public HRESULT SetSitePermissions(SITE_PERMISSION_KIND sitePermissionKind, LPCWSTR pszPermissionData)

  • sitePermissionKind The type of site permission that is being set.

  • pszPermissionData A serialized string of the permission data to set.

pszPermissionData is a string in the following BNF format:

permission-data     = default-action CRLF site-permissions

; Indicates the default action to take if there is no specific rule for the URI.
; DefaultAllow - Allow permission requests.
; DefaultAsk - Prompt the user for how they want to respond to the request.
; DefaultBlock - Block permission requests.
default-action      = "DefaultAllow" | "DefaultAsk" | "DefaultBlock"

; A list of sites and the action to take when permission is requested.
site-permissions    = *(permission SP wildcard SP scheme-part SP host-part SP
                        port-part SP path-part CRLF)

; Indicates the action to take on a request.
; A - Allow permission requests.
; Q - Prompt the user for how they want to respond to the request.
; B - Block permission requests.
permission          = "A" | "Q" | "B"

; Indicates if the host contains a domain wildcard.
wildcard            = BIT

; Can be either a specific scheme, a wildcard to match all schemes, or "!" to indicate no scheme.
scheme-part         = "*" | "!" | scheme

; Can be either a specific hostname or a wildcard to match all hostnames.
host-part           = "*" | host

; Represents a mostly typical URI host.
; The exception is that the host may start with a domain wildcard (e.g [*.]) which matches the host
; and any subdomains.
host                = ([ subdomain-wildcard ] reg-name) | IPv4address | IP-literal
subdomain-wildcard  = "[*.]"

; Can be either a specific path or a wildcard to match all paths.
path-part           = "*" | path

; Can be either a specific port or a wildcard to match all ports.
port-part           = "*" | port
port                = *DIGIT

; For definitions of the following rules, see RFC 3986 Appendix A (
;   scheme, reg-name, IPv4address, IP-literal, path

See also:


Sets whether to enable additional hang detections.

public HRESULT SetUseAdditionalHangDetection(BOOL fEnable)

  • fEnable If true, additional hang detections will be enabled; otherwise, they will not.


Shows the Internet Explorer download window.

public HRESULT ShowDownloadWindow()


Sends cookie data to the session process.

public HRESULT SyncCookies(const DualEngineCookie * pCookies, DWORD cCookies)

  • pCookies An array of cookies to be sent to the session.

  • cCookies The number of items in pCookies.