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Understanding Interactable components and scripts

In order to better understand Interactables, which provide the interactions between avatars and objects in a scene, we recommend that you review the Grab, hold and throw with Interactables article and then take a look at the objects in the Mesh Pavilion sample that are made interactable by containing the Mesh Interactable Setup or Mesh Interactable Body components. Examining the visual scripts attached to certain objects will give you further insights. The scripts contain a mixture of standard Unity nodes and nodes that are specially made for Mesh. To learn more about the Mesh nodes, see the Visual Scripting Node Reference. There are a lot of GameObjects in the Pavilion sample; the lists and tables below should make it easier for you to find the interactable objects and the Mesh nodes in the scripts.

Pavilion Activities

These are the activities or objects in the Pavilion sample that contain Interactables.

  • Bean bag toss
  • Fire pit with roasting marshmallows
  • Ice breaker
  • Radio
  • Sphere sculpture
  • Solar system
  • Globe

Objects with the Mesh Interactable Setup component

  • beanbag_red
  • beanbag_blue
  • toybox_beanbag_reset_button_variant
  • InteractableSphere
  • Planet_Mars
  • Planet_Earth
  • Planet_Jupiter
  • Reset_Button_Marshmallow_Varient
  • MarshmallowStick
  • Button
  • toybox_play_button_01_varient
  • Planet_Mars
  • Planet_Earth
  • Planet_Jupiter
  • Planet_astronaut_hip
  • Button (child object of ButtonHolder)
  • toybox_play_button_01_varient

Objects with the Mesh Interactable Body component

  • beanbag_red
  • beanbag_blue
  • toybox_beanbag_reset_button_variant
  • Reset_Button_Marshmallow_Varient
  • Button (child object of ButtonHolder)
  • toybox_play_button_01_varient

Objects with the Mesh Physics Components

GameObject Component
Gravity Orbital Gravity Field
ContainmentField Containment Field
Astronaut_containment Containment Field
Buoyancy Buoyancy Field
BeanBags, Marshmallow Holder, Marshmallow_Pos Reset Body Transform
Marshmallow_Pos Reset Body Transforms

Mesh nodes used in script graphs

Microsoft Mesh: On State Changed

Activity GameObjects Script Machine Name Graph Name
Campfire Reset_Button_Marshmallow_Varient ResetButton ResetButton
Bean Bag Toss beanbag_red, beanbag_blue BeanBagPower BeanBagGraph
Sphere Sculpture InteractableSphere SpheresSculptureSphere SpheresSculptureSphere_Simple
IceBreaker IceBreaker IceBreaker IceBreaker
Music Box Radio_Pressable_Prefab Pressable Radio PressableRadio
Music Box toybox_play_button_01_varient PlayButton Script PlayButton_Script

Mesh Interactable Body: Is Equipped

Activity GameObjects Script Machine Name Graph Name
Bean Bag Toss beanbag_red, beanbag_blue BeanBagPower BeanBagGraph

Mesh Interactable Body: Is Aiming

Activity GameObjects Script Machine Name Graph Name
Bean Bag Toss beanbag_red, beanbag_blue BeanBagPower BeanBagGraph

Mesh Interactable Body: Is Selected

Activity GameObjects Script Machine Name Graph Name
Campfire Reset_Button_Marshmallow_Varient ResetButton ResetButton
Bean Bag Toss beanbag_red, beanbag_blue BeanBagPower BeanBagGraph
Sphere Sculpture InteractableSphere SpheresSculptureSphere SpheresSculptureSphere_Simple

Mesh Interactable Body: Is Selected Locally

Activity GameObjects Script Machine Name Graph Name
IceBreaker IceBreaker IceBreaker IceBreaker
Music Box Radio_Pressable_Prefab Pressable Radio PressableRadio
Music Box toybox_play_button_01_varient PlayButton Script PlayButton_Script

Mesh Interactable Body: IsHovered

Activity GameObjects Script Machine Name Graph Name
Sphere Sculpture InteractableSphere SpheresSculptureSphere SpheresSculptureSphere_Simple
IceBreaker IceBreaker IceBreaker IceBreaker

Reset Body Transforms: Reset Body Transforms Now

Activity GameObjects Script Machine Name Graph Name
Campfire Reset_Button_Marshmallow_Varient ResetButton ResetButton

Spatial Audio Properties: Create

Activity GameObjects Script Machine Name Graph Name
Bean Bag Toss beanbag_red, beanbag_blue BeanBagPower BeanBagGraph
Sphere Sculpture InteractableSphere SpheresSculptureSphere SpheresSculptureSphere_Simple

Microsoft Mesh: Play Mesh Audio

Activity GameObjects Script Machine Name Graph Name
Bean Bag Toss beanbag_red, beanbag_blue BeanBagPower BeanBagGraph
Sphere Sculpture InteractableSphere SpheresSculptureSphere SpheresSculptureSphere_Simple

Microsoft Mesh: Random Sound

Activity GameObjects Script Machine Name Graph Name
Bean Bag Toss beanbag_red, beanbag_blue BeanBagPower BeanBagGraph