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How to Create an Update List

You create an update list that contains a set of software updates, in Configuration Manager, by creating an instance of the SMS_AuthorizationList class and populating the properties.

To create an update list

  1. Set up a connection to the SMS Provider.

  2. Create the new update list object using the SMS_AuthorizationList class.

  3. Populate the new update list properties.

  4. Save the new update list and properties.


The following example method shows how to create an update list that contains a set of software updates by creating an instance of the SMS_AuthorizationList class and populating the properties.


The LocalizedInformation property that is used in this example requires an object array (embedded array) of the description information.

In the example, the LocaleID property is hard-coded to English (U.S.). If you need the locale for non-U.S. installations, you can get it from the SMS_Identification Server WMI Class LocaleID property.

For information about calling the sample code, see Calling Configuration Manager Code Snippets.

The following example shows the subroutine call in Visual Basic:

' Prework for CreateSUMUpdateList  
' Create the array of CI_IDs.  
dim newUpdates   
newUpdates = Array(9)  

' Create and populate an SMS_CI_LocalizedProperties object.  
set SMSCILocalizedProperties = swbemservices.Get("SMS_CI_LocalizedProperties").SpawnInstance_  

SMSCILocalizedProperties.Description = "Test Description"  
SMSCILocalizedProperties.DisplayName = "Test Display Name"  
SMSCILocalizedProperties.InformativeURL = "Test URL"  
SMSCILocalizedProperties.LocaleID = "1033"  

' Create an array to hold the SMS_CI_LocalizedProperties object.  
dim newDescriptionInfo  
newDescriptionInfo = Array(SMSCILocalizedProperties)  

' Call the CreateSUMUpdateList method.  
Call CreateSUMUpdateList(swbemServices,       _  
                         newUpdates,          _  

The following example shows the method call in C#:

// Prework for CreateSUMUpdateList  
// Create array list (to hold the array of Localized Properties).  
List<IResultObject> newDescriptionInfo = new List <IResultObject>();    
IResultObject SMSCILocalizedProperties = WMIConnection.CreateEmbeddedObjectInstance("SMS_CI_LocalizedProperties");  

// Populate the initial array values (this could be a loop to added more localized info).  
SMSCILocalizedProperties["Description"].StringValue = "4 CI_IDs - 9,34,53,72 ";  
SMSCILocalizedProperties["DisplayName"].StringValue = "Test Display Name";   
SMSCILocalizedProperties["InformativeURL"].StringValue = "Test URL";  
SMSCILocalizedProperties["LocaleID"].StringValue = "1033";  

// Add the 'embedded properties' to newDescriptionInfo.  

// Create the array of CI_IDs.  
int[] newCI_ID = new int[] { 9, 34, 53, 72 };  

// Call the CreateSUMUpdateList method.  

Sub CreateSUMUpdateList(connection,         _  
                        newUpdates,         _  

    ' Create the new UpdateList object.   
    Set newUpdateList = connection.Get("SMS_AuthorizationList").SpawnInstance_  

    ' Populate the UpdateList properties.  
    ' Updates is an int32 array that maps to the CI_ID in SMS_SoftwareUpdate.  
    newUpdateList.Updates = newUpdates  
    ' Need to pass embedded properties (LocalizedInformation) here.   
    newUpdateList.LocalizedInformation = newDescriptionInfo  

    ' Save the new UpdateList and properties.  

    ' Output the new UpdateList name.  
    Wscript.Echo "Created Update List " & newUpdateList.LocalizedDisplayName                    

End Sub  

public void CreateSUMUpdateList(WqlConnectionManager connection,                                   
                                 int [] newUpdates,  
                                 List<IResultObject> newDescriptionInfo)  
        // Create the new SMS_AuthorizationList object.  
        IResultObject newUpdateList = connection.CreateInstance("SMS_AuthorizationList");  

        // Populate the new SMS_AuthorizationList object properties.  
        // Updates is an int32 array that maps to the CI_ID in SMS_SoftwareUpdate.  
        newUpdateList["Updates"].IntegerArrayValue = newUpdates;  
        // Pass embedded properties (LocalizedInformation) here.  
        newUpdateList.SetArrayItems("LocalizedInformation", newDescriptionInfo);  

        // Save changes.  

        Console.WriteLine("Created Update List. " );  


    catch (SmsException ex)  
        Console.WriteLine("Failed to create update list. Error: " + ex.Message);  

The example method has the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
Connection - Managed: WqlConnectionManager
- VBScript: SWbemServices
A valid connection to the SMS Provider.
newUpdates - Managed: Integer array
- VBScript: Integer array
An array of the updates that is associated with the Update List.
newDescriptionInfo - Managed: Object array
- VBScript: Object array
An object array (embedded properties) of the type LocalizedInformation.

Compiling the Code

This C# example requires:










Robust Programming

For more information about error handling, see About Configuration Manager Errors.

.NET Framework Security

For more information about securing Configuration Manager applications, see Configuration Manager role-based administration.

See also

About software update deployments SMS_AuthorizationList