
Del via

IProgressUI::ShowTSProgress method

In Configuration Manager, the ShowTSProgress method displays custom task sequence progress information in a dialog box.


HRESULT ShowActionProgress(  
     BSTR pszOrgName,  
     BSTR pszTaskSequenceName,  
     BSTR pszCustomTitle,  
     BSTR pszCurrentAction,  
     ULONG uStep,  
     ULONG uMaxStep,  



Data type: BSTR

Qualifiers: [in]

Pointer to the organization name that is shown in the progress dialog box. The value can be retrieved from the _SMSTSOrgName environment variable.


Data type: BSTR

Qualifiers: [in]

Pointer to the name of the task sequence that is currently running. The value can be retrieved from the _SMSTSPackageName environment variable.


Data type: BSTR

Qualifiers: [in]

Pointer to the text for a custom message that replaces the default title text displayed in the progress dialog box. Pass an empty string if there's no custom message to show. The value can be obtained from the _SMSTSCustomProgressDialogMessage environment variable.


Data type: BSTR

Qualifiers: [in]

Pointer to the name of the current task sequence step. The value can be obtained from the _SMSTSCurrentActionName environment variable.


Data type: ULONG

Qualifiers: [in]

The current task sequence step number. The value can be obtained from the SMSTSNextInstructionPointer environment variable.


Data type: ULONG

Qualifiers: [in]

The total number of steps in the task sequence. The value can be obtained from the _SMSTSInstructionTableSize environment variable.

Return values

An HRESULT code. Possible values include, but aren't limited to, the following value. There are no HRESULT values returned that are specific to this method.

The method succeeded.

See also