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How to Enable a PXE Service Point Role

You enable the PXE Service Point role, in Configuration Manager, by getting an instance of a specific distribution point and setting the IsPXE value to 1.

To enable a PXE service point role

  1. Set up a connection to the SMS Provider. For more information see, SMS Provider fundamentals.

  2. Get an instance of a specific distribution point.

  3. Set the IsPXE embedded property to 1.

  4. Save the distribution point instance.


The following example method enables a PXE service point.

For information about calling the sample code, see Calling Configuration Manager Code Snippets.

public void EnablePXE(WqlConnectionManager connection,                      string siteCode,                      string serverName){    try    {        //Connect to distribution point instance.                        IResultObject siteRole = connection.GetInstance("SMS_SCI_SysResUse.FileType=2,ItemName=\"[\\\"Display=\\\\\\\\" + serverName + "\\\\\\\"]MSWNET:[\\\"SMS_SITE=" + siteCode + "\\\"]\\\\\\\\" + serverName + "\\\\,SMS Distribution Point\",ItemType=\"System Resource Usage\",SiteCode=" + "\"" + siteCode + "\"");        // Create temporary copy of the embedded properties.        Dictionary<string, IResultObject> embeddedProperties = siteRole.EmbeddedProperties;        // Enumerate through the embedded properties and makes changes as needed.        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IResultObject> kvp in siteRole.EmbeddedProperties)        {            // Setting: IsPXE            if (kvp.Value.PropertyList["PropertyName"] == "IsPXE")            {                // Get current property value.                Console.WriteLine();                Console.WriteLine("Property: {0}", kvp.Value.PropertyList["PropertyName"]);                Console.WriteLine("Current value: {0} (0 not enabled, 1 enabled)", kvp.Value.PropertyList["Value"]);                // Change value to enable PXE (1 enabled, 0 not enabled).                 embeddedProperties["IsPXE"]["Value"].StringValue = "1";                Console.WriteLine("Setting the {0} value to {1}.", kvp.Value.PropertyList["PropertyName"], "1");            }        }        // Store the settings that have changed.        siteRole.EmbeddedProperties = embeddedProperties;        // Save the settings.         siteRole.Put();    }    catch (SmsException ex)    {        Console.WriteLine();        Console.WriteLine("Failed. Error: " + ex.InnerException.Message);    }}   

The example method has the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
connection Managed: WqlConnectionManager A valid connection to the SMS Provider.
siteCode Managed: String The Configuration Manager site code.
serverName Managed: String The server name. For example, "SERVER1.DOMAIN1.COM"

Compiling the Code

The C# example has the following compilation requirements:










Robust Programming

For more information about error handling, see About Configuration Manager Errors.

.NET Framework Security

For more information about securing Configuration Manager applications, see Configuration Manager role-based administration.

See Also

SMS_SCI_SysResUse Server WMI Class
PackNALPath Method in Class SMS_NAL_Methods
About OS deployment site role configuration How to Set the Response Delay for a PXE Service Point
How to Set the PXE Service Point Response to All Network Interfaces
How to Set the PXE Service Point Response to PXE Requests
How to Read and Write to the Configuration Manager Site Control File by Using Managed Code
How to Read and Write to the Configuration Manager Site Control File by Using WMI