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positiveReinforcementNotification resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Represents positive reinforcement settings for an end user notification during simulation creation. Admins can configure the notification details for a user who identifies the phish message successfully.

Inherits from baseEndUserNotification.


Property Type Description
defaultLanguage String Default language. Inherited from baseEndUserNotification.
deliveryPreference notificationDeliveryPreference Delivery preference. Possible values are: unknown, deliverImmedietly, deliverAfterCampaignEnd, unknownFutureValue.


Relationship Type Description
endUserNotification endUserNotification End user notification detail. Inherited from baseEndUserNotification.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.positiveReinforcementNotification",
  "defaultLanguage": "String",
  "deliveryPreference": "String"