
Del via

keyValue resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

Provides more authentication processing information, such as the server name and the presence of hints for sign in and domain. The configuration of this resource is shared by the following objects:


Property Type Description
key String Contains the name of the field that a value is associated with.
value String Contains the corresponding value for the specified key.

Key-value pair names and values

Supported by organizationalBrandingProperties

Key Possible value
AttributeCollection_Description We just need a little more information to set up your account.
AttributeCollection_Title Add details
Attribute_City City
Attribute_Country Country/Region
Attribute_DisplayName Display Name
Attribute_Email Email Address
Attribute_Generic_ConfirmationLabel Reenter
Attribute_GivenName Given Name
Attribute_JobTitle Job Title
Attribute_Password Password
Attribute_Password_MismatchErrorString Passwords don't match.
Attribute_PostalCode Postal Code
Attribute_State State/Province
Attribute_StreetAddress Street Address
Attribute_Surname Surname
SignIn_Description Sign in to access
SignIn_Title Sign in
SignUp_Description Sign up to access
SignUp_Title Create account
SisuOtc_Title Enter code
Attribute_extension_82936c774db949fcac549215e8857017_Total_Job_Experience_Years Total_Job_Experience_Years

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "key": "String",
  "value": "String"