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Creation of migration endpoints

A migration endpoint contains the connection settings for an on-premises Exchange server that is running the MRS proxy service. These connection settings are required to perform remote move migrations to and from Exchange Online. Hence, migration endpoints can be the facilitators of the "move mailboxes" process.

A migration endpoint must be created prior to on-boarding and off-boarding remote move migrations in an Exchange hybrid deployment.


Prior to even creating migration endpoints, you must ensure that the target server is available. Else, the remote move migrations fail despite prevalence of migration endpoints. You can verify the availability of the target server using the Test-MigrationServerAvailability cmdlet. For more information on this cmdlet and how it helps in verifying the availability of the target server, see Test-MigrationServerAvailability.

A migration endpoint can be created through the following methods:


The Hybrid Configuration Wizard (HCW) is the preferred method to create migration endpoints because it helps in seamlessly creating migration endpoint. For more information on HCW, see Hybrid Configuration Wizard.



HCW is the preferred method to create migration endpoint. The EAC method of creating endpoint is required only to create further migration endpoints, in addition to the one created using HCW.

Creation of migration endpoints through EAC portal involves:

Creation of migration endpoint using a migration batch

The process of creating a migration endpoint through a migration batch includes:

Create a migration endpoint to move Exchange Online mailboxes to on-premises organizations

  1. Sign in to the Exchange Online EAC ( and select Migration from the left navigation menu.
  2. Select Add a migration batch.
  3. On the Add migration batch page:
    1. In the Give migration endpoint a unique name text box, enter a name for the migration batch.
    2. From the Select the mailbox migration path drop-down list, select Migrate from Exchange Online.
    3. Select Next.
  4. Select Create a new migration endpoint, and then select Next.
  5. Enter the values for the following mandatory fields:
    1. Migration endpoint name: The name of choice for the endpoint you are going to create.
    2. Account with privileges (domain\user name): The username of the user with extra privileges for whom you want to facilitate mailbox moves, in the format domain\user name.
    3. Password of account with privileges: The password for the account of the user with extra privileges.
    4. Remote MRS Proxy server: The on-premises Exchange server on which the MRSProxy service has been deployed.
  6. Select Next.
  7. Retain the default values of 20 and 10 for the Maximum concurrent migrations and Maximum concurrent incremental syncs text boxes, respectively.
  8. Select Next.
  9. Close the page that displays a notification message regarding creation of the migration endpoint.
  10. On the Migration batches page, select Endpoints on the top-right side of the page, and verify that the name of the endpoint that you created is displayed.

Create a migration endpoint to move on-premises mailboxes to Exchange Online organization

  1. Sign in to the on-premises EAC ( and select Migration from the left navigation menu.
  2. Select Add a migration batch.
  3. On the Add migration batch page:
    1. In the Give migration endpoint a unique name text box, enter a name for the migration endpoint that you want to create.
    2. From the Select the mailbox migration path drop-down list, select Migrate to Exchange Online.
    3. Select Next.
  4. From the Select the migration type drop-down list, select Remote move migration, and then select Next.
  5. On the Prerequisites for remote migration page, select Next.
  6. Select Create a new migration endpoint, and then select Next.
  7. Enter the values for all the mandatory fields, and then select Next.
  8. Retain the default values of 20 and 10 for the Maximum concurrent migrations and Maximum concurrent incremental syncs text boxes, respectively.
  9. Select Next.
  10. Close the page displaying a notification message for the creation of the migration endpoint.
  11. On the Migration batches page, select Endpoints on the top-right side of the page and then verify whether your migration endpoint is displayed.

Creation of an endpoint directly

Direct creation of a migration endpoint denotes "not using the 'batch migration creation' process as part of creating a migration endpoint."

To directly create a migration endpoint using EAC, and without using the "migration batch creation" process, perform the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the EAC (
  2. Select Migration from the left navigation menu.
  3. Select Endpoints on the top-right side, and then select + Add.
  4. On the Add Endpoint page:
    1. From the Select the migration type drop-down list, select Exchange Remote.
    2. Enter the values for the mandatory fields, and then select Create.
  5. Close the page that displays the message Created successfully.
  6. On the Migration batches page, select Endpoints on the top-right side of the page, and verify that your migration endpoint is displayed.


For information on how to create a migration endpoint using PowerShell, see New-MigrationEndpoint.

To implement the next step of moving mailboxes, see Methods to move mailboxes between on-premises and Exchange Online organizations.