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Enable or prevent transferring calls from an auto attendant in Exchange Server

Applies to: Exchange Server 2013, Exchange Server 2016

You can enable callers to transfer calls to users through an auto attendant, or prevent them from doing so. By default this option is enabled, and lets callers transfer calls to UM-enabled users in the Unified Messaging (UM) dial plan that's associated with the UM auto attendant.

For additional management tasks related to UM auto attendants, see UM auto attendant procedures.

What do you need to know before you begin?


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Use the EAC to enable or prevent call transfers to users from a UM auto attendant

  1. In the EAC, navigate to Unified Messaging > UM dial plans. In the list view, select the UM dial plan you want to change, and then click Edit Edit icon..

  2. On the UM Dial Plan page, under UM Auto Attendants, select the UM auto attendant for which you want to configure call transfer, and then click Edit Edit icon..

  3. On the UM Auto Attendant page > Address book and operator access, under Options for contacting users, select the check box next to Allow callers to dial users to enable calls to be transferred. To prevent call transfers, clear the check box.

  4. Click Save.


If you clear this check box and also clear the Allow callers to leave voice messages for users check box, the Options for searching the address book are disabled.

Use the Shell to enable or prevent call transfers to users from a UM auto attendant

This example prevents call transfers on a UM auto attendant named MyUMAutoAttendant.

Set-UMAutoAttendant -Identity MyUMAutoAttendant -AllowDialPlanSubscribers $false

This example enables call transfers on a UM auto attendant named MyUMAutoAttendant.

Set-UMAutoAttendant -Identity MyUMAutoAttendant -AllowDialPlanSubscribers $true