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Tutorial: Call an API from an Angular single-page app

This tutorial is part 4 of a series that demonstrates building an Angular single-page app (SPA), which uses the Microsoft identity platform for authentication. In this tutorial, you call Microsoft Graph API from your Angular SPA.

In this tutorial:

  • Create the API call to Microsoft Graph
  • Test the application


Create the API call to Microsoft Graph

To configure your Angular application to interact with the Microsoft Graph API, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the src/app/profile/profile.component.ts file and replace the contents with the following code snippet:

    // Required for Angular
    import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
    // Required for the HTTP GET request to Graph
    import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
    type ProfileType = {
      businessPhones?: string,
      displayName?: string,
      givenName?: string,
      jobTitle?: string,
      mail?: string,
      mobilePhone?: string,
      officeLocation?: string,
      preferredLanguage?: string,
      surname?: string,
      userPrincipalName?: string,
      id?: string
      selector: 'app-profile',
      templateUrl: './profile.component.html'
    export class ProfileComponent implements OnInit {
      profile!: ProfileType;
      tokenExpiration!: string;
        private http: HttpClient
      ) { }
      // When the page loads, perform an HTTP GET request from the Graph /me endpoint
      ngOnInit() {
          .subscribe(profile => {
            this.profile = profile;
        this.tokenExpiration = localStorage.getItem('tokenExpiration')!;

    The ProfileComponent in Angular fetches user profile data from Microsoft Graph's /me endpoint. It defines ProfileType to structure properties like displayName and mail. In ngOnInit, it uses HttpClient to send a GET request, assigning the response to profile. It also retrieves and stores the token expiration time from localStorage in tokenExpiration.

  2. Open the src/app/profile/profile.component.html file and replace the contents with the following code snippet:

    <div class="profile">
        <p><strong>Business Phones:</strong> {{profile?.businessPhones}}</p>
        <p><strong>Display Name:</strong> {{profile?.displayName}}</p>
        <p><strong>Given Name:</strong> {{profile?.givenName}}</p>
        <p><strong>Job Title:</strong> {{profile?.jobTitle}}</p>
        <p><strong>Mail:</strong> {{profile?.mail}}</p>
        <p><strong>Mobile Phone:</strong> {{profile?.mobilePhone}}</p>
        <p><strong>Office Location:</strong> {{profile?.officeLocation}}</p>
        <p><strong>Preferred Language:</strong> {{profile?.preferredLanguage}}</p>
        <p><strong>Surname:</strong> {{profile?.surname}}</p>
        <p><strong>User Principal Name:</strong> {{profile?.userPrincipalName}}</p>
        <p><strong>Profile Id:</strong> {{profile?.id}}</p>
        <p><strong>Token Expiration:</strong> {{tokenExpiration}}</p>
        <p>Refreshing this page will continue to use the cached access token until it nears expiration, at which point a new access token will be requested.</p>

    This code defines an HTML template that displays user profile information, using Angular's interpolation syntax to bind properties from the profile object (For example., businessPhones, displayName, jobTitle). It also shows the tokenExpiration value and includes a note stating that refreshing the page will use the cached access token until it nears expiration, after which a new token will be requested.

Test the application

To test the application, complete the following steps:

  1. Run the Angular application by executing the following command in the terminal:

    ng serve --open
  2. Select the Sign in button to authenticate with your Microsoft Entra tenant.

  3. After signing in, select the View Profile link to navigate to the Profile page. Verify that the user profile information is displayed, including the user's name, email, job title, and other details.

    Screenshot of JavaScript App depicting the results of the API call.

  4. Select the Sign out button to sign out of the application.

Next steps

Learn how to use the Microsoft identity platform by trying out the following tutorial series on how to build a web API.