Reset the Financial reporting data mart
This article explains how to reset the Financial reporting data mart for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance. The data mart can be reset in multiple ways, depending on the user's role and access to the client or infrastructure.
Executing a data mart reset is a significant action and should almost never be done. There are, however, a few special cases where it may be required. If you encounter a situation where a reset seems necessary, it's highly recommended you contact support first. The support team can help you properly investigate any underlying product issues that might be prompting the need for a reset. This investigation helps ensure that we're addressing the root cause rather than applying a temporary fix.
You should reset the data mart only when a small amount of processing is occurring on the database. Financial reporting is unavailable during the reset process.
To confirm that it's necessary to reset your data mart, see When to reset a data mart.
A reset of the data mart doesn't affect any report definitions that define the structure of reports. Nevertheless, it's always a good idea to have a backup of your reports, which you accomplish by exporting them. The steps for exporting report definitions are included at the end of this article in the section titled, Export and import report definitions, later in this article.
Reset the Financial reporting data mart from Report designer
To find the version of report designer, watch this video: How to find the version of Report designer.
To reset the data mart, in Report designer, on the Tools menu, select Reset Data Mart as shown in the following illustration. The dialog box that appears has two sections: Statistics and Reset.
Integration attempts
The Integration attempts grid shows how many times the system tried to integrate transactions. The system continues to try to integrate data over a period of days if the first few attempts aren't successful. In this situation, the data won't be reported on.
Data status
The Data status grid provides a snapshot of the transactions, exchange rates, and dimension values in the data mart. A large number of versioned records indicate that numerous updates to the records have occurred. This situation might increase the time that is required to generate reports.
Misaligned main account categories
If you're using a release that is earlier than Financial reporting release 7.2.1, you might have to reset the data mart if you rename accounts and move accounts between account categories. These actions can cause main account categories to become misaligned. The Misaligned main account categories field shows whether you're experiencing that issue.
Reset the data mart and select a reason
If you determine that a data mart reset is required, select the Reset data mart check box, and then select a reason in the Reason field. The following options are available:
- Missing or incorrect data – Based on the statistics, you've determined that data might be missing. Before you continue, we recommend that you work with Support to determine the root cause.
- Restore database – The database was restored, but the database for the Financial reporting data mart wasn't restored.
- Other – You're resetting the data mart for another reason. If you're concerned that there's an issue, contact Support to identify it.
Verify that all data mart reset tasks have completed an initial load before you begin a reset. You can confirm this by looking for a value in the Last Runtime column by selecting Tools > Integration status.
Clear users and companies
Select the Clear users and companies check box if you restored your database, but then changed users or companies. You should rarely have to select this check box.
When you're ready to start the reset process, select OK. You're prompted to confirm that you're ready to start the process. Financial reporting isn't available during the reset and the initial data integration that occurs afterward.
If you want to review the status of the integration, select Tools > Integration status to see the last time that the integration was run and the status.
The reset is finished when all mappings show a status of RanToCompletion, and an "Integration complete" message appears in the lower-left corner of the Integration Status dialog box.
Reset the Financial reporting data mart for Dynamics 365 Finance + Operations (CHE, LBD, and VHD) through SQL Server Management Studio
The following steps are designed for Cloud Hosted Environments (CHE Tier 1 Dev), downloadable VHD images, and LBD On-Premises.
Before getting started, be sure that all users close Report designer and exit the Financial reporting area.
On the database used for Financial reporting (CHE & VHD - ManagementReporter or MRDB; LBD - FinancialReporting), execute the following script. which was last updated April 9, 2020: Reset Datamart Begin.txt
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --setup for servicing mode BEGIN TRANSACTION IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT SCHEMA_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = 'Servicing') BEGIN EXEC ('CREATE SCHEMA Servicing') END IF (DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_ID('GeneralUser') IS NULL) BEGIN CREATE ROLE [GeneralUser] AUTHORIZATION [dbo]; END ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON SCHEMA::Servicing TO [GeneralUser] IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT NAME FROM SYS.TABLES WHERE Name = 'ServicingLock') BEGIN CREATE TABLE [Servicing].[ServicingLock] ([Name] nvarchar(255) not null, [Value] int not null, [LastServiceTimestamp] datetime null) END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM [Servicing].[ServicingLock]) BEGIN INSERT INTO [Servicing].[ServicingLock] (Name, Value) VALUES ('ServicingLockMode', 0) END COMMIT TRANSACTION PRINT 'Entering servicing mode' DECLARE @result int; EXEC @result = sp_getapplock @DbPrincipal='public', @Resource='ServicingLock', @LockMode='Exclusive', @LockOwner='Session', @LockTimeout=300000; IF @result < 0 RAISERROR ('Unable to acquire SQL applock. Result: %d', 16, 1, @result); BEGIN TRY IF EXISTS(SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'Scheduling' COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT AND TABLE_NAME = 'SchedulerRegister' COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT AND COLUMN_NAME = 'ServicingMode' COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT) BEGIN UPDATE Scheduling.SchedulerRegister SET ServicingMode = 1 WHERE ServicingMode = 0 UPDATE [Servicing].[ServicingLock] SET Name = 'SchedulerServicingMode', Value = 1, LastServiceTimestamp = GETUTCDATE() WHERE Value = 0 END PRINT 'Acquired servicing locks' --Disable maps DECLARE @triggerIds table(id uniqueidentifier, taskTypeId uniqueidentifier) INSERT INTO @triggerIds SELECT tr.[Id], tt.[Id] FROM [Scheduling].[Task] t with(nolock) JOIN [Scheduling].[Trigger] tr ON t.[TriggerId] = tr.[Id] JOIN [Scheduling].[TaskState] ts ON ts.[TaskId] = t.[Id] LEFT JOIN [Scheduling].[TaskCategory] tc ON tc.[Id] = t.[CategoryId] JOIN [Scheduling].[TaskType] tt ON t.[TypeId] = tt.[Id] WHERE tt.[Id] IN ('D81C1197-D486-4FB7-AF8C-078C110893A0', '55D3F71A-2618-4EAE-9AA6-D48767B974D8') -- 'Maintenance Task', 'Map Task' PRINT 'Disable integration tasks' UPDATE [Scheduling].[Trigger] SET IsEnabled = 0 WHERE [Id] in (SELECT id FROM @triggerIds) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ PRINT 'Save and Drop Indexes Of FactAttributeValue and DimensionValueAttributeValue' ------------------------------ IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.procedures WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('[Datamart].[SaveAndDropAttributeValueIndexes]')) BEGIN IF (NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'Datamart' AND TABLE_NAME = 'AttributeValueIndexesBackUp')) BEGIN --create table to store indexses -- Indexes of different table can have same index_id,but we need unique index id Create table [Datamart].[AttributeValueIndexesBackUp] ( IndexID INT not null IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, IndexName NVARCHAR(255), IsUnique BIT, IndexType NVARCHAR(60), FilterDefinition NVARCHAR(max), KeyColumns NVARCHAR(max), IncludedColumns NVARCHAR(max), IndexRetry INT, IndexStatus NVARCHAR(60), AttributeType INT, ) END IF (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'Datamart' AND TABLE_NAME = 'FactAttributeValue')) BEGIN --truncate table to increase index drop performance PRINT('TRUNCATE TABLE [Datamart].[FactAttributeValue]') EXEC('TRUNCATE TABLE [Datamart].[FactAttributeValue]') EXEC [Datamart].[SaveAndDropAttributeValueIndexes] 'FACTID','[Datamart].[FactAttributeValue]' END IF (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'Datamart' AND TABLE_NAME = 'DimensionValueAttributeValue')) BEGIN --truncate table to increase index drop performance PRINT('TRUNCATE TABLE [Datamart].[DimensionValueAttributeValue]') EXEC('TRUNCATE TABLE [Datamart].[DimensionValueAttributeValue]') EXEC [Datamart].[SaveAndDropAttributeValueIndexes] 'DIMENSIONVALUEID','[Datamart].[DimensionValueAttributeValue]' END End ------------------------------ PRINT 'Drop archive tables' ------------------------------ DECLARE @stagingTableName nvarchar(max) DECLARE dropCursor CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT t.TABLE_NAME as TableName FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES t WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE t.TABLE_SCHEMA = 'Datamart' and (t.TABLE_NAME like 'FactStaging[0-9]%' or t.TABLE_NAME like 'DimensionCombinationStaging[0-9]%') OPEN dropCursor FETCH NEXT FROM dropCursor INTO @stagingTableName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN EXEC('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [Datamart].' + @stagingTableName) FETCH NEXT FROM dropCursor INTO @stagingTableName END CLOSE dropCursor DEALLOCATE dropCursor ------------------------------ PRINT 'Dropping tables with dynamic columns' ------------------------------ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [Datamart].DimensionCombinationProcessing DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [Datamart].DimensionCombination DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [Datamart].DimensionCombinationResolving DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [Datamart].DimensionCombinationStaging DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [Datamart].DimensionCombinationUnreferenced DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [Datamart].DimensionValueAttributeValue DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [Datamart].FactAttributeValue DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [Datamart].TranslatedPeriodBalance DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [Datamart].TranslatedPeriodBalanceChanges ------------------------------ PRINT 'Begin Truncating tables' ------------------------------ DECLARE @tablename nvarchar(200) DECLARE @schemaname nvarchar(200) DECLARE clear_tables CURSOR FOR SELECT TABLE_NAME, TABLE_SCHEMA FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'Datamart' AND TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE' PRINT 'remove check constraints' OPEN clear_tables FETCH NEXT FROM clear_tables INTO @tablename, @schemaname WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN IF @tablename <> 'VersionHistory' BEGIN EXEC('ALTER TABLE [' + @schemaname + '].[' + @tablename + '] NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ALL') END FETCH NEXT FROM clear_tables INTO @tablename, @schemaname END CLOSE clear_tables ------------------------------ PRINT 'delete data from tables and rebuild indexes' ------------------------------ OPEN clear_tables FETCH NEXT FROM clear_tables INTO @tablename, @schemaname WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN IF @tablename <> 'VersionHistory' and @tablename <> 'AttributeValueIndexesBackUp' BEGIN IF(EXISTS (select TOP 1 1 from sys.foreign_keys where referenced_object_id = OBJECT_ID(@schemaname + '.' + @tablename)) OR EXISTS(SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM sys.sql_expression_dependencies sed INNER JOIN sys.objects o ON sed.referencing_id = o.[object_id] WHERE o.[type] = 'V' AND referenced_schema_name = @schemaname AND referenced_entity_name = @tablename)) BEGIN PRINT 'deleting from ' + @tablename EXEC('DELETE FROM [' + @schemaname + '].[' + @tablename + ']') END ELSE BEGIN PRINT 'truncating from ' + @tablename EXEC('TRUNCATE TABLE [' + @schemaname + '].[' + @tablename + ']') END END EXEC('ALTER INDEX ALL ON [' + @schemaname + '].[' + @tablename + '] REBUILD') FETCH NEXT FROM clear_tables INTO @tablename, @schemaname END CLOSE clear_tables ------------------------------ PRINT 'reenable check constraints' ------------------------------ OPEN clear_tables FETCH NEXT FROM clear_tables INTO @tablename, @schemaname WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN IF @tablename <> 'VersionHistory' BEGIN EXEC('ALTER TABLE [' + @schemaname + '].[' + @tablename +'] WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL') END FETCH NEXT FROM clear_tables INTO @tablename, @schemaname END CLOSE clear_tables DEALLOCATE clear_tables ------------------------------ PRINT 'Complete Truncating tables' ------------------------------ -- Rebuild the tables with dynamic columns IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.procedures WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('[Datamart].[AddDynamicTables]')) BEGIN EXEC [Datamart].AddDynamicTables END ELSE BEGIN ---- Basically a copy of sproc AddDynamicTables IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE ='BASE TABLE' AND TABLE_NAME = 'DimensionCombinationStaging' AND TABLE_SCHEMA = 'Datamart') BEGIN CREATE TABLE [Datamart].[DimensionCombinationStaging]( [Id] [bigint] NOT NULL, [OrganizationId] [int] NULL, [Description] [nvarchar](51) NULL, [SourceKey] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL, [OrganizationKey] [nvarchar](100) NULL, [FreshnessDate][datetime2] NULL default sysutcdatetime()) CREATE STATISTICS [stat_dcs_org] ON [Datamart].DimensionCombinationStaging (OrganizationKey) END IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE ='BASE TABLE' AND TABLE_NAME = 'DimensionCombinationResolving' AND TABLE_SCHEMA = 'Datamart') BEGIN CREATE TABLE [Datamart].[DimensionCombinationResolving] ( [Id] [BIGINT] NOT NULL, [Description] [NVARCHAR](51) NULL, [SourceKey] [NVARCHAR](100) NULL, [OrganizationId] [INT] NULL ) END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE ='BASE TABLE' AND TABLE_NAME='DimensionCombination' AND TABLE_SCHEMA='Datamart') BEGIN CREATE TABLE [Datamart].[DimensionCombination]( [Id] [bigint] NOT NULL, [Description] [nvarchar](51) NULL, [SourceKey] [nvarchar](100) NULL, [OrganizationId] [int] NULL ) END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE ='BASE TABLE' AND TABLE_NAME='FactAttributeValue' AND TABLE_SCHEMA='Datamart') BEGIN CREATE TABLE [Datamart].[FactAttributeValue]( [FactId] [bigint] NOT NULL ) END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE ='BASE TABLE' AND TABLE_NAME='DimensionValueAttributeValue' AND TABLE_SCHEMA='Datamart') BEGIN CREATE TABLE [Datamart].[DimensionValueAttributeValue]( [DimensionValueId] [bigint] NOT NULL ) END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE ='BASE TABLE' AND TABLE_NAME='PeriodExchangeRate' AND TABLE_SCHEMA='Datamart') BEGIN CREATE TABLE [Datamart].[PeriodExchangeRate] ( [PeriodId] INT NOT NULL, [FromUnitOfMeasureId] INT NOT NULL, [CurrencyMethod] TINYINT NOT NULL, [ExchangeRateTypeId] INT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_PeriodExchangeRates] PRIMARY KEY ([FromUnitOfMeasureId], [PeriodId], [CurrencyMethod], [ExchangeRateTypeId]) ) END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE ='BASE TABLE' AND TABLE_NAME='TranslatedPeriodBalance' AND TABLE_SCHEMA='Datamart') BEGIN CREATE TABLE [Datamart].[TranslatedPeriodBalance]( [PeriodId] [INT] NOT NULL, [DimensionsId] [BIGINT] NOT NULL, [ScenarioId] [INT] NOT NULL, [FactType] [SMALLINT] NOT NULL, [PostingLayerId] [INT] NULL ) END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE ='BASE TABLE' AND TABLE_NAME='TranslatedPeriodBalanceChanges' AND TABLE_SCHEMA='Datamart') BEGIN CREATE TABLE [Datamart].TranslatedPeriodBalanceChanges(PeriodId bigint, DimensionsId bigint, ScenarioId int, PostingLayerId int null, FactType smallint, constraint [IDX_BC1] unique Clustered (PeriodId, DimensionsId, ScenarioId, PostingLayerId, FactType DESC)) END IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'DimensionCombinationArchive' AND TABLE_SCHEMA='Datamart') BEGIN IF EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 * FROM [Datamart].[DimensionCombinationArchive]) BEGIN -- move archived combinations from the obsolete DimensionCombinationArchive table to a new table in the archive -- and set its generation to 5, so it will run in 4 hours (which is how long the archived combinations were attempted originally before moving to the archive table). DECLARE @archiveId INT = 0 INSERT INTO [Datamart].[Archive] (Generation, NextAttempt) VALUES (5, DATEADD(MINUTE, POWER(3, 5), SYSUTCDATETIME())) SET @archiveId = SCOPE_IDENTITY() DECLARE @comboArchiveTableName nvarchar(100) = 'DimensionCombinationStaging' + CAST(@archiveId as nvarchar(10)) EXEC sp_rename 'Datamart.DimensionCombinationArchive', @comboArchiveTableName DECLARE @factArchiveTableName nvarchar(100) = 'FactStaging' + CAST(@archiveId as nvarchar(10)) EXEC ('select top 0 * into Datamart.' + @factArchiveTableName + ' from Datamart.FactStaging') END ELSE BEGIN DROP TABLE [Datamart].[DimensionCombinationArchive] END END IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE' AND TABLE_NAME = 'DimensionCombinationUnreferenced' and TABLE_SCHEMA ='Datamart') BEGIN CREATE TABLE [Datamart].[DimensionCombinationUnreferenced] ( [Id] [bigint] NOT NULL, [Description] [nvarchar](51) NULL, [SourceKey] [nvarchar](100) NULL, [OrganizationId] [int] NULL ) DECLARE @columnIndex int DECLARE @idColumn nvarchar(128) DECLARE columnCursor CURSOR LOCAL FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT DISTINCT ColumnIndex FROM [Datamart].DimensionDefinition ORDER BY ColumnIndex OPEN columnCursor FETCH NEXT FROM columnCursor INTO @columnIndex WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1) BEGIN SET @idColumn = 'Dimension' + CAST(@columnIndex as nvarchar(3)) + 'Id' EXEC [Datamart].AddColumn @schemaName = 'Datamart', @tableName = 'DimensionCombinationUnreferenced', @columnName = @idColumn, @columnType = 'bigint NULL' FETCH NEXT FROM columnCursor INTO @columnIndex END CLOSE columnCursor DEALLOCATE columnCursor DECLARE @dcColumnList nvarchar(max) = '' DECLARE @rowsCopied bigint DECLARE @columnName nvarchar(100) DECLARE columnNameCursor cursor local fast_forward for select distinct Name from sys.columns c where c.object_id = OBJECT_ID('DimensionCombination') OPEN columnNameCursor FETCH NEXT FROM columnNameCursor INTO @columnName WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1) BEGIN IF @dcColumnList <> '' SET @dcColumnList = @dcColumnList + ', ' SET @dcColumnList = @dcColumnList + @columnName FETCH NEXT FROM columnNameCursor INTO @columnName END CLOSE columnNameCursor DEALLOCATE columnNameCursor if @dcColumnList <> '' BEGIN exec (' insert into [Datamart].DimensionCombinationUnreferenced (' + @dcColumnList + ') select ' + @dcColumnList + ' from [Datamart].DimensionCombination dc where dc.Id not in (Select distinct DimensionsId from [Datamart].Fact)') SET @rowsCopied = @@ROWCOUNT IF @rowsCopied > 0 BEGIN DECLARE @comboCount bigint EXEC [Datamart].GetRowCount 'DimensionCombination', @comboCount IF (@rowsCopied * 2) > @comboCount BEGIN -- most of the combinations in the combination table were unreferenced, so it would be faster to move the referenced out, truncate the table, then move back SELECT * INTO #referencedCombos from [Datamart].DimensionCombination dc WHERE dc.Id NOT IN (SELECT Id from [Datamart].DimensionCombinationUnreferenced) TRUNCATE TABLE [Datamart].[DimensionCombination] INSERT INTO [Datamart].[DimensionCombination] SELECT * FROM #referencedCombos DROP TABLE #referencedCombos END ELSE BEGIN -- we didn't find many unreferenced combinations, so delete them DELETE FROM [Datamart].[DimensionCombination] WHERE Id in (SELECT Id FROM [Datamart].[DimensionCombinationUnreferenced]) END END END END END -- Rebuild dropped indexes that are dynamic EXEC [Datamart].ConfigureIndexesAndConstraints EXEC sys.sp_releaseapplock @Resource='ServicingLock', @LockOwner='Session' END TRY BEGIN CATCH EXEC sys.sp_releaseapplock @Resource='ServicingLock', @LockOwner='Session' ;THROW; END CATCH
(Optional) On the database used for Financial reporting, execute the following script, which was last updated February 25, 2020: ResetUsersAndCompanies.txt
Do not run this script unless you need to delete all users and companies. This script will remove user references from previously generated reports, and remove users from their assigned security groups. This step isn't required in most cases.
-- Attempt to delete integrated users
DECLARE @userId nvarchar(max)
select UserID from Reporting.SecurityUser where UserID <> '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002'
OPEN removeUserCursor
FETCH NEXT FROM removeUserCursor INTO @userId
exec Reporting.SecurityUserDeleteRelatedEntities @userId
delete from Reporting.SecurityGroupUser where UserID = @userId
delete from Reporting.SecurityUser where UserID = @userId
-- Just skip if we cannot delete a user, integration should take care of it
FETCH NEXT FROM removeUserCursor INTO @userId
CLOSE removeUserCursor
DEALLOCATE removeUserCursor
-- Attempt to delete integrated companies
DECLARE @companyId nvarchar(max)
select cc.ID from Reporting.ControlCompany cc join Reporting.ControlCompanyIntegration cci on cc.ID = cci.ID
OPEN removeCompanyCursor
FETCH NEXT FROM removeCompanyCursor INTO @companyId
delete from Reporting.ControlCompany where ID = @companyId
-- Just skip if we cannot delete a company
FETCH NEXT FROM removeCompanyCursor INTO @companyId
CLOSE removeCompanyCursor
DEALLOCATE removeCompanyCursor
- On the database for Dynamics 365 Finance, which is referred to as AXDB, use the following script to clear the financial reporting related tables. The script was last updated February 25, 2019: Reset Datamart AXDB.txt
- On the database used for Financial reporting, re-enable the integration and end servicing mode with the following script, that was last updated February 25, 2019: Reset Datamart END.txt
DECLARE @triggerIds table(id uniqueidentifier, taskTypeId uniqueidentifier)
INSERT INTO @triggerIds SELECT tr.[Id], tt.[Id]
FROM [Scheduling].[Task] t with(nolock)
JOIN [Scheduling].[Trigger] tr ON t.[TriggerId] = tr.[Id]
JOIN [Scheduling].[TaskState] ts ON ts.[TaskId] = t.[Id]
LEFT JOIN [Scheduling].[TaskCategory] tc ON tc.[Id] = t.[CategoryId]
JOIN [Scheduling].[TaskType] tt ON t.[TypeId] = tt.[Id]
WHERE tt.[Id] IN ('D81C1197-D486-4FB7-AF8C-078C110893A0', '55D3F71A-2618-4EAE-9AA6-D48767B974D8') -- 'Maintenance Task', 'Map Task'
PRINT 'Reset the map tokens'
UPDATE [Connector].[Map] SET InitalLoad = 0, ReaderToken=NULL, LastQuerySuccess='1900-01-01' WHERE MapId IN (SELECT t.[Id]
FROM [Scheduling].[Task] t with(nolock)
JOIN [Scheduling].[Trigger] tr ON t.[TriggerId] = tr.[Id]
JOIN [Scheduling].[TaskState] ts ON ts.[TaskId] = t.[Id]
LEFT JOIN [Scheduling].[TaskCategory] tc ON tc.[Id] = t.[CategoryId]
JOIN [Scheduling].[TaskType] tt ON t.[TypeId] = tt.[Id]
WHERE tt.[Id] = '55D3F71A-2618-4EAE-9AA6-D48767B974D8')
PRINT 'Reset the tasks'
UPDATE [Scheduling].[TaskState] SET StateType = 0, Progress = 0.0, LastRunTime = NULL, NextRunTime = NULL WHERE TaskId IN (SELECT ts.[TaskId]
FROM [Scheduling].[Task] t with(nolock)
JOIN [Scheduling].[Trigger] tr ON t.[TriggerId] = tr.[Id]
JOIN [Scheduling].[TaskState] ts ON ts.[TaskId] = t.[Id]
LEFT JOIN [Scheduling].[TaskCategory] tc ON tc.[Id] = t.[CategoryId]
JOIN [Scheduling].[TaskType] tt ON t.[TypeId] = tt.[Id]
WHERE tt.[Id] IN ('D81C1197-D486-4FB7-AF8C-078C110893A0', '55D3F71A-2618-4EAE-9AA6-D48767B974D8'))
PRINT 'Enable integration tasks, RunImmediately'
UPDATE [Scheduling].[Trigger] SET IsEnabled = 1, RunImmediately = 1, StartBoundary = '1900-01-01'
WHERE Id in (SELECT [id] from @triggerIds WHERE taskTypeId = '55D3F71A-2618-4EAE-9AA6-D48767B974D8')
PRINT 'Enable the Maintenance Task'
UPDATE [Scheduling].[Trigger] SET IsEnabled = 1, RunImmediately = 0, StartBoundary = GETDATE() WHERE Id in
(SELECT [id] from @triggerIds WHERE taskTypeId = 'D81C1197-D486-4FB7-AF8C-078C110893A0')
UPDATE [Servicing].[ServicingLock] SET [Value] = 0 WHERE [Value] = 1
UPDATE Scheduling.SchedulerRegister SET ServicingMode = 0
After the reset, you can manually verify the data reload by running the following query against the Financial reporting database.
select ReaderObjectName, WriterObjectName, LastRunTime, StateType from Connector.MapsWithDetail with (nolock)
Confirm that all rows have a LastRunTime value, and that StateType is set to 5. A StateType value of 5 indicates that the data was successfully reloaded. A value of 7 indicates a faulted state. Sometimes, the Organization Hierarchy map has this state the first time that it runs. However, the default state but should be automatically resolved.
Export and import report definitions
Although a reset of the data mart doesn't affect any report definitions, some data movement activities can cause report definitions to be lost. Be careful when you perform a data movement activity such as overwriting a user acceptance testing (UAT) test environment with a copy of the production environment if new reports were being created in the UAT environment. Exporting report definitions can provide a backup if it becomes necessary to restore your definitions.
Export report definitions
First, follow these steps to export the report designs from Report designer.
In Report designer, select Company > Building Block Groups.
Select the building block group to export, and then select Export.
For finance and operations, only one building block group is supported: Default.
Select the report definitions to export:
- To export all your report definitions and the associated building blocks, select Select All.
- To export specific reports, rows, columns, trees, or dimension sets, select the appropriate tab, and then select the items to export. To select multiple items on a tab, press and hold the Ctrl key while you make your selections. When you select reports to export, the associated rows, columns, trees, and dimension sets are also selected.
Select Export.
Enter a file name, and select a secure location to save the exported report definitions in.
Select Save.
You can copy or upload the file to a secure location.
Be aware of the behavior of drive D on Microsoft Azure virtual machines (VMs). Don't permanently store your exported building block groups on drive D. For more information about temporary drives, see Understanding the temporary drive on Windows Azure Virtual Machines.
Import report definitions
Next, import your report designs from Report designer by using the file that was created during export.
In Report designer, select Company > Building Block Groups.
Select the Default building block, and then select Import.
Select the file that contains the exported report definitions, and then select Open.
In the Import dialog box, select the report definitions to import:
- To import all the report definitions and the associated building blocks, select Select All.
- To import specific reports, rows, columns, trees, or dimension sets, select them.
Select Import.