TimeZoneRule entity reference
- Artikkel
Definition for time conversion between local time and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for a particular time zone at a particular time period.
Property |
Value |
CollectionSchemaName |
TimeZoneRules |
DisplayCollectionName |
Time Zone Rules |
DisplayName |
Time Zone Rule |
EntitySetName |
timezonerules |
IsBPFEntity |
False |
LogicalCollectionName |
timezonerules |
LogicalName |
timezonerule |
OwnershipType |
None |
PrimaryIdAttribute |
timezoneruleid |
PrimaryNameAttribute |
timezoneruleversionnumber |
SchemaName |
TimeZoneRule |
Writable attributes
These attributes return true for either IsValidForCreate or IsValidForUpdate (usually both). Listed by SchemaName.
Property |
Value |
Description |
Base time bias of the time zone rule. |
DisplayName |
Bias |
Format |
None |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
bias |
MaxValue |
2147483647 |
MinValue |
-2147483648 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Integer |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Time bias in addition to the base bias for daylight savings time. |
DisplayName |
Daylight Bias |
Format |
None |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
daylightbias |
MaxValue |
2147483647 |
MinValue |
-2147483648 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Integer |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Day of the month when daylight savings time starts. |
DisplayName |
Daylight Day |
Format |
None |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
daylightday |
MaxValue |
31 |
MinValue |
0 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Integer |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Day of the week when daylight savings time starts. |
DisplayName |
Daylight Day Of Week |
Format |
None |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
daylightdayofweek |
MaxValue |
6 |
MinValue |
0 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Integer |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Hour of the day when daylight savings time starts |
DisplayName |
Daylight Hour |
Format |
None |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
daylighthour |
MaxValue |
23 |
MinValue |
0 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Integer |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Minute of the hour when daylight savings time starts. |
DisplayName |
Daylight Minute |
Format |
None |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
daylightminute |
MaxValue |
59 |
MinValue |
0 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Integer |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Month when daylight savings time starts. |
DisplayName |
Daylight Month |
Format |
None |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
daylightmonth |
MaxValue |
12 |
MinValue |
0 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Integer |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Second of the minute when daylight savings time starts |
DisplayName |
Daylight Second |
Format |
None |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
daylightsecond |
MaxValue |
59 |
MinValue |
0 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Integer |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Year when daylight savings times starts. |
DisplayName |
Daylight Year |
Format |
None |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
daylightyear |
MaxValue |
32768 |
MinValue |
0 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Integer |
Property |
Value |
DateTimeBehavior |
UserLocal |
Description |
Time that this rule takes effect, in local time. |
DisplayName |
Effective Date Time |
Format |
DateOnly |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
effectivedatetime |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
DateTime |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Time bias in addition to the base bias for standard time. |
DisplayName |
Standard Bias |
Format |
None |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
standardbias |
MaxValue |
2147483647 |
MinValue |
-2147483648 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Integer |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Day of the month when standard time starts. |
DisplayName |
Standard Day |
Format |
None |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
standardday |
MaxValue |
31 |
MinValue |
0 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Integer |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Day of the week when standard time starts. |
DisplayName |
Standard Day Of Week |
Format |
None |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
standarddayofweek |
MaxValue |
6 |
MinValue |
0 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Integer |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Hour of the day when standard time starts. |
DisplayName |
Standard Hour |
Format |
None |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
standardhour |
MaxValue |
23 |
MinValue |
0 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Integer |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Minute of the hour when standard time starts. |
DisplayName |
Standard Minute |
Format |
None |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
standardminute |
MaxValue |
59 |
MinValue |
0 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Integer |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Month when standard time starts. |
DisplayName |
Standard Month |
Format |
None |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
standardmonth |
MaxValue |
12 |
MinValue |
0 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Integer |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Second of the Minute when standard time starts. |
DisplayName |
Standard Second |
Format |
None |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
standardsecond |
MaxValue |
59 |
MinValue |
0 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Integer |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Year when standard time starts. |
DisplayName |
Standard Year |
Format |
None |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
standardyear |
MaxValue |
32768 |
MinValue |
0 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Integer |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Unique identifier of the time zone definition. |
DisplayName |
Time Zone Definition |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
timezonedefinitionid |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Targets |
timezonedefinition |
Type |
Lookup |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Unique identifier of the time zone rule. |
DisplayName |
Time Zone Rule |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
IsValidForUpdate |
False |
LogicalName |
timezoneruleid |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Uniqueidentifier |
Property |
Value |
Description |
For internal use only |
DisplayName |
Time Zone Rule Version Number |
Format |
None |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
timezoneruleversionnumber |
MaxValue |
2147483647 |
MinValue |
-1 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Integer |
Read-only attributes
These attributes return false for both IsValidForCreate or IsValidForUpdate. Listed by SchemaName.
Property |
Value |
Description |
Unique identifier of the user who created the time zone rule. |
DisplayName |
Created By |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
createdby |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Targets |
systemuser |
Type |
Lookup |
Property |
Value |
DateTimeBehavior |
UserLocal |
Description |
Date and time when the time zone rule was created. |
DisplayName |
Created On |
Format |
DateAndTime |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
createdon |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
DateTime |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the timezonerule. |
DisplayName |
Created By (Delegate) |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
createdonbehalfby |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Targets |
systemuser |
Type |
Lookup |
Property |
Value |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
createdonbehalfbyname |
MaxLength |
100 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
Property |
Value |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
createdonbehalfbyyominame |
MaxLength |
100 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Unique identifier of the user who last modified the time zone rule. |
DisplayName |
Modified By |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
modifiedby |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Targets |
systemuser |
Type |
Lookup |
Property |
Value |
DateTimeBehavior |
UserLocal |
Description |
Date and time when the time zone rule was modified. |
DisplayName |
Modified On |
Format |
DateAndTime |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
modifiedon |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
DateTime |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the timezonerule. |
DisplayName |
Modified By (Delegate) |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
modifiedonbehalfby |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Targets |
systemuser |
Type |
Lookup |
Property |
Value |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
modifiedonbehalfbyname |
MaxLength |
100 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
Property |
Value |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
modifiedonbehalfbyyominame |
MaxLength |
100 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Unique identifier of the organization associated with the time zone rule. |
DisplayName |
Organization |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
organizationid |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Targets |
organization |
Type |
Lookup |
Property |
Value |
Description |
DisplayName |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
versionnumber |
MaxValue |
9223372036854775807 |
MinValue |
-9223372036854775808 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
BigInt |
Many-To-One Relationships
Each Many-To-One relationship is defined by a corresponding One-To-Many relationship with the related entity. Listed by SchemaName.
See the lk_timezonerule_createdby one-to-many relationship for the systemuser entity.
See the lk_timezonerule_modifiedonbehalfby one-to-many relationship for the systemuser entity.
See the lk_timezonerule_modifiedby one-to-many relationship for the systemuser entity.
See the lk_timezonerule_timezonedefinitionid one-to-many relationship for the timezonedefinition entity.
See the lk_timezonerule_createdonbehalfby one-to-many relationship for the systemuser entity.
See also
About the Entity Reference
Web API EntityType Reference