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Interop with Other Asynchronous Patterns and Types

A brief history of asynchronous patterns in .NET:

Tasks and the Asynchronous Programming Model (APM)

From APM to TAP

Because the Asynchronous Programming Model (APM) pattern is structured, it is quite easy to build a wrapper to expose an APM implementation as a TAP implementation. .NET Framework 4 and later versions include helper routines in the form of FromAsync method overloads to provide this translation.

Consider the Stream class and its BeginRead and EndRead methods, which represent the APM counterpart to the synchronous Read method:

public int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
Public Function Read(buffer As Byte(), offset As Integer,
                     count As Integer) As Integer
public IAsyncResult BeginRead(byte[] buffer, int offset,
                              int count, AsyncCallback callback,
                              object state)
Public Function BeginRead(buffer As Byte, offset As Integer,
                          count As Integer, callback As AsyncCallback,
                          state As Object) As IAsyncResult
public int EndRead(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
Public Function EndRead(asyncResult As IAsyncResult) As Integer

You can use the TaskFactory<TResult>.FromAsync method to implement a TAP wrapper for this operation as follows:

public static Task<int> ReadAsync(this Stream stream,
                                  byte[] buffer, int offset,
                                  int count)
    if (stream == null)
       throw new ArgumentNullException("stream");

    return Task<int>.Factory.FromAsync(stream.BeginRead,
                                       stream.EndRead, buffer,
                                       offset, count, null);
Public Function ReadAsync(strm As Stream,
                          buffer As Byte(), offset As Integer,
                          count As Integer) As Task(Of Integer)
    If strm Is Nothing Then
        Throw New ArgumentNullException("stream")
    End If

    Return Task(Of Integer).Factory.FromAsync(AddressOf strm.BeginRead,
                                              AddressOf strm.EndRead, buffer,
                                              offset, count, Nothing)
End Function

This implementation is similar to the following:

 public static Task<int> ReadAsync(this Stream stream,
                                   byte [] buffer, int offset,
                                   int count)
    if (stream == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("stream");

    var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<int>();
    stream.BeginRead(buffer, offset, count, iar =>
                        try {
                        catch(OperationCanceledException) {
                        catch(Exception exc) {
                     }, null);
    return tcs.Task;

Public Function ReadAsync(stream As Stream, buffer As Byte(), _
                          offset As Integer, count As Integer) _
                          As Task(Of Integer)
    If stream Is Nothing Then
        Throw New ArgumentNullException("stream")
    End If

    Dim tcs As New TaskCompletionSource(Of Integer)()
    stream.BeginRead(buffer, offset, count,
                         Catch e As OperationCanceledException
                         Catch e As Exception
                         End Try
                     End Sub, Nothing)
    Return tcs.Task
End Function

From TAP to APM

If your existing infrastructure expects the APM pattern, you'll also want to take a TAP implementation and use it where an APM implementation is expected. Because tasks can be composed and the Task class implements IAsyncResult, you can use a straightforward helper function to do this. The following code uses an extension of the Task<TResult> class, but you can use an almost identical function for non-generic tasks.

public static IAsyncResult AsApm<T>(this Task<T> task,
                                    AsyncCallback callback,
                                    object state)
    if (task == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("task");

    var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<T>(state);
    task.ContinueWith(t =>
                         if (t.IsFaulted)
                         else if (t.IsCanceled)

                         if (callback != null)
                      }, TaskScheduler.Default);
    return tcs.Task;
Public Function AsApm(Of T)(task As Task(Of T),
                            callback As AsyncCallback,
                            state As Object) As IAsyncResult
    If task Is Nothing Then
        Throw New ArgumentNullException("task")
    End If

    Dim tcs As New TaskCompletionSource(Of T)(state)
                          If antecedent.IsFaulted Then
                          ElseIf antecedent.IsCanceled Then
                          End If

                          If callback IsNot Nothing Then
                          End If
                      End Sub, TaskScheduler.Default)
    Return tcs.Task
End Function

Now, consider a case where you have the following TAP implementation:

public static Task<String> DownloadStringAsync(Uri url)
Public Shared Function DownloadStringAsync(url As Uri) As Task(Of String)

and you want to provide this APM implementation:

public IAsyncResult BeginDownloadString(Uri url,
                                        AsyncCallback callback,
                                        object state)
Public Function BeginDownloadString(url As Uri,
                                    callback As AsyncCallback,
                                    state As Object) As IAsyncResult
public string EndDownloadString(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
Public Function EndDownloadString(asyncResult As IAsyncResult) As String

The following example demonstrates one migration to APM:

public IAsyncResult BeginDownloadString(Uri url,
                                        AsyncCallback callback,
                                        object state)
   return DownloadStringAsync(url).AsApm(callback, state);

public string EndDownloadString(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
   return ((Task<string>)asyncResult).Result;
Public Function BeginDownloadString(url As Uri,
                                    callback As AsyncCallback,
                                    state As Object) As IAsyncResult
    Return DownloadStringAsync(url).AsApm(callback, state)
End Function

Public Function EndDownloadString(asyncResult As IAsyncResult) As String
    Return CType(asyncResult, Task(Of String)).Result
End Function

Tasks and the Event-based Asynchronous Pattern (EAP)

Wrapping an Event-based Asynchronous Pattern (EAP) implementation is more involved than wrapping an APM pattern, because the EAP pattern has more variation and less structure than the APM pattern. To demonstrate, the following code wraps the DownloadStringAsync method. DownloadStringAsync accepts a URI, raises the DownloadProgressChanged event while downloading in order to report multiple statistics on progress, and raises the DownloadStringCompleted event when it's done. The final result is a string that contains the contents of the page at the specified URI.

 public static Task<string> DownloadStringAsync(Uri url)
     var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<string>();
     var wc = new WebClient();
     wc.DownloadStringCompleted += (s,e) =>
             if (e.Error != null)
             else if (e.Cancelled)
     return tcs.Task;
Public Shared Function DownloadStringAsync(url As Uri) As Task(Of String)
    Dim tcs As New TaskCompletionSource(Of String)()
    Dim wc As New WebClient()
    AddHandler wc.DownloadStringCompleted, Sub(s, e)
                                               If e.Error IsNot Nothing Then
                                               ElseIf e.Cancelled Then
                                               End If
                                           End Sub
    Return tcs.Task
End Function

Tasks and Wait Handles

From Wait Handles to TAP

Although wait handles don't implement an asynchronous pattern, advanced developers may use the WaitHandle class and the ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject method for asynchronous notifications when a wait handle is set. You can wrap the RegisterWaitForSingleObject method to enable a task-based alternative to any synchronous wait on a wait handle:

public static Task WaitOneAsync(this WaitHandle waitHandle)
    if (waitHandle == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("waitHandle");

    var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
    var rwh = ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject(waitHandle,
        delegate { tcs.TrySetResult(true); }, null, -1, true);
    var t = tcs.Task;
    t.ContinueWith( (antecedent) => rwh.Unregister(null));
    return t;
Public Function WaitOneAsync(waitHandle As WaitHandle) As Task
    If waitHandle Is Nothing Then
        Throw New ArgumentNullException("waitHandle")
    End If

    Dim tcs As New TaskCompletionSource(Of Boolean)()
    Dim rwh As RegisteredWaitHandle = ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject(waitHandle,
        Sub(state, timedOut)
        End Sub, Nothing, -1, True)
    Dim t = tcs.Task
                   End Sub)
    Return t
End Function

With this method, you can use existing WaitHandle implementations in asynchronous methods. For example, if you want to throttle the number of asynchronous operations that are executing at any particular time, you can utilize a semaphore (a System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim object). You can throttle to N the number of operations that run concurrently by initializing the semaphore's count to N, waiting on the semaphore any time you want to perform an operation, and releasing the semaphore when you're done with an operation:

static int N = 3;

static SemaphoreSlim m_throttle = new SemaphoreSlim(N, N);

static async Task DoOperation()
    await m_throttle.WaitAsync();
    // do work
Shared N As Integer = 3

Shared m_throttle As New SemaphoreSlim(N, N)

Shared Async Function DoOperation() As Task
    Await m_throttle.WaitAsync()
    ' Do work.
End Function

You can also build an asynchronous semaphore that does not rely on wait handles and instead works completely with tasks. To do this, you can use techniques such as those discussed in Consuming the Task-based Asynchronous Pattern for building data structures on top of Task.

From TAP to Wait Handles

As previously mentioned, the Task class implements IAsyncResult, and that implementation exposes an IAsyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle property that returns a wait handle that will be set when the Task completes. You can get a WaitHandle for a Task as follows:

WaitHandle wh = ((IAsyncResult)task).AsyncWaitHandle;
Dim wh As WaitHandle = CType(task, IAsyncResult).AsyncWaitHandle

See also