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Security exceptions

This topic lists all security exceptions.

Exception list

Resource Code Resource String
AnonymousLogonsAreNotAllowed The service does not allow you to log on anonymously.
AtLeastOneContractOperationRequestRequiresProtectionLevelNotSupportedByBinding The request message must be protected. This is required by an operation of the specified contract. The protection must be provided by the specified binding.
AtLeastOneContractOperationResponseRequiresProtectionLevelNotSupportedByBinding The response message must be protected. This is required by an operation of the specified contract. The protection must be provided by the specified binding.
AtMostOnePrimarySignatureInReceiveSecurityHeader Only one primary signature is allowed in a security header.
BadContextTokenFaultReason The security context token expired or is not valid. The message was not processed.
BadEncryptionState The EncryptedData or EncryptedKey is in an invalid state for this operation.
BasicHttpMessageSecurityRequiresCertificate BasicHttp binding requires that BasicHttpBinding.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType be equivalent to the BasicHttpMessageCredentialType.Certificate credential type for secure messages. Select Transport or TransportWithMessageCredential security for UserName credentials.
BasicTokenCannotBeWrittenWithoutEncryption The basic token cannot be written without encryption.
BindingDoesNotSupportProtectionForRst The specified binding for the specified contract is configured with SecureConversation, but the authentication mode is not able to provide the request/reply-based integrity and confidentiality required for the negotiation.
BindingDoesNotSupportWindowsIdenityForImpersonation The specified contract operation requires Windows identity for automatic impersonation. A Windows identity that represents the caller is not provided by the specified binding for the specified contract.
CachedNegotiationStateQuotaReached The service cannot cache the negotiation state as the specified capacity has been reached. Retry the request.
CacheQuotaReached The item cannot be added. The maximum cache size is specified.
CannotDetermineSPNBasedOnAddress Client cannot determine the Service Principal Name based on the identity in the specified target address for the purpose of SspiNegotiation/Kerberos. The target address identity must be a UPN identity (like acmedomain\\alice) or SPN identity (like host/bobs-machine).
CannotFindCert Cannot find the X.509 certificate using the specified search criteria: StoreName, StoreLocation, FindType, FindValue.
CannotFindCertForTarget Cannot find The X.509 certificate using the specified search criteria: StoreName, StoreLocation, FindType, FindValue for the specified target.
CannotFindCorrelationStateForApplyingSecurity Cannot find the correlation state for applying security to reply at the responder.
CannotFindNegotiationState Cannot find the negotiation state for the specified context.
CannotFindSecuritySession Cannot find the security session with the specified ID.
CannotImportProtectionLevelForContract The policy to import a process cannot import a binding for the specified contract. The protection requirements for the binding are not compatible with a binding already imported for the contract. You must reconfigure the binding.
CannotImportSupportingTokensForOperationWithoutRequestAction Security policy import failed. The security policy contains supporting token requirements at the operation scope. The contract description does not specify the action for the request message associated with this operation.
CannotIssueRstTokenType Cannot issue the token or specified type.
CannotObtainIssuedTokenKeySize Cannot determine the key size of the issued token.
CannotPerformImpersonationOnUsernameToken Impersonation using the client token is not possible. The specified binding for the specified contract uses the Username Security Token for client authentication with a Membership Provider registered. Use a different type of security token for the client.
CannotPerformS4UImpersonationOnPlatform The specified binding for the specified contract supports impersonation only on Windows Server 2003 and newer version of Windows. Use SspiNegotiated authentication and a binding with Secure Conversation with cancellation enabled.
CannotReadKeyIdentifier Cannot read the KeyIdentifier from the specified element with the specified namespace.
CannotReadToken Cannot read the token from the specified element with the specified namespace for BinarySecretSecurityToken, with a specified ValueType. If this element is expected to be valid, ensure that security is configured to consume tokens with the name, namespace and value type specified.
CertificateUnsupportedForHttpTransportCredentialOnly Certificate-based client authentication is not supported in TransportCredentialOnly security mode. Select the Transport security mode.
ClaimTypeCannotBeEmpty The claimType cannot be an empty string.
ClientCertificateNotProvided The certificate for the client has not been provided. The certificate can be set on the ClientCredentials or ServiceCredentials.
ClientCredentialTypeMustBeSpecifiedForMixedMode ClientCredentialType.None is not valid for the TransportWithMessageCredential security mode. Specify a credential type or use a different security mode.
ConfigurationSchemaInsuffientForSecurityBindingElementInstance The configuration schema is insufficient to describe the non-standard configuration of the following security binding element:
DerivedKeyTokenGenerationAndLengthTooHigh The derived key's specified generation and length result in a key derivation offset that is greater than the maximum offset allowed.
DnsIdentityCheckFailedForIncomingMessage The identity check failed for the incoming message. The expected domain name system (DNS) identity of the remote endpoint was specified. The remote endpoint provided the specified domain name system (DNS) claim. If this is a legitimate remote endpoint, you can fix the problem by specifying domain name system identity as the identity property of EndpointAddress when creating channel proxy.
DnsIdentityCheckFailedForOutgoingMessage The identity check failed for the message that was going out. The remote endpoint should have had the specified domain name system identity. The remote endpoint provided the domain name system (DNS) claim. If this is a legitimate remote endpoint, you can fix the problem by explicitly specifying DNS identity as the Identity property of EndpointAddress when creating channel proxy.
DuplicateIdInMessageToBeVerified The specified ID occurred twice in the message that is supplied for verification.
EmptyBase64Attribute An empty value was found for the required base-64 attribute name and namespace.
ExportOfBindingWithAsymmetricAndTransportSecurityNotSupported Security policy export failed. The binding contains both an AsymmetricSecurityBindingElement and a secure transport binding element. Policy export for such a binding is not supported.
ExportOfBindingWithSymmetricAndTransportSecurityNotSupported Security policy export failed. The binding contains both a SymmetricSecurityBindingElement and a secure transport binding element. Policy export for such a binding is not supported.
ExportOfBindingWithTransportSecurityBindingElementAndNoTransportSecurityNotSupported Security policy export failed. The binding contains a TransportSecurityBindingElement but no transport binding element that implements ITransportTokenAssertionProvider. Policy export for such a binding is not supported. Make sure the transport binding element in the binding implements the ITransportTokenAssertionProvider interface.
FoundMultipleCerts Found multiple X.509 certificates using the specified search criteria: StoreName, StoreLocation, FindType, FindValue. Provide a more specific find value.
FoundMultipleCertsForTarget Found multiple X.509 certificates using the specified search criteria: StoreName, StoreLocation, FindType, FindValue for the specified target. Provide a more specific find value.
HeaderDecryptionNotSupportedInWsSecurityJan2004 SecurityVersion.WSSecurityJan2004 does not support header decryption. Use SecurityVersion.WsSecurityXXX2005 and above or use transport security to encrypt the full message.
IdentityCheckFailedForIncomingMessage The identity check failed for the incoming message. The expected identity is specified for the target endpoint.
IdentityCheckFailedForOutgoingMessage The identity check failed for the outgoing message. The expected identity is specified for the target endpoint.
IncorrectSpnOrUpnSpecified Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) authentication failed. The server may not be running in an account with the specified identity. If the server is running in a service account (Network Service for example), specify the account's ServicePrincipalName as the identity in the EndpointAddress for the server. If the server is running in a user account, specify the account's UserPrincipalName as the identity in the EndpointAddress for the server.
InvalidAttributeInSignedHeader The specified signed header contains the specified attribute. The expected attribute is specified.
InvalidCloseResponseAction A security session close response was received with the specified invalid action.
InvalidQName The QName is invalid.
InvalidRenewResponseAction A security session renew response was received with the specified invalid action.
InvalidSspiNegotiation The Security Support Provider Interface negotiation failed.
IssuerBindingNotPresentInTokenRequirement The security token manager requires the bootstrap security binding element to be specified in the token requirement that describes secure conversation. The token requirement is specified as follows.
KeyLengthMustBeMultipleOfEight The specified key length is not a multiple of 8 for symmetric keys.
LsaAuthorityNotContacted Internal SSL error (refer to Win32 status code for details). Check the server certificate to determine if it is capable of key exchange.
MaximumPolicyRedirectionsExceeded The recursive policy fetching limit has been reached. Check to determine if there is a loop in the federation service chain.
MessagePartSpecificationMustBeImmutable Message part specification must be made constant before being set.
MissingCustomCertificateValidator X509CertificateValidationMode.Custom requires CustomCertificateValidator. Specify the CustomCertificateValidator property.
MissingCustomUserNamePasswordValidator UserNamePasswordValidationMode.Custom requires CustomUserNamePasswordValidator. Specify the CustomUserNamePasswordValidator property.
MissingMembershipProvider UserNamePasswordValidationMode.MembershipProvider requires MembershipProvider. Specify the MembershipProvider property.
NoBinaryNegoToSend No binary negotiation was sent to the other party.
NoEncryptionPartsSpecified No encryption message parts were specified for messages with the specified action.
NoKeyInfoInEncryptedItemToFindDecryptingToken The KeyInfo value was not found in the encrypted item to find the decrypting token.
NonceLengthTooShort The specified nonce is too short. The minimum required nonce length is 4 bytes.
NoOutgoingEndpointAddressAvailableForDoingIdentityCheck No outgoing EndpointAddress is available to check the identity on a message to be sent.
NoOutgoingEndpointAddressAvailableForDoingIdentityCheckOnReply No outgoing EndpointAddress is available to check the identity on a received reply.
NoPartsOfMessageMatchedPartsToSign No signature was created because no part of the message matched the supplied message part specification.
NoPrincipalSpecifiedInAuthorizationContext No custom principal is specified in the authorization context.
NoSignatureAvailableInSecurityHeaderToDoReplayDetection No signature is available in the security header to provide the nonce for replay detection.
NoSignaturePartsSpecified No signature message parts were specified for messages with the specified action.
NoSigningTokenAvailableToDoIncomingIdentityCheck No signing token is available to do an incoming identity check.
NoTimestampAvailableInSecurityHeaderToDoReplayDetection No timestamp is available in the security header to do replay detection.
NoTransportTokenAssertionProvided The security policy expert failed. The provided transport token assertion of the specified type did not create a transport token assertion to include the sp:TransportBinding security policy assertion.
OnlyOneOfEncryptedKeyOrSymmetricBindingCanBeSelected The symmetric security protocol can either be configured with a symmetric token provider and a symmetric token authenticator or an asymmetric token provider. It cannot be configured with both.
OperationCannotBeDoneOnReceiverSideSecurityHeaders This operation cannot be done on the receiver security headers.
OperationDoesNotAllowImpersonation The specified service operation that belongs to the contract with the specified name and the namespace does not allow impersonation.
PolicyRequiresConfidentialityWithoutIntegrity Message security policy for the specified action requires confidentiality without integrity. Confidentiality without integrity is not supported.
PrimarySignatureIsRequiredToBeEncrypted The primary signature must be encrypted.
PropertySettingErrorOnProtocolFactory The required property on the specified security protocol factory is not set or has an invalid value.
ProtocolFactoryCouldNotCreateProtocol The protocol factory cannot create a protocol.
PublicKeyNotRSA The public key is not an RSA key.
RequiredMessagePartNotEncrypted The specified required message part was not encrypted.
RequiredMessagePartNotEncryptedNs The specified required message part was not encrypted.
RequiredMessagePartNotSigned The specified required message part was not signed.
RequiredMessagePartNotSignedNs The specified required message part was not signed.
RequiredSecurityHeaderElementNotSigned The specified security header element with the specified ID must be signed.
RequiredSecurityTokenNotEncrypted The specified ' security token with the specified attachment mode must be encrypted.
RequiredSecurityTokenNotSigned The specified security token with the specified attachment mode must be signed.
RequiredSignatureMissing The signature must be in the security header.
RequireNonCookieMode The specified binding with the specified namespace is configured to issue cookie security context tokens. COM+ Integration services does not support cookie security context tokens.
RevertingPrivilegeFailed The reverting operation failed with the specified exception.
RSTRAuthenticatorIncorrect The RequestSecurityTokenResponse CombinedHash is incorrect.
SecureConversationCancelNotAllowedFaultReason A secure conversation cancellation is not allowed by the binding.
SecureConversationDriverVersionDoesNotSupportSession The configured SecureConversation version does not support sessions. Use WSSecureConversationFeb2005 or above.
SecureConversationRequiredByReliableSession Cannot establish a reliable session without secure conversation. Enable secure conversation.
SecurityAuditFailToLoadDll The specified dynamic link library (dll) failed to load.
SecurityAuditNotSupportedOnChannelFactory SecurityAuditBehavior is not supported on the channel factory.
SecurityAuditPlatformNotSupported Writing audit messages to the Security log is not supported by the current platform. You must write audit messages to the Application log.
SecurityBindingElementCannotBeExpressedInConfig A security policy was imported for the endpoint. The security policy contains requirements that cannot be represented in a Windows Communication Foundation configuration. Look for a comment about the SecurityBindingElement parameters that are required in the configuration file that was generated. Create the correct binding element with code. The binding configuration that is in the configuration file is not secure.
SecurityBindingSupportsOneWayOnly The SecurityBinding for the specified binding for the specified contract only supports the OneWay operation.
SecurityContextDoesNotAllowImpersonation Cannot start impersonation because the SecurityContext for the UltimateReceiver role from the request message with the specified action is not mapped to a Windows identity.
SecurityListenerClosing The listener is not accepting new secure conversations because it is closing.
SecurityListenerClosingFaultReason The server is not accepting new secure conversations currently because it is closing. Please retry later.
SecurityProtocolFactoryShouldBeSetBeforeThisOperation The security protocol factory must be set before this operation is performed.
SecuritySessionAbortedFaultReason The security session was terminated. This may be because no messages were received on the session for too long.
SecuritySessionKeyIsStale The session key must be renewed before it can secure application messages.
SecuritySessionLimitReached Cannot create a security session. Retry later.
SecuritySessionNotPending No security session with the specified ID is pending.
SecurityTokenParametersHasIncompatibleInclusionMode The specified binding is configured with a security token parameter that has the specified incompatible security token inclusion mode. Specify an alternate security token inclusion mode.
SecurityVersionDoesNotSupportEncryptedKeyBinding The specified binding for the specified contract has been configured with an incompatible security version that does not support unattached references to EncryptedKeys. Use the specified value or higher as the security version for the binding.
SecurityVersionDoesNotSupportSignatureConfirmation The specified SecurityVersion does not support signature confirmation. Use a later SecurityVersion.
SecurityVersionDoesNotSupportThumbprintX509KeyIdentifierClause The specified binding for the specified contract is configured with a security version that does not support external references to X.509 tokens using the certificate's thumbprint value. Use the specified value or higher as the security version for the binding.
SenderSideSupportingTokensMustSpecifySecurityTokenParameters Security token parameters must be specified with supporting tokens for each message.
ServerCertificateNotProvided The recipient did not provide its certificate. This certificate is required by the TLS protocol. Both parties must have access to their certificates.
SignatureConfirmationNotSupported The configured SecurityVersion does not support signature confirmation. Use WSSecurityXXX2005 or above.
SignatureConfirmationRequiresRequestReply The protocol factory must support Request/Reply security in order to offer signature confirmation.
SignatureNotExpected A signature is not expected for this message.
SigningTokenHasNoKeys The specified signing token has no keys. The security token is used in a context that requires it to perform cryptographic operations, but the token contains no cryptographic keys. Either the token type does not support cryptographic operations, or the particular token instance does not contain cryptographic keys. Check your configuration to ensure that cryptographically disabled token types (for example, UserNameSecurityToken) are not specified in a context that requires cryptographic operations (for example, an endorsing supporting token).
SpnegoImpersonationLevelCannotBeSetToNone The Security Support Provider Interface does not support Impersonation level 'None'. Specify Identification, Impersonation or Delegation level.
SslClientCertMustHavePrivateKey The specified certificate must have a private key. The process must have access rights for the private key.
SslServerCertMustDoKeyExchange The specified certificate must have a private key that is capable of key exchange. The process must have access rights for the private key.
StandardsManagerCannotWriteObject The token Serializer cannot serialize the specified object. If this is a custom type you must supply a custom serializer.
TimeStampHasCreationAheadOfExpiry The security timestamp is invalid because its creation time is greater than or equal to its expiration time.
TimeStampHasCreationTimeInFuture The security timestamp is invalid because its creation time is in the future. Current time is specified and allowed clock skew is specified.
TimeStampHasExpiryTimeInPast The security timestamp is stale because its expiration time is in the past. Current time is specified and allowed clock skew is specified.
TimeStampWasCreatedTooLongAgo The security timestamp is stale because its creation time is too far back in the past. Current time, maximum timestamp lifetime, and allowed clock skew are specified.
TokenProviderCannotGetTokensForTarget The token provider cannot get tokens for the specified target.
TooManyIssuedSecurityTokenParameters A leg of the federated security chain contains multiple IssuedSecurityTokenParameters. The InfoCard system only supports one IssuedSecurityTokenParameters for each leg.
TransportDoesNotProtectMessage The specified binding for the specified contract is configured with an authentication mode that requires transport level integrity and confidentiality. However the transport cannot provide integrity and confidentiality.
TrustApr2004DoesNotSupportCertainIssuedTokens WSTrustApr2004 does not support issuing X.509 certificates or EncryptedKeys. Use WsTrustFeb2005 or above.
TrustDriverVersionDoesNotSupportSession The configured Trust version does not support sessions. Use WSTrustFeb2005 or above.
UnableToCreateICryptoFromTokenForSignatureVerification Cannot create an ICrypto interface from the specified token for signature verification.
UnableToCreateSymmetricAlgorithmFromToken Cannot create the specified symmetric algorithm from the token.
UnableToDeriveKeyFromKeyInfoClause The specified KeyInfo clause resolved to the specified token, which does not contain a symmetric key that can be used for derivation.
UnableToFindTokenAuthenticator Cannot find a token authenticator for the specified token type. Tokens of that type cannot be accepted according to current security settings.
UnableToLoadCertificateIdentity Cannot load the X.509 certificate identity specified in the configuration.
UnexpectedEmptyElementExpectingClaim The specified element from the specified namespace is empty and does not specify a valid identity claim.
UnknownEncodingInBinarySecurityToken Unrecognized encoding occurred while reading the binary security token.
UnsecuredMessageFaultReceived An unsecured or incorrectly secured fault was received from the other party. See the inner FaultException for the fault code and detail.
UnsupportedPasswordType The specified username token has an unsupported password type.
UnsupportedSecureConversationBootstrapProtectionRequirements Cannot import the security policy. The protection requirements for the secure conversation bootstrap binding are not supported. Protection requirements for the secure conversation bootstrap must require both the request and the response to be signed and encrypted.
UnsupportedSecurityPolicyAssertion An unsupported security policy assertion was detected during the specified security policy import.