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StackTrace_SimpleContext Structure

Provides a simple context that can be used in place of a full CONTEXT structure.


struct StackTrace_SimpleContext
    ULONG64 StackOffset;       // ESP on x86
    ULONG64 FrameOffset;       // EBP on x86
    ULONG64 InstructionOffset; // EIP on x86


Member Description
StackOffset The stack pointer, or the enter stack pointer (ESP) on x86 platforms.
FrameOffset The frame offset, or the EBP register on x86 platforms.
InstructionOffset The instruction pointer, or the enter instruction pointer (EIP) on x86 platforms.


Because stack trace functions typically need to return only the address, frame offset, and stack address, you can optionally use the SimpleContext structure instead of a large CONTEXT structure.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: SOS_Stacktrace.h

.NET Framework Versions: Available since 2.0

See also