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UI Automation Properties Overview


This documentation is intended for .NET Framework developers who want to use the managed UI Automation classes defined in the System.Windows.Automation namespace. For the latest information about UI Automation, see Windows Automation API: UI Automation.

UI Automation providers expose properties on Microsoft UI Automation elements. These properties enable UI Automation client applications to discover information about pieces of the user interface (UI), especially controls, including both static and dynamic data.

This section gives a broad overview of Microsoft UI Automation properties. More specific information is given in the following topics:

Property Identifiers

Every property is identified by a number and a name. The names of properties are used only for debugging and diagnosis. Providers use the numeric IDs to identify incoming property requests. Client applications, however, only use AutomationProperty, which encapsulates the number and name, to identify properties they wish to retrieve.

AutomationProperty objects representing particular properties are available as fields in various classes. For security reasons, UI Automation providers obtain these objects from a separate set of classes that are contained in Uiautomationtypes.dll.

The following table categorizes properties by the classes that contain the AutomationPropertyIDs.

Kinds of properties Clients get IDs from Providers get IDs from
Properties common to all elements (see following tables) AutomationElement AutomationElementIdentifiers
Position of a docking window DockPattern DockPatternIdentifiers
State of an element that can expand and collapse ExpandCollapsePattern ExpandCollapsePatternIdentifiers
Properties of an item in a grid GridItemPattern GridItemPatternIdentifiers
Properties of a grid GridPattern GridPatternIdentifiers
Current and supported view of an element that has multiple views MultipleViewPattern MultipleViewPatternIdentifiers
Properties of an element that moves over a range of values, such as a slider RangeValuePattern RangeValuePatternIdentifiers
Properties of a scrolling window ScrollPattern ScrollPatternIdentifiers
Status and container of an item that can be selected, as in a list SelectionItemPattern SelectionItemPatternIdentifiers
Properties of a control that contains selection items SelectionPattern SelectionPatternIdentifiers
Column and row headers of an item in a table TableItemPattern TableItemPatternIdentifiers
Column and row headers, and orientation, of a table TablePattern TablePatternIdentifiers
State of a toggle control TogglePattern TogglePatternIdentifiers
Capabilities of an element that can be moved, rotated, or resized TransformPattern TransformPatternIdentifiers
Value and read/write capabilities of an element that has a value ValuePattern ValuePatternIdentifiers
Capabilities and state of a window WindowPattern WindowPatternIdentifiers

Properties by Category

The following tables categorize the properties whose IDs are found in AutomationElement and AutomationElementIdentifiers. These properties are common to all controls. All but a few of them are likely to be static over the lifetime of the provider application; most dynamic properties are associated with control patterns.

The Property Access column lists any other accessors for each property, in addition to GetCurrentPropertyValue and GetCachedPropertyValue. For more information on getting properties in a client application, see UI Automation Properties for Clients.


For specific information about each property, follow the link in the Property Access column.

Display Characteristics

Property identifier Property access
BoundingRectangleProperty BoundingRectangle
CultureProperty n/a
HelpTextProperty HelpText
IsOffscreenProperty IsOffscreen
OrientationProperty Orientation

Element Type

Property identifier Property access
ControlTypeProperty ControlType
IsContentElementProperty IsContentElement
IsControlElementProperty IsControlElement
ItemTypeProperty ItemType
LocalizedControlTypeProperty LocalizedControlType


Property identifier Property access
AutomationIdProperty AutomationId
ClassNameProperty ClassName
FrameworkIdProperty FrameworkId
LabeledByProperty LabeledBy
NameProperty Name
ProcessIdProperty ProcessId
RuntimeIdProperty GetRuntimeId
NativeWindowHandleProperty NativeWindowHandle


Property identifier Property access
AcceleratorKeyProperty AcceleratorKey
AccessKeyProperty AccessKey
ClickablePointProperty GetClickablePoint
HasKeyboardFocusProperty HasKeyboardFocus
IsEnabledProperty IsEnabled
IsKeyboardFocusableProperty IsKeyboardFocusable

Support for Patterns

Property identifier Property access
IsDockPatternAvailableProperty GetSupportedPatterns
IsExpandCollapsePatternAvailableProperty GetSupportedPatterns
IsGridItemPatternAvailableProperty GetSupportedPatterns
IsGridPatternAvailableProperty GetSupportedPatterns
IsInvokePatternAvailableProperty GetSupportedPatterns
IsMultipleViewPatternAvailableProperty GetSupportedPatterns
IsRangeValuePatternAvailableProperty GetSupportedPatterns
IsScrollItemPatternAvailableProperty GetSupportedPatterns
IsScrollPatternAvailableProperty GetSupportedPatterns
IsSelectionItemPatternAvailableProperty GetSupportedPatterns
IsSelectionPatternAvailableProperty GetSupportedPatterns
IsTableItemPatternAvailableProperty GetSupportedPatterns
IsTablePatternAvailableProperty GetSupportedPatterns
IsTextPatternAvailableProperty GetSupportedPatterns
IsTogglePatternAvailableProperty GetSupportedPatterns
IsTransformPatternAvailableProperty GetSupportedPatterns
IsValuePatternAvailableProperty GetSupportedPatterns
IsWindowPatternAvailableProperty GetSupportedPatterns


Property identifier Property access
IsRequiredForFormProperty IsRequiredForForm
IsPasswordProperty IsPassword
ItemStatusProperty ItemStatus


UI Automation providers should present the following properties in the language of the operating system:

Properties and Events

Closely tied in with the properties in UI Automation is the concept of property-changed events. For dynamic properties, the client application needs a way to know that a property value has changed, so that it can update its cache of information or react to the new information in some other way.

Providers raise events when something in the UI changes. For example, if a check box is selected or cleared, a property-changed event is raised by the provider's implementation of the Toggle pattern. Providers can raise events selectively, depending on whether any clients are listening for events, or listening for specific events.

Not all property changes raise events; that is entirely up to the implementation of the UI Automation provider for the element. For example, the standard proxy providers for list boxes do not raise an event when the SelectionProperty changes. In this case, the application instead must listen for an ElementSelectedEvent.

Clients listen for events by subscribing to them. Subscribing to events means creating delegate methods that can handle the events, and then passing the methods to UI Automation along with the specific events that will be dealt with in those methods. For property-changed events in particular, clients must implement AutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler.

See also