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PosCommon Class (POS for .NET v1.14 SDK Documentation)

PosCommon is the Base class for all specific Interface classes, and all Service Objects indirectly derive from it. PosCommon defines the common properties, methods, and events that the Unified Point Of Service (UnifiedPOS) specification requires in all device classes.

PosCommon Properties

The following table describes the properties of the PosCommon class available to POS applications.

Property Type Description
CapCompareFirmwareVersion bool Indicates whether the Service Object and device supports comparing the firmware version in the physical device against that of a firmware file.
CapPowerReporting PowerReporting enum Indicates the power reporting capabilities of the device.
CapStatisticsReporting bool Indicates whether the device can accumulate and can provide various statistics regarding usage.
CapUpdateStatistics bool If set to true, some or all of the device statistics can be reset to 0 (zero) using the ResetStatistic method for one update and ResetStatistics method for a list of updates, or updated using the UpdateStatistic method for one update and the UpdateStatistics method for a list of updates with the corresponding specified values.
CapUpdateFirmware bool Indicates whether the device's firmware can be updated via the UpdateFirmware method.
CheckHealthText string Indicates the health of the device.
Claimed bool Indicates whether the device is claimed for exclusive access.
DeviceDescription string Holds a string identifying the device and the company that manufactured it.
DeviceEnabled bool Indicates whether the device is in an operational state.
DeviceName string UnifiedPOS calls it PhysicalDeviceName; OLE for Retail POS (OPOS) calls it DeviceName.
DevicePath string Set by POS for .NET for Plug and Play devices. For non-Plug and Play devices, DevicePath can be assigned using a configuration file.
FreezeEvents bool When set to true, the application has requested that the Service Object not deliver events.
PowerNotify PowerNotification enum Holds the type of power notification selection made by the application.
PowerState PowerState enum Holds the current power condition.
ServiceObjectDescription string Identifies the Service Object supporting the device and the company that produced it. This property is listed as DeviceServiceDescription in the UnifiedPOS specification.
ServiceObjectVersion System.Version Holds the Service Object version number. This property is listed as DeviceServiceVersion in the UnifiedPOS specification.
State ControlState enum Holds the current state of the device.
SynchronizingObject ISynchronizeInvoke Gets or sets the marshalling object for event handler calls from a POS event.

PosCommon Methods

The following table describes the methods of the PosCommon class available to applications.

Method Return Type Description
CheckHealth string Performs a health check on the device. The type of check to be performed is indicated by the HealthCheckLevel parameter. The method also updates the CheckHealthText property.
Claim void Requests exclusive access to the device. Service Object writers are advised to only throw exceptions in unexpected conditions; for example, OutOfMemory. Otherwise, Service Objects should return True if the device was claimed and False if a time-out occurred.
Close void Releases the device and its resources.
CompareFirmwareVersion CompareFirmwareResult Determines whether the version of the specified firmware is newer than, older than, or the same as the version of firmware in the physical device.
DirectIO DirectIOData Used to communicate directly with the Service Object. In the UnifiedPOS specification, it has two in/out parameters. As used by POS for .NET, this method returns a structure and no in/out parameters.
Open void Opens a device for subsequent input/output processing.
Release void Releases exclusive access to the device.
ResetStatistic void Resets the specified statistic to zero. Used in POS for .NET for operations on a single statistic.
ResetStatistics void Resets all statistics for a specified category to 0 (zero).
ResetStatistics void Resets the specified statistics to 0 (zero).
ResetStatistics void Resets all statistics associated with a device to 0 (zero).
RetrieveStatistic string Retrieves the specified device statistic. Used in POS for .NET for operations on a single statistic.
RetrieveStatistics string Retrieves all device statistics.
RetrieveStatistics void Retrieves the statistics for the specified category.
RetrieveStatistics void Retrieves the specified statistics.
UpdateFirmware void Updates the firmware of a device with the version of the firmware contained in the specified filename.
UpdateStatistic void Updates a statistic. Added to POS for .NET for operations on a single statistic.
UpdateStatistics void Updates a list of statistics with the corresponding specified values.
UpdateStatistics void Updates the specified category of statistics with the specified value.

PosCommon Events

The following table describes the PosCommon class events.

Method Description
DirectIOEvent Raised by the Service Object to communicate information directly to the application.
StatusUpdateEvent Raised by the Service Object to alert the application of a device status change.


The following code example demonstrates how to use the properties and methods common to all Service Objects to display information about a connected device.

// Create a derived class of PosCommon
public class PosCommonSample: PosCommon
    // Implement all base methods and properties.
    // ...

// Create instances for the example.
PosExplorer explorer = new PosExplorer();
PosCommonSample pcs = new PosCommonSample();
DeviceInfo device = explorer.GetDevice("MSR");
pcs = (PosCommonSample)explorer.CreateInstance(device);

// Open and claim the device, then print information
// about the device to the console.
Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", pcs.DeviceName);
Console.WriteLine("Description: {0}", pcs.DeviceDescription);
Console.WriteLine("Path: {0}", pcs.DevicePath);
Console.WriteLine("Enabled: {0}", pcs.DeviceEnabled);


See Also
