Configure MSTest
MSTest, Microsoft Testing Framework, is a test framework for .NET applications. It allows you to write and execute tests, and provide test suites with integration to Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code Test Explorers, the .NET CLI, and many CI pipelines.
MSTest is a fully supported, open-source and a cross-platform test framework that works with all supported .NET targets (.NET Framework, .NET Core, .NET, UWP, WinUI, and so on) hosted on GitHub.
A .runsettings file can be used to configure how unit tests are being run. To learn more about the runsettings and the configurations related to the platform, you can check out VSTest runsettings documentation or MSTest runner runsettings documentation.
MSTest element
The following runsettings entries let you configure how MSTest behaves.
Configuration | Default | Values |
AssemblyCleanupTimeout | 0 | Specify globally the timeout to apply on each instance of assembly cleanup method. [Timeout] attribute specified on the assembly cleanup method overrides the global timeout . |
AssemblyInitializeTimeout | 0 | Specify globally the timeout to apply on each instance of assembly initialize method. [Timeout] attribute specified on the assembly initialize method overrides the global timeout . |
AssemblyResolution | false | You can specify paths to extra assemblies when finding and running unit tests. For example, use these paths for dependency assemblies that aren't in the same directory as the test assembly. To specify a path, use a Directory Path element. Paths can include environment variables.<AssemblyResolution> <Directory path="D:\myfolder\bin\" includeSubDirectories="false"/> </AssemblyResolution> This feature is only applied when using a .NET Framework target. |
CaptureTraceOutput | true | Capture text messages coming from the Console.Write* , Trace.Write* , and Debug.Write* APIs that will be associated to the current running test. |
ClassCleanupLifecycle | EndOfClass | If you want the class cleanup to occur at the end of assembly, set it to EndOfAssembly. (No longer supported starting from MSTest v4 as EndOfClass is the default and only ClassCleanup behavior) |
ClassCleanupTimeout | 0 | Specify globally the timeout to apply on each instance of class cleanup method. [Timeout] attribute specified on the class cleanup method overrides the global timeout. |
ClassInitializeTimeout | 0 | Specify globally the timeout to apply on each instance of class initialize method. [Timeout] attribute specified on the class initialize method overrides the global timeout. |
ConsiderFixturesAsSpecialTests | false | To display AssemblyInitialize , AssemblyCleanup , ClassInitialize , ClassCleanup as individual entries in Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code Test Explorer and .trx log, set this value to true |
DeleteDeploymentDirectoryAfterTestRunIsComplete | true | To retain the deployment directory after a test run, set this value to false. |
DeploymentEnabled | true | If you set the value to false, deployment items that you specify in your test method aren't copied to the deployment directory. |
DeployTestSourceDependencies | true | A value indicating whether the test source references are to be deployed. |
EnableBaseClassTestMethodsFromOtherAssemblies | true | A value indicating whether to enable discovery of test methods from base classes in a different assembly from the inheriting test class. |
ForcedLegacyMode | false | In older versions of Visual Studio, the MSTest adapter was optimized to make it faster and more scalable. Some behavior, such as the order in which tests are run, might not be exactly as it was in previous editions of Visual Studio. Set the value to true to use the older test adapter. For example, you might use this setting if you have an app.config file specified for a unit test. We recommend that you consider refactoring your tests to allow you to use the newer adapter. |
MapInconclusiveToFailed | false | If a test completes with an inconclusive status, it's mapped to the skipped status in Test Explorer. If you want inconclusive tests to be shown as failed, set the value to true. |
MapNotRunnableToFailed | true | A value indicating whether a not runnable result is mapped to failed test. |
OrderTestsByNameInClass | false | If you want to run tests by test names both in Test Explorers and on the command line, set this value to true. |
Parallelize | Used to set the parallelization settings: Workers: The number of threads/workers to be used for parallelization, which is by default the number of processors on the current machine. SCOPE: The scope of parallelization. You can set it to MethodLevel. By default, it's ClassLevel. <Parallelize><Workers>32</Workers><Scope>MethodLevel</Scope></Parallelize> |
SettingsFile | You can specify a test settings file to use with the MSTest adapter here. You can also specify a test settings file from the settings menu. If you specify this value, you must also set the ForcedLegacyMode to true. <ForcedLegacyMode>true</ForcedLegacyMode> |
TestCleanupTimeout | 0 | Specify globally the timeout to apply on each instance of test cleanup method. [Timeout] attribute specified on the test cleanup method overrides the global timeout. |
TestInitializeTimeout | 0 | Specify globally the timeout to apply on each instance of test initialize method. [Timeout] attribute specified on the test initialize method overrides the global timeout. |
TestTimeout | 0 | Gets specified global test case timeout. |
TreatClassAndAssemblyCleanupWarningsAsErrors | false | To see your failures in class cleanups as errors, set this value to true. |
TreatDiscoveryWarningsAsErrors | false | To report test discovery warnings as errors, set this value to true. |
<Parameter name="webAppUrl" value="http://localhost" />
Test run parameters provide a way to define variables and values that are available to the tests at run time. Access the parameters using the MSTest TestContext.Properties property:
private string _appUrl;
public TestContext TestContext { get; set; }
public void HomePageTest()
string _appUrl = TestContext.Properties["webAppUrl"];
To use test run parameters, add a public TestContext property to your test class.
Example .runsettings file
The following XML shows the contents of a typical .runsettings file. Copy this code and edit it to suit your needs.
Each element of the file is optional because it has a default value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Parameters used by tests at run time -->
<Parameter name="webAppUrl" value="http://localhost" />
<Parameter name="webAppUserName" value="Admin" />
<Parameter name="webAppPassword" value="Password" />
<!-- MSTest -->
<Directory path="D:\myfolder\bin\" includeSubDirectories="false"/>
When running your tests with MSTest, you can use a testconfig.json
file to configure the behavior of the test runner. The testconfig.json
file is a JSON file that contains the configuration settings for the test runner. The file is used to configure the test runner and the test execution environment. For more information, refer to Microsoft.Testing.Platform testconfig.json documentation.
Starting with MSTest 3.7, you can also configure MSTest runs in the same configuration file. The following sections describe the settings that you can use in the testconfig.json
MSTest element
MSTest settings are grouped by functionality that are described in the sections that follow.
Entry | Default | Description |
orderTestsByNameInClass | false | If you want to run tests by test names both in Test Explorers and on the command line, set this value to true. |
enableBaseClassTestMethodsFromOtherAssemblies | true | A value indicating whether to enable discovery of test methods from base classes in a different assembly from the inheriting test class. |
classCleanupLifecycle | EndOfAssembly | If you want the class cleanup to occur at the end of the class, set it to EndOfClass. |
All the settings in this section belong to the assemblyResolution
Entry | Default | Description |
paths | None | You can specify paths to extra assemblies when finding and running unit tests. For example, use these paths for dependency assemblies that aren't in the same directory as the test assembly. You can specify a path in the shape { "path": "...", "includeSubDirectories": "true/false" } . |
"mstest": {
"assemblyResolution": {
{ "path": "...", "includeSubDirectories": "true/false" }
All the settings in this section belong to the deployment
Entry | Default | Description |
deleteDeploymentDirectoryAfterTestRunIsComplete | true | To retain the deployment directory after a test run, set this value to false. |
deployTestSourceDependencies | true | Indicates whether the test source references are to be deployed. |
enabled | true | If you set the value to false, deployment items that you specify in your test method aren't copied to the deployment directory. |
"mstest": {
"deployment": {
"deleteDeploymentDirectoryAfterTestRunIsComplete": true,
"deployTestSourceDependencies": true,
"enabled": true
All the settings in this section belong to the output
Entry | Default | Description |
captureTrace | true | Capture text messages coming from the Console.Write* , Trace.Write* , and Debug.Write* APIs that will be associated to the current running test. |
"mstest": {
"output": {
"captureTrace": false
All the settings in this section belong to the parallelism
Entry | Default | Description |
enabled | false | Enable test parallelization. |
scope | class | The scope of parallelization. You can set it to method . The default, class , corresponds to running all tests of a given class sequentially but multiple classes in parallel. |
workers | 0 | The number of threads/workers to be used for parallelization. The default value maps to the number of processors on the current machine. |
"mstest": {
"parallelism": {
"enabled": true,
"scope": "method",
"workers": 32
All the settings in this section belong to the execution
Entry | Default | Description |
considerEmptyDataSourceAsInconclusive | false | When set to true , an empty data source is considered as inconclusive. |
considerFixturesAsSpecialTests | false | To display AssemblyInitialize , AssemblyCleanup , ClassInitialize , ClassCleanup as individual entries in Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code Test Explorer and .trx log, set this value to true. |
mapInconclusiveToFailed | false | If a test completes with an inconclusive status, it's mapped to the skipped status in Test Explorer. If you want inconclusive tests to be shown as failed, set the value to true. |
mapNotRunnableToFailed | true | A value indicating whether a not runnable result is mapped to failed test. |
treatClassAndAssemblyCleanupWarningsAsErrors | false | To see your failures in class cleanups as errors, set this value to true. |
treatDiscoveryWarningsAsErrors | false | To report test discovery warnings as errors, set this value to true. |
"mstest": {
"execution": {
"considerEmptyDataSourceAsInconclusive": false,
"considerFixturesAsSpecialTests": false,
"mapInconclusiveToFailed": true,
"mapNotRunnableToFailed": true,
"treatClassAndAssemblyCleanupWarningsAsErrors": false,
"treatDiscoveryWarningsAsErrors": false
All the settings in this section belong to the timeout
Entry | Default | Description |
assemblyCleanup | 0 | Specify globally the timeout to apply on each instance of assembly cleanup method. |
assemblyInitialize | 0 | Specify globally the timeout to apply on each instance of assembly initialize method. |
classCleanup | 0 | Specify globally the timeout to apply on each instance of class cleanup method. |
classInitialize | 0 | Specify globally the timeout to apply on each instance of class initialize method. |
test | 0 | Specify globally the test timeout. |
testCleanup | 0 | Specify globally the timeout to apply on each instance of test cleanup method. |
testInitialize | 0 | Specify globally the timeout to apply on each instance of test initialize method. |
useCooperativeCancellation | false | When set to true , in case of timeout, MSTest will only trigger cancellation of the CancellationToken but will not stop observing the method. This behavior is more performant but relies on the user to correctly flow the token through all paths. |
attribute specified on a method overrides the global timeout. For example, [Timeout(1000)]
on a method marked with [AssemblyCleanup] will override the global assemblyCleanup
"mstest": {
"timeout": {
"assemblyCleanup": 0,
"assemblyInitialize": 0,
"classCleanup": 0,
"classInitialize": 0,
"test": 0,
"testCleanup": 0,
"testInitialize": 0,
"useCooperativeCancellation": false
Example testconfig.json file
The following JSON shows the contents of a typical .testconfig.json file. Copy this code and edit it to suit your needs.
Each element of the file is optional because it has a default value.
"platformOptions": {
"mstest": {
"execution": {
"mapInconclusiveToFailed" : true,
"disableAppDomain": true,
"considerFixturesAsSpecialTests" : false,
"parallelism" : {
"enabled": true,
"scope": "method",
"output": {
"captureTrace": false