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Server Class


Represents the base class for an instance of Analysis Services and provides methods and members that enable to you to control that instance.

public abstract class Server : Microsoft.AnalysisServices.MajorObject, IDisposable
type Server = class
    inherit MajorObject
    interface INamedComponent
    interface IModelComponent
    interface IComponent
    interface IDisposable
Public MustInherit Class Server
Inherits MajorObject
Implements IDisposable



Specifies the maximum length of the identifier.

(Inherited from NamedComponent)

Specifies the maximum length of the name.

(Inherited from NamedComponent)



Access token


Gets the collection of all annotations associated with the major object.

(Inherited from MajorObject)

Gets a collection containing XMLA commands that were generated while CaptureXml property was set to true.


Gets or sets the CaptureLog property of the Server object, which indicates whether XML messages sent to an instance of Analysis Services should be logged.


Gets or sets the mode of the Analysis Services. This is read-only.


Gets an indication whether there is a connection to an instance of Analysis Services.


Gets the information regarding the connection to the Server object.


Gets the connection-string used to connect to an instance of Analysis Services.


Gets or sets the date and time of the creation of the object.

(Inherited from MajorObject)

Gets or sets a default compatiblity level to use whenever this value is unspecified. This is read-only.


Gets or sets the description of major object.

(Inherited from MajorObject)

Gets or sets the currently installed edition of Analysis Services. This is read-only.


Gets or sets the EditionID for the currently installed version of Analysis Services. This is read-only.


Gets a user-friendly name for the component.

(Inherited from NamedComponent)

Gets or sets the identifier of the component.

(Inherited from NamedComponent)

Gets a value that indicates whether MajorObject have been loaded.

(Inherited from MajorObject)

Gets the key used in collections.

(Inherited from NamedComponent)

Gets or sets the date and time when current object schema was last updated.

(Inherited from MajorObject)

Gets or sets the name of the component.

(Inherited from NamedComponent)

Defines a callback method for notifying applications when the current access token is near expiration.


Gets or sets the collection that contains the ModelComponent.

(Inherited from ModelComponent)

Gets the IModelComponent object that is the parent of the ModelComponent object.

(Inherited from ModelComponent)

Gets or sets read-only access to the product level element. The product level itself is obtained from the stored install-specific string.


Gets or sets read-only access to the name of the SQL Server product from which an instance of Analysis Services was installed.


Gets or sets the location of the server, which is either on-premises or in a Microsoft data center that provides internal hosting of tabular models for Microsoft's online services, (for example, Excel data models viewed in Office 365). This is read-only.


Gets or sets the mode the server is operating in. This is read-only.


Gets a collection of server properties associated with a specific Server object.


Gets the session ID for the server.


Gets or sets the site associated with the component.

(Inherited from NamedComponent)

Gets or sets the identifier for the site associated with the component.

(Inherited from NamedComponent)

Get information regarding the set of compatibility levels, supported by the server.


Gets or sets the server version. This is read-only.



Adds the ModelComponent object to the specified container.

(Inherited from ModelComponent)

Displays a ModelComponent object after added to the specified index.

(Inherited from ModelComponent)
AfterMove(Int32, Int32)

Displays a ModelComponent object after moving to the specified index.

(Inherited from ModelComponent)

Displays a ModelComponentCollection after a ModelComponent object is removed.

(Inherited from ModelComponent)
Attach(String, ReadWriteMode, String)

Attaches a folder to the server with specified mode and password.

Attach(String, ReadWriteMode)

Attaches a folder to the server with specified mode.


Attaches a folder to the server.


Removes the ModelComponent object before the cleanup.

(Inherited from ModelComponent)

Cancels the command executing on the current connection and session (a new temporary connection is used).


Cancels the command executing in the specified session (a new temporary connection is used).

CancelConnection(Int32, Boolean)

Cancels the specified connection (a new temporary connection is used).


Cancels the specified connection (a new temporary connection is used).


Cancels the current session (a new temporary connection is used).

CancelSession(Int32, Boolean)

Cancels the specified session (a new temporary connection is used).


Cancels the specified session (a new temporary connection is used).

CancelSession(String, Boolean)

Cancels the specified session (a new temporary connection is used).


Cancels the specified session (a new temporary connection is used).


Creates a new copy of the MajorObject object.

(Inherited from MajorObject)
ConcatenateCaptureLog(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)

Gets the capture log in a concatenated XML format, wrapped in an XMLA Batch element, indicates whether to include the transaction attribute and XMLA Parallel element, and indicates whether affected objects will be processed.

ConcatenateCaptureLog(Boolean, Boolean)

Gets the capture log in a concatenated XML format, wrapped in an XMLA Batch element, and indicates whether to include the transaction attribute and XMLA Parallel element.

Connect(String, Boolean)

Connects the current instance of Server to the Analysis Services server using the specified connection string and properties-only indication.

Connect(String, String)

Connects the current instance of Server to the Analysis Services server, using the specified connection string and session identifier.


Connects the current instance of Server to the Analysis Services server, using the specified connection string.

CopyTo(MajorObject, Boolean)

Copies a Server object to the specified destination.


Copies a ModelComponent object to the specified object.

(Inherited from ModelComponent)

Copies a NamedComponent object to the specified object.

(Inherited from NamedComponent)

Copies the content of this object to another object (the destination).


Disconnects the Server object from the Analysis Services server.


Disconnects the specified session Server object from the Analysis Services server.


Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Server and optionally releases the managed resources.


Removes current object and updates server.

(Inherited from MajorObject)
Drop(DropOptions, XmlaWarningCollection, ImpactDetailCollection, Boolean)

Removes current object and updates server using specified options. Warnings resulting from drop operation are returned on the specified warnings variable and results for affected objects in operation are returned on specified impactResult variable.

(Inherited from MajorObject)
Drop(DropOptions, XmlaWarningCollection, ImpactDetailCollection)

Removes current object and updates server using specified options. Warnings resulting from drop operation are returned on the specified warnings variable and results for affected objects in operation are returned on specified impactResult variable.

(Inherited from MajorObject)
Drop(DropOptions, XmlaWarningCollection)

Removes current object and updates server using specified options. Warnings resulting from drop operation are returned on the specified warnings object.

(Inherited from MajorObject)

Removes current object and updates server using specified options.

(Inherited from MajorObject)

Ends the last XML for Analysis (XMLA) request.


Ends the Xmla request and get the results from the Server.


Similar to EndXmlaRequest(), but returns an AmoDataReader instead of raw XmlReader.

Execute(String, ImpactDetailCollection, Boolean)

Executes the specified command on the Analysis Services server, and provides support for impact analysis.


Executes the specified command on the Analysis Services server.

ExecuteCaptureLog(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)

Executes the contents of the capture log on the server, indicates whether execution will be in a transactional and/or parallel mode, indicates whether affected objects will be processed, and indicates whether to skip volatile objects.

ExecuteCaptureLog(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)

Executes the contents of the capture log on the server, indicates whether execution will be in a transactional and/or parallel mode, and indicates whether affected objects will be processed.

ExecuteCaptureLog(Boolean, Boolean)

Executes the contents of the capture log on the server, and indicates whether execution will be in a transactional and/or parallel mode. Affected objects will not be processed.

ExecuteReader(String, XmlaResultCollection, IDictionary, Boolean)

Executes given XMLA command and returns AmoDataReader


Gets the current state of the connection to the Analysis Services server.

GetCreateReferences(Hashtable, Boolean, Boolean)

Gets a Hashtable to create references.

(Inherited from MajorObject)

Gets the dependents to the specified Hashtable.

(Inherited from MajorObject)
GetDropDependents(Hashtable, Hashtable)

Gets the drop dependents.

(Inherited from MajorObject)
GetReferences(Hashtable, Boolean)

Gets the objects that the MajorObject references.

(Inherited from MajorObject)

Obtain the set of compatibility levels supported by the server.


Gets the Hashtable object that overwrites the updated MajorObject.

(Inherited from MajorObject)


ImageLoad(String, String, Stream, ReadWriteMode)


ImageLoad(String, String, Stream)




ImageSave(String, Stream)



Re-establishes the connection to the Analysis Services database.


Updates the object from server definitions.

(Inherited from MajorObject)
Refresh(Boolean, RefreshType)

Updates the object from server definitions, as well as loaded dependent objects [if specified].

(Inherited from MajorObject)

Updates the object from server definitions, as well as loaded dependent objects [if specified].

(Inherited from MajorObject)

Removes the ModelComponent object from the specified container.

(Inherited from ModelComponent)
RenameScriptMeasure(String, String, String, String, FixUpExpressions)

Execute a rename operation of a measure.

RenameTable(String, String, String, FixUpExpressions)

Execute a rename operation of a table.

RenameTableColumn(String, String, String, String, FixUpExpressions)

Execute a rename operation of a column.


Resets the component to its initial state.

(Inherited from NamedComponent)

Restores an Analysis Services database from a backup file, using the options set on the provided RestoreInfo object.

Restore(String, String, Boolean, RestoreLocation[], RestoreSecurity, String, String, ReadWriteMode, Boolean)

Restores an Analysis Services database from a backup file to the specified database, given a password, an overwrite flag, multiple remote servers, specifying security settings, password, storage location, and read\write mode.

Restore(String, String, Boolean, RestoreLocation[], RestoreSecurity, String, String, ReadWriteMode)

Restores an Analysis Services database from a backup file to the specified database, given a password, an overwrite flag, multiple remote servers, specifying security settings, password, storage location, and read\write mode.

Restore(String, String, Boolean, RestoreLocation[], RestoreSecurity, String, String)

Restores an Analysis Services database from a backup file to the specified database, given a password, an overwrite flag, multiple remote servers, specifying security settings, password, and storage location.

Restore(String, String, Boolean, RestoreLocation[], RestoreSecurity, String)

Restores an Analysis Services database from a backup file to the specified database, given an overwrite flag, multiple remote servers, and specifying security settings and password.

Restore(String, String, Boolean, RestoreLocation[], RestoreSecurity)

Restores an Analysis Services database from a backup file to the specified database, given an overwrite flag, multiple remote servers, and specifying security settings.

Restore(String, String, Boolean, RestoreLocation[])

Restores an Analysis Services database from a backup file to the specified database, given an overwrite flag and multiple remote servers.

Restore(String, String, Boolean)

Restores an Analysis Services database from a backup file to the specified database, given an overwrite flag.

Restore(String, String)

Restores an Analysis Services database from a backup file to the specified database.


Restores an Analysis Services database from a backup file.

SendXmlaRequest(XmlaRequestType, Stream)

Sends an XML for Analysis (XMLA) request of the specified type using the given stream.

SendXmlaRequest(XmlaRequestType, TextReader)

ends an XML for Analysis (XMLA) request of the specified type using the given request.


Starts an XML for Analysis (XMLA) request to the server.


Submits a ModelComponent object.

(Inherited from ModelComponent)

Submits a ModelComponent object.

(Inherited from ModelComponent)
Synchronize(String, String, SynchronizeSecurity, Boolean)

Synchronizes the current object.

Synchronize(String, String)

Synchronizes the current object.


Synchronizes the current object.


Returns a string representing the named-component.

(Inherited from NamedComponent)

Updates server definition of current object to actual values using the default values to update dependent objects.

(Inherited from MajorObject)
Update(UpdateOptions, UpdateMode, XmlaWarningCollection, ImpactDetailCollection, Boolean)

Updates server definition of current object to actual values using specified options to update dependent objects, reports any warnings from operation, and returns affected objects from operation. If analyzeImpactOnly is true, an impact analysis operation is performed with no update operation.

(Inherited from MajorObject)
Update(UpdateOptions, UpdateMode, XmlaWarningCollection, ImpactDetailCollection)

Updates server definition of current object to actual values using specified options to update dependent objects, reports any warnings from operation, and returns affected objects from operation.

(Inherited from MajorObject)
Update(UpdateOptions, UpdateMode, XmlaWarningCollection)

Updates server definition of current object to actual values using the specified options to update dependent objects and reports any warnings from operation.

(Inherited from MajorObject)
Update(UpdateOptions, UpdateMode)

Updates server definition of current object to actual values using the specified options to update dependent objects.

(Inherited from MajorObject)

Updates server definition of current object to actual values using the specified options to update dependent objects.

(Inherited from MajorObject)
Validate(ValidationErrorCollection, Boolean, ServerEdition)

Indicates whether the Server object is valid.

Validate(ValidationErrorCollection, Boolean)

Validates the element to which it is appended; returns any errors encountered in a collection. Also contains a parameter to enable return of detailed errors.

(Inherited from ModelComponent)

Validates the element to which it is appended; returns any errors encountered in a collection.

(Inherited from ModelComponent)
Validate(ValidationResultCollection, ValidationOptions, ServerEdition)

Indicates whether the MajorObject is valid.

(Inherited from MajorObject)
Validate(ValidationResultCollection, ValidationOptions)

Indicates whether the MajorObject is valid.

(Inherited from MajorObject)

Indicates whether the MajorObject is valid.

(Inherited from MajorObject)

Explicit Interface Implementations

IDeserializationCallback.OnDeserialization(Object) (Inherited from MajorObject)
IDeserializationStartCallback.OnDeserializationBegin(Object) (Inherited from MajorObject)
IFormattable.ToString(String, IFormatProvider) (Inherited from NamedComponent)
IHostableComponent.Host (Inherited from ModelComponent)
IModelComponent.FriendlyPath (Inherited from ModelComponent)
IModelComponent.OwningCollection (Inherited from ModelComponent)

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