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Windows SharePoint Services Adapter Properties Reference

The following Windows SharePoint Services adapter properties are promoted into BizTalk Server or are used to specify send port configuration options for outgoing messages. The properties can be used to access Windows SharePoint Services information regarding the message or to provide information to the Windows SharePoint Services adapter from within an orchestration.

Message property precedence

There is a rule of precedence for overriding the message properties defined in orchestrations and send ports.

The following are the rules:

  1. Property defined in the orchestration inside of PropertiesXML

  2. Property defined in the orchestration

  3. Property defined at the send port level inside of the Property Name/ or Property Source collection

  4. Property defined at the send port level

Considerations and Known Issues

The following are considerations for the Windows SharePoint Services adapter properties:

  • The list of properties in orchestrations is merged with the properties defined by the port based on property position. If there are conflicts, the orchestration property will override the send port property.

Property types

Property Type Description
IN IN properties are BizTalk Server properties that get their value from Windows SharePoint Services. Note: You should not modify these properties from within orchestrations.
CONFIG CONFIG properties are properties that get their value from BizTalk orchestrations or custom pipelines. This value is used by the Windows SharePoint Services adapter when determining the destination of the outgoing messages. CONFIG properties allow you to specify the value of some of the properties within an orchestration or custom pipeline that you would otherwise have to define on the send port. Properties that don’t begin with IN or CONFIG are both IN and CONFIG, except for the URL property.
PROMOTED PROMOTED properties can be used by content-based routing (CBR). Properties that are not marked as PROMOTED cannot be used by CBR. Note: Although all adapter properties show up in the CBR filter editor, only the promoted properties can be used for CBR.


All properties exist under the namespace and are accessible from an orchestration or send port filter using the WSS.<WSS_Property_Name> syntax.

Property list

Windows SharePoint Services Standard Column Windows SharePoint Services Property Name and Type Type Description Property Type
Name Filename xs:string The file name with the extension of the Windows SharePoint Services file. File names, including extensions, are unique within a document library. IN/CONFIG/ PROMOTED
N/A Url xs:string The URL of the file. IN/PROMOTED
N/A TransmittedFileLocation N/A This property is used by Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) for integration purposes and is not available in orchestrations. SPECIAL
N/A InArchivedMsgUrl xs:string The URL of the file in the archive document library. This property is not available if the receive location is not archiving the message. IN/PROMOTED
Type InIconUrl xs:string The URL of the Windows SharePoint Services icon that is used to represent the document. IN
Title InTitle xs:string The title of the Windows SharePoint Service file. This is different from the file name. Titles don’t have to be unique within a document library. IN/PROMOTED
Modified InLastModified xs:dateTime The last modified date of the Windows SharePoint Service. IN/PROMOTED
Modified By InLastModifiedBy xs:string The name of the last user that modified the file. IN/PROMOTED
ID InItemId xs:int The ID of the file. This is an integer unique within the document library which can be used to access the file. IN
Edit InEditUrl xs:string The URL that can be accessed to edit the properties of the file. IN
Created InCreated xs:dateTime The date when the Windows SharePoint Service file was created. IN/PROMOTED
Created By InCreatedBy xs:string The user that created the file. IN/PROMOTED
File Size InFileSize xs:int The size of the Windows SharePoint Services file. IN
N/A InListName xs:string The name of the document library where this file is located. IN/PROMOTED
N/A InListUrl xs:string The URL of the document library, or document library folder where this file is located. IN
N/A InPropertiesXml xs:string A flat XML document that contains all the standard and user defined Windows SharePoint Services columns. It allows access to any Windows SharePoint Services column value from an orchestration, including the values of the user-defined columns. Note: It does not have the 16-column limitation. Note: See the sample InPropertiesXml value in the next section of this topic. IN
N/A InOfficeIntegration xs:string Based on the value of the receive location. This is either yes, no, or optional. IN
N/A ConfigOverwrite xs:string "Yes" overwrites the already existing files with the same name. "No" raises an error when a file with the same name exists. "Rename" changes the file to a unique name by appending a unique sequence to the file name. Note: This is similar to the 'Overwrite' field for physical send ports. Note: 'Orchestration' is not a valid value for this field. CONFIG
N/A ConfigNamespaceAliases xs:string The alias definitions of the XPATHs. CONFIG
N/A ConfigOfficeIntegration xs:string 'Yes' if the OfficeImporters should be called. 'No' to handle the message as-is. 'Optional' results in 'Yes' if IP solution is found, otherwise 'No'. Note: This is similar to the 'Microsoft Office Integration' field for physical send ports. Note: 'Orchestration' is not a valid value for this field. CONFIG
N/A ConfigTemplatesDocLib xs:string Fallback document library name. This is the second place that is searched. Note: This is similar to the Templates Fallback Document Library field for physical send ports. CONFIG
N/A ConfigTemplatesNamespaceCol xs:string Namespace column name for fallback document library. Note: This is similar to the 'Templates Fallback Namespace Column' field for physical send ports. CONFIG
N/A ConfigCustomTemplatesDocLib xs:string Primary document library name. This is the first place searched. Note: This is similar to the Templates Document Library field for physical send ports. CONFIG
N/A ConfigCustomTemplatesNamespaceCol xs:string Namespace column name for primary document library. Note: This is similar to the Templates Namespace Column field for physical send ports. CONFIG
N/A ConfigPropertiesXml xs:string A flat XML document that contains all the Windows SharePoint Services column names and values that follow to be updated in Windows SharePoint Services. It allows an orchestration developer to set the SharePoint column values for the subsequent message to be created in SharePoint. Note: This is similar to the functionality available through the Column n and Column n Value fields for physical send ports. Note: It has a 16 column limitation. Note: See the sample ConfigPropertiesXml value later in this topic. CONFIG
N/A ConfigTimeout xs:int Time-out in milliseconds for Web service calls. CONFIG
N/A ConfigAdapterWSPort xs:int The port or IIS Web site where the adapter has been installed and configured. Note: An invalid port configuration value in an orchestration will suspend the message even if the physical send port value overrides the orchestration defined value. CONFIG

Sample InPropertiesXml

The following is sample XML for InPropertiesXml.

     <Property name="InItemId">2</Property>  
     <Property name="Created">12/14/2004 1:30:31 PM</Property>  
     <Property name="Author">3;#John Doe</Property>  
     <Property name="Modified">12/14/2004 1:30:31 PM</Property>  
     <Property name="Editor">3;#John Doe</Property>  
     <Property name="_ModerationStatus">0</Property>  
     <Property name="_ModerationComments" />  
     <Property name="FileRef">/sites/BASSite/SourceLibrary/PO1.xml</Property>  
     <Property name="FileDirRef">2;#sites/BASSite/SourceLibrary</Property>  
     <Property name="InLastModified">2004-12-14 13:30:31</Property>  
     <Property name="InCreated">2004-12-14 13:30:31</Property>  
     <Property name="InFileSize">7338</Property>  
     <Property name="FSObjType">0</Property>  
     <Property name="CheckedOutUserId">2;#3</Property>  
     <Property name="Filename">PO1.xml</Property>  
     <Property name="VirusStatus">2;#7338</Property>  
     <Property name="CheckedOutTitle">2;#John Doe</Property>  
     <Property name="LinkCheckedOutTitle">John Doe</Property>  
     <Property name="InLastModifiedBy">MyDomain\jdoe</Property>  
     <Property name="InCreatedBy">MyDomain\jdoe</Property>  
     <Property name="owshiddenversion">1</Property>  
     <Property name="File_x0020_Type">xml</Property>  
     <Property name="HTML_x0020_File_x0020_Type" />  
     <Property name="_SourceUrl" />  
     <Property name="_SharedFileIndex" />  
     <Property name="LinkFilenameNoMenu">PO1.xml</Property>  
     <Property name="LinkFilename">PO1.xml</Property>  
     <Property name="SelectTitle">2</Property>  
     <Property name="SelectFilename">2</Property>  
     <Property name="Edit">xml</Property>  
     <Property name="InIconUrl">/sites/BASSite/SourceLibrary/PO1.xml</Property>  
     <Property name="Url">http://localhost:80/sites/BASSite/SourceLibrary/PO1.xml</Property>  
     <Property name="EncodedAbsUrl">PO1</Property>  
     <Property name="BaseName">7338</Property>  
     <Property name="FileSizeDisplay" />  
     <Property name="InstanceID">200</Property>  
     <Property name="Order" />  
     <Property name="InTitle" />  
     <Property name="ColumnOne" />  
     <Property name="ColumnTwo" />  
     <Property name="ColumnThree" />  
     <Property name="ColumnFour" />  
     <Property name="InListName">SourceLibrary</Property>  
     <Property name="InListUrl">http://localhost:80/sites/BASSite/SourceLibrary</Property>  
     <Property name="InEditUrl">http://localhost:80/sites/BASSite/SourceLibrary/Forms/EditForm.aspx?ID=2</Property>  
     <Property name="InOfficeIntegration">yes</Property>  

Sample ConfigPropertiesXml

The following is sample XML for ConfigPropertiesXml.

     <PropertyName1>PO number</PropertyName1>  
     <PropertyName2>Charge To</PropertyName2>  
     <PropertyName3>PO Priority</PropertyName3>  
     <PropertyName4>Order Date</PropertyName4>  

See Also

How to Configure a Windows SharePoint Services Receive Location
How to Configure a Windows SharePoint Services Send Handler
How to Configure a Windows SharePoint Services Send Port
How to Create a Send Port
Windows SharePoint Services Adapter Expressions
Supported Windows SharePoint Services Column Types