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TIBCO Enterprise Message Service Message Descriptor Properties

Descriptor properties, and values

The following table shows the complete set of available Message Descriptor (TibcoEMSMD structure) properties and their corresponding types and values.

Name Type Value Notes
TibcoEMS .CorrelationID string
TibcoEMS .DelieveryMode string One of PERSISENT or NON-PERSISTENT
TibcoEMS .Destination string Read-only
TibcoEMS .Expiration long
TibcoEMS .MessageID string Read-only
TibcoEMS .Priority integer From 0 to 9
TibcoEMS .Redelivered boolean Read-only
TibcoEMS .ReplyTo string Similar to Destination
TibcoEMS .Timestamp long Read-only

The read-only properties are those properties that are set by TIBCO Enterprise Message Service when the message is delivered to Microsoft BizTalk Adapter for TIBCO EMS. Changing the value, although it is possible in the expression of the message assignment shape, does not affect the message.

For other properties that must be moved from the EMS message to the BizTalk Server message, you must create a properties DLL and use it in the project.

The following sample properties schema enables the orchestration to use the JMSXDeliveryCount message property.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>  
<xs:schema xmlns:b="" targetNamespace="" xmlns:xs="">  
            <b:schemaInfo schema_type="property" xmlns:b="" />  
    <xs:element name="JMSXDeliveryCount" type="xs:long">  
                <b:fieldInfo propertyGuid="f62f1a4b-a528-45fb-b1f8-bd880e9f46db" />  

Make sure that the target namespace is used; only properties that use this namespace are copied to the BizTalk Server message or to the EMS message. See the BizTalk Server documentation for more information about message context properties.

See Also

TIBCO EMS message context properties