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How the FRR NAK Handler Sample Works

The sample FRR NAK custom handler serves as an intermediary between the FIN Response Reconciliation (FRR) orchestration and the message-repair orchestration. The FRR orchestration identifies the error that occurred when the SWIFT network attempted to receive the message. The output of the FRR orchestration is a one-part message with an error object. The FRR NAK custom handler transforms that message into a two-part message, with an error part that indicates the error that occurred, enabling the message to be picked up by the message-repair orchestration. The message-repair orchestration opens the message in an InfoPath form that enables you to find out what the error was, repair the message accordingly, and resubmit it so that BizTalk Server can resend it to SAA.

The following steps occur when the FRR NAK custom handler processes a message that the SWIFT network could not successfully receive:

  1. After the FRR orchestration has correlated the failed message to the MTS21_FIN_ACKNAK NAK message, the RepairSWIFTRejectedMessage orchestration (the custom handler) picks up the original message from the MessageBox. It does so because it filters on A4SWIFT_FRRFailed==True and A4SWIFT_SendingServiceType="A4SWIFT_FrrService".

  2. The custom handler does not pick up the MTS21_FIN_ACKNAK NAK message that FRR correlated to the original message. Instead, it creates an error collection object, populates it with a BRE validation error that indicates what the A4SWIFT_FRRFailedReason property was, and adds it to the original message. The message-repair orchestration can process this two-part message.

  3. The custom handler promotes the following properties to cause the message to be picked up by the message-repair orchestration: A4SWIFT_Failed==True, A4SWIFT_SwiftBound==True, and BTS.Operation="A4SWIFT_DASMMarkedAsFailed". It sets the number of parts property to 2, and sets the appropriate error properties.

  4. As a result of the promoted properties, the message-repair orchestration picks up the message, and the RepairSWIFTRejectedMessage orchestration terminates.