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FileTransport Sample

The FileTransport sample demonstrates how to configure Microsoft® BizTalk Accelerator for RosettaNet (BTARN) to use File ports, instead of SQL ports. The FileTransport sample uses File Transport Protocol (FTP) to send and receive messages, instead of HTTP.


This document assumes that you are installing BTARN for internal testing or demonstration purposes only. It does not prescribe any minimum-security account or set up. You must use an account that has local administrative permissions throughout the procedures in this topic.


This sample does not support message attachments.

FileTransport Binding Files

The FileTransport sample includes two binding files. You can use each of these binding files to set up File ports for use with a BTARN orchestration. These binding files are located in <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk <version> Accelerator for RosettaNet \SDK\FileTransport. Open each binding file in an editor like Notepad to see the settings for the orchestration, send port, receive port, and receive location, as listed below.

  • PrivateInitiatorusingFileDrops.xml

    • Orchestration: Microsoft.Solutions.BTARN.PrivateInitiator.PrivateInitiatorProcess

    • Send port: PrivateInitiator_To_File

    • Receive port: File_To_PrivateInitiator

    • Receive location: File_To_PrivateInitiator

  • PrivateResponderusingFileDrops.xml

    • Orchestration: Microsoft.Solutions.BTARN.PrivateResponder.PrivateResponderProcess

    • Send port: PrivateResponder_To_File

    • Receive port: File_To_PrivateResponder

    • Receive location: File_To_PrivateResponder

    The following procedure describes how to import the bindings from the binding files using the BTSTask command. For more information, see the "ImportBindings Command" topic in BizTalk Server Help.


To set up BTARN by using file drop folders

  1. Open BizTalk Explorer.

  2. Stop the two LOB SQL send ports, PrivateInitiator_To_LOB and PrivateResponder_To_LOB.

  3. Disable the two Lob SQL Receive ports, LOB_To_PrivateInitiator and LOB_To_PrivateResponder.

  4. Unenlist Microsoft.Solutions.BTARN.PrivateResponder.PrivateResponderProcess.

  5. Unenlist Microsoft.Solutions.BTARN.PrivateInitiator.PrivateInitiatatorProcess.

  6. Create a \FileDrops folder under the BTARN folder of C:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk <version> Accelerator for RosettaNet , and then create the following folder structure under \FileDrops:

    • \PrivateInitiator



    • \PrivateResponder



  7. Run the following command (assuming that BTARN is installed on the C: drive):

    BTSTask ImportBindings /Source:C:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk <version> Accelerator for RosettaNet\SDK\FileTransport\PrivateInitiatorusingFileDrops.xml  
  8. Run the following command (assuming that BTARN is installed on the C: drive):

    BTSTask ImportBindings /Source:C:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk <version> Accelerator for RosettaNet\SDK\FileTransport\PrivateResponderusingFileDrops.xml  
  9. Start the send ports: PrivateInitiator_To_File and PrivateResponder_To_File.

  10. Enable the receive ports: LOB_To_PrivateInitiator and LOB_To_PrivateResponder.

See Also

Messaging Samples