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Extending BTARN with a New PIP

This topic describes how to extend Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for RosettaNet (BTARN) with a new Partner Interface Process (PIP) schema. This lets you add a schema based on a RosettaNet PIP when that PIP is not associated with any of the schemas installed by the BTARN Setup program.

When you extend BTARN with a new PIP, you deploy the new schema in its own assembly. You can also modify an existing schema that is deployed within the BTARN RNPIPs assembly. For more information, see Modifying an Existing PIP in RNPIPs.

To extend BTARN with a new PIP

  1. Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.

  2. At the command prompt, move to <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk 2013 Accelerator for RosettaNet\SDK\Utilities\Schema Generator.

  3. At the command prompt, type CScript InstallDTD.vbs, and then press Enter.


    You will only have to perform steps 1 through 3 once after you install BizTalk Server.

  4. Start Visual Studio.

  5. On the File menu, point to New, and then click Project.

  6. In the New Project dialog box, select BizTalk Projects in the left pane, and then click Empty BizTalk Server Project in the right pane.

  7. Click Browse and point to the directory where you want to save your project.

  8. In the Name box, type a project name, such as MyCustomPIP, and then click OK.

  9. Start Visual Studio command prompt.

  10. At the command prompt, move to the location entered in step 7, type sn -k <project name.snk>, and then press Enter.

  11. In Solutions Explorer, right-click the project name, and then click Properties.

  12. In the Property Pages dialog box, click Assembly under Common Properties in the left pane.

  13. In the right pane, scroll down to Strong Name, click Assembly Key File, and then click the ellipsis button (...) in the right pane. Move to the location entered in step 7, and select the name of the .snk file created in step 10.

  14. In the Property Pages dialog box, expand Configuration Properties, and then click Deployment. In the right pane, click Redeploy, select True, and then click OK.

  15. In Solution Explorer, right-click the project name, point to Add, and then click Existing Item.

  16. In the Add Existing Item dialog box, move to <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk 2013 Accelerator for RosettaNet\SDK\Schemas, select xml.xsd, then click Add.

  17. Download the PIP that you are going to extend RNPIPs with For more information, see Incorporating a New Partner Interface Process.

  18. In Solution Explorer, expand the project name, right-click Reference, and then click Add Reference.

  19. In the Add Reference dialog box, click Browse, and move to <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk 2013 Accelerator for RosettaNet\Bin, and then select Microsoft.Solutions.BTARN.Schemas.RNPIPs.dll. Click Open, and then click OK.

  20. In Solution Explorer, right-click the project name, point to Add, and then click Add Generated Items.

  21. In the Add Generated Items dialog box, in the Categories pane, click Generate Schemas. In the Templates pane, click Generate Schemas, and then click Add.

  22. In the Generate Schemas dialog box, do the following:

    Use this To do this
    Document type Select DTD Schema.
    Input File Click Browse, move to the folder that contains the DTD file from, select the DTD file that you want, and then click Open.
  23. In the Generate Schemas dialog box, click OK.

  24. In Solution Explorer, double-click the .xsd file that you just imported.

  25. In BizTalk Editor, select the <Schema> node.

  26. In the Properties window, scroll down to Document Type. In the Document Type box, PIP<three-digit code>, for example, PIP3A2. In the Document Version box, type v<xx.xx> or R<xx.xx>, for example, R01.02. This version should be as documented in the RosettaNet PIP specification.

  27. In the Properties window, scroll down to Root Reference. Click Root Reference, and from the drop-down list, select the root node of the schema, for example, select Pip3C5BillingStatementNotification.

  28. In the Properties window, scroll up to Target Namespace. For Target Namespace, type{DTD file name}.dtd, where the DTD file name is, for example, 3C5_MS_R01_00_BillingStatementNotification.dtd.


    This naming convention for the target namespace is required for BTARN. If you use another namespace convention, BTARN will not process PIP documents for schema validation.


    The DTD file name in the target namespace property includes the version number of the PIP. This lets you use multiple versions of the same PIP code.

  29. In the Properties window, scroll up to Imports. Click the ellipsis button (...) next to Imports, and then click Add.

  30. In the BizTalk Type Picker dialog box, expand <Project Name>, expand References, expand Microsoft.Solutions.BTARN.Schemas.RNPIPs, expand Schemas, select Microsoft.Solutions.BTARN.Schemas.RNPIPs.BaseDataTypes, click OK, and then click OK again.

  31. Right-click the project name, and then click Deploy.

  32. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft BizTalk Server, and then click BizTalk Server Administration.

  33. In BizTalk Administration Console, expand Microsoft BizTalk Server (Local), and then expand Hosts. Under Host, click BizTalkServerApplication.

  34. In the right pane, right-click the name of the host, and then click Restart.


    After extending RNPIPs with a newly imported PIP, you must create the correct PIP configuration, and an agreement using that PIP, in the BTARN Management Console.

See Also

Incorporating a New Partner Interface Process
Working with PIPs
Modifying an Existing PIP in RNPIPs