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What's new in BizTalk Accelerator for HL7

Changes and updates with the BizTalk Accelerator for HL7 (BTAHL7).

BizTalk Server 2016

Feature Description
Initiates the connection to LOB Using the MLLP adapter, BTAHL7 can start or initiate the connection to a remote Line of Business server (LOB) system. The LOB waits for the connection, and then sends the messages to BizTalk Server using the MLLP adapter. There are some new properties in the MLLP receive location that configure this option. See:
In BizTalk Server 2013 R2 and older versions, the HL7 MLLP receive adapter waits for the remote LOB server to connect to the MLLP adapter, and then the LOB sends messages.

See how BTAHL7 routes messages for more details.

BizTalk Server 2013 R2

Feature Description
64-bit Support The MLLP adapters and the HL7 pipeline can run in both the 32-bit and 64-bit host instances.

The BTAHL7 installation includes a 32-bit installation package and a 64-bit installation package. On a 32-bit computer, install only the 32-bit package. On a 64-bit computer, install the 32-bit or 64-bit package.

Important: To use 64-bit support, only install the 64-bit package. The 64-bit package enables the adapter and pipelines to run in both 32-bit and 64-bit mode.
v2.6 Schema Support Support includes:

- BTAHL7V26Common project: Includes the v2.6 schemas.
- BTAHL7Common project: Includes the v2.6 schemas and the ACK_26_GLO_DEF acknowledgement schema; which generates the acknowledgement for v2.6 messages.
- MSH_25_GLO_DEF schema: Handles new message header fields that are included with the v2.6 schema and continues to support all v2.x schemas.
Dynamic MLLP Adapter Support The adapter properties can be configured at Runtime using a One-Way or Two-Way (request-response) send port. See Dynamic MLLP Adapter.
“FreeText” Support If a field or segment is defined as “FreeText”, the character data in the field/segment is not parsed. See Encoding Characters using Free Text.
Messages with invalid MSH are sent an ACK or NACK Using the ReturnErrorForInvalidMSH3 registry key, a negative acknowledgement (NACK) is sent to the party if the following occurs:

- Invalid MSH3 (party is not defined in HL7 Configuration Explorer)
- MSH15 and MSH16 values in the message are null or empty

To send the NACK, set the following registry key to 1 and then restart the host instance:

32-bit host: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\BizTalk Accelerator for HL7

64-bit host: HKLM\ SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\BizTalk Accelerator for HL7

Tip: A port can subscribe to the failed message:
  • Use the BTAHL7Schemas.ParseError = True filter condition.
  • Use the Pass Through pipeline.
ACK message instance remains Active If there is connection failure to the upstream system, the acknowledgement (ACK) sent to the upstream system remained in an Active state.

New Behavior: If there is connection failure to the upstream system, the ACK message is suspended.
Do not send <SB> This property is added to the receive adapter port configuration properties. To enable this property, set the UseMLLPTransACK value:

- When set to False (default), the adapter sends the message if the data begins with <SB>. For example, the following message is sent:

- When set to True, the adapter sends the message if the data is missing <SB> in the beginning. For example, the following message is sent:

Important: If a two way send port has Do not send <SB> set to True, then it will not send SB with the message to the downstream system. At the same time it can receive ACK with missing SB from the downstream system.
Accept missing <SB> This property is added to the send adapter port configuration properties. To enable this property, set the UseMLLPTransACK value:

- When set to False (default), the adapter returns an error if the data is missing <SB> in the beginning. For example, the following message returns an error:

- When set to True, the adapter can receive the message if the data is missing <SB> in the beginning. For example, the following messages are received:

Important: If a two way receive port has Accept Missing <SB> set to True, then it will accept the missing SB in the message from upstream system. At the same time it will not send SB to the upstream system.

BizTalk Server 2013

The following enhancements were included in the previous releases:

  • Recoverable Interchange support in HL7 pipeline for Batch In Batch Out Scenario.

    The following feature was removed in the previous releases:

  • Health Activity Tracking feature is removed from BizTalk Server and hence Auditing feature is removed from BTAHL7 but Logging remains intact.

    The following feature was modified in the previous releases:

  • The “Auditing and Logging service” is renamed as “HL7 Logging service”.

See also

What's New in BizTalk Server 2016
What's New in BizTalk Server 2013 R2 and 2013