Azure permissions for Migration
This article lists the permissions for the Azure resource providers in the Migration category. You can use these permissions in your own Azure custom roles to provide granular access control to resources in Azure. Permission strings have the following format: {Company}.{ProviderName}/{resourceType}/{action}
Move stored or in-flight data to Azure quickly and cost-effectively.
Azure service: Azure Data Box
Action | Description |
Microsoft.DataBox/register/action | Register Provider Microsoft.Databox |
Microsoft.DataBox/unregister/action | Un-Register Provider Microsoft.Databox |
Microsoft.DataBox/jobs/cancel/action | Cancels an order in progress. |
Microsoft.DataBox/jobs/bookShipmentPickUp/action | Allows to book a pick up for return shipments. |
Microsoft.DataBox/jobs/mitigate/action | This method helps in performing mitigation action on a job with a resolution code |
Microsoft.DataBox/jobs/markDevicesShipped/action | |
Microsoft.DataBox/jobs/read | List or get the Orders |
Microsoft.DataBox/jobs/delete | Delete the Orders |
Microsoft.DataBox/jobs/write | Create or update the Orders |
Microsoft.DataBox/jobs/listCredentials/action | Lists the unencrypted credentials related to the order. |
Microsoft.DataBox/jobs/eventGridFilters/write | Create or update the Event Grid Subscription Filter |
Microsoft.DataBox/jobs/eventGridFilters/read | List or get the Event Grid Subscription Filter |
Microsoft.DataBox/jobs/eventGridFilters/delete | Delete the Event Grid Subscription Filter |
Microsoft.DataBox/locations/validateInputs/action | This method does all type of validations. |
Microsoft.DataBox/locations/validateAddress/action | Validates the shipping address and provides alternate addresses if any. |
Microsoft.DataBox/locations/availableSkus/action | This method returns the list of available skus. |
Microsoft.DataBox/locations/regionConfiguration/action | This method returns the configurations for the region. |
Microsoft.DataBox/locations/availableSkus/read | List or get the Available Skus |
Microsoft.DataBox/locations/operationResults/read | List or get the Operation Results |
Microsoft.DataBox/operations/read | List or get the Operations |
Microsoft.DataBox/subscriptions/resourceGroups/moveResources/action | This method performs the resource move. |
Microsoft.DataBox/subscriptions/resourceGroups/validateMoveResources/action | This method validates whether resource move is allowed or not. |
Appliances and solutions for data transfer to Azure and edge compute.
Azure service: Azure Stack Edge
Action | Description |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/availableSkus/read | Lists or gets the available skus |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/deviceCapacityCheck/action | Performs Device Capacity Check and Returns Feasibility |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/write | Creates or updates the Data Box Edge devices |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/read | Lists or gets the Data Box Edge devices |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/delete | Deletes the Data Box Edge devices |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/getExtendedInformation/action | Retrieves resource extended information |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/updateExtendedInformation/action | Updates resource extended information |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/scanForUpdates/action | Scan for updates |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/downloadUpdates/action | Download Updates in device |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/installUpdates/action | Install Updates on device |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/uploadCertificate/action | Upload certificate for device registration |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/generateCertificate/action | Generate certificate |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/triggerSupportPackage/action | Trigger Support Package |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/alerts/read | Lists or gets the alerts |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/bandwidthSchedules/read | Lists or gets the bandwidth schedules |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/bandwidthSchedules/write | Creates or updates the bandwidth schedules |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/bandwidthSchedules/delete | Deletes the bandwidth schedules |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/bandwidthSchedules/operationResults/read | Lists or gets the operation result |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/deviceCapacityCheck/operationResults/read | Lists or gets the operation result |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/deviceCapacityInfo/read | Lists or gets the device capacity information |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/diagnosticProactiveLogCollectionSettings/operationResults/read | Lists or gets the operation result |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/diagnosticRemoteSupportSettings/operationResults/read | Lists or gets the operation result |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/jobs/read | Lists or gets the jobs |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/networkSettings/read | Lists or gets the Device network settings |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/nodes/read | Lists or gets the nodes |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/operationResults/read | Lists or gets the operation result |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/operationsStatus/read | Lists or gets the operation status |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/orders/read | Lists or gets the orders |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/orders/write | Creates or updates the orders |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/orders/delete | Deletes the orders |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/orders/listDCAccessCode/action | Lists or gets the data center access code |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/orders/operationResults/read | Lists or gets the operation result |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/write | Creates or updates the diagnostics setting for the resource |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/diagnosticSettings/read | Gets the diagnostic setting for the resource |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read | Gets the available Data Box Edge device level metrics |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/publishers/offers/skus/versions/generatesastoken/action | Gets the SAS Token for a specific image |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/publishers/offers/skus/versions/generatesastoken/operationResults/read | Lists or gets the operation result |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/read | Lists or gets the roles |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/migrate/action | Migrates the IoT role to ASE Kubernetes role |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/write | Creates or updates the roles |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/delete | Deletes the roles |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/addons/read | Lists or gets the addons |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/addons/write | Creates or updates the addons |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/addons/delete | Deletes the addons |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/addons/operationResults/read | Lists or gets the operation result |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/migrate/operationResults/read | Lists or gets the operation result |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/monitoringConfig/write | Creates or updates the monitoring configuration |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/monitoringConfig/delete | Deletes the monitoring configuration |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/monitoringConfig/read | Lists or gets the monitoring configuration |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/monitoringConfig/operationResults/read | Lists or gets the operation result |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/roles/operationResults/read | Lists or gets the operation result |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/securitySettings/update/action | Update security settings |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/securitySettings/operationResults/read | Lists or gets the operation result |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/shares/read | Lists or gets the shares |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/shares/write | Creates or updates the shares |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/shares/refresh/action | Refresh the share metadata with the data from the cloud |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/shares/delete | Deletes the shares |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/shares/operationResults/read | Lists or gets the operation result |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccountCredentials/write | Creates or updates the storage account credentials |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccountCredentials/read | Lists or gets the storage account credentials |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccountCredentials/delete | Deletes the storage account credentials |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccountCredentials/operationResults/read | Lists or gets the operation result |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccounts/read | Lists or gets the Storage Accounts |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccounts/write | Creates or updates the Storage Accounts |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccounts/delete | Deletes the Storage Accounts |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccounts/containers/read | Lists or gets the Containers |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccounts/containers/write | Creates or updates the Containers |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccounts/containers/delete | Deletes the Containers |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccounts/containers/refresh/action | Refresh the container metadata with the data from the cloud |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccounts/containers/operationResults/read | Lists or gets the operation result |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/storageAccounts/operationResults/read | Lists or gets the operation result |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/triggers/read | Lists or gets the triggers |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/triggers/write | Creates or updates the triggers |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/triggers/delete | Deletes the triggers |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/triggers/operationResults/read | Lists or gets the operation result |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/triggerSupportPackage/operationResults/read | Lists or gets the operation result |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/updateSummary/read | Lists or gets the update summary |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/users/read | Lists or gets the share users |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/users/write | Creates or updates the share users |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/users/delete | Deletes the share users |
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices/users/operationResults/read | Lists or gets the operation result |
Simplify on-premises database migration to the cloud.
Azure service: Azure Database Migration Service
Action | Description |
Microsoft.DataMigration/register/action | Registers the subscription with the Azure Database Migration Service provider |
Microsoft.DataMigration/databaseMigrations/write | Create or Update Database Migration resource |
Microsoft.DataMigration/databaseMigrations/delete | Delete Database Migration resource |
Microsoft.DataMigration/databaseMigrations/read | Retrieve the Database Migration resource |
Microsoft.DataMigration/databaseMigrations/cancel/action | Stop ongoing migration for the database |
Microsoft.DataMigration/databaseMigrations/cutover/action | Cutover online migration operation for the database |
Microsoft.DataMigration/locations/migrationServiceOperationResults/read | Retrieve Service Operation Results |
Microsoft.DataMigration/locations/operationResults/read | Get the status of a long-running operation related to a 202 Accepted response |
Microsoft.DataMigration/locations/operationStatuses/read | Get the status of a long-running operation related to a 202 Accepted response |
Microsoft.DataMigration/locations/sqlMigrationServiceOperationResults/read | Retrieve Service Operation Results |
Microsoft.DataMigration/migrationServices/write | Create a new or change properties of existing Service |
Microsoft.DataMigration/migrationServices/delete | Delete existing Service |
Microsoft.DataMigration/migrationServices/read | Retrieve details of Migration Service |
Microsoft.DataMigration/migrationServices/read | Retrieve details of Migration Services in a Resource Group |
Microsoft.DataMigration/migrationServices/validateIR/action | |
Microsoft.DataMigration/migrationServices/read | Retrieve all services in the Subscription |
Microsoft.DataMigration/migrationServices/listMigrations/read | |
Microsoft.DataMigration/operations/read | Get all REST Operations |
Microsoft.DataMigration/services/read | Read information about resources |
Microsoft.DataMigration/services/write | Create or update resources and their properties |
Microsoft.DataMigration/services/delete | Deletes a resource and all of its children |
Microsoft.DataMigration/services/stop/action | Stop the Azure Database Migration Service to minimize its cost |
Microsoft.DataMigration/services/start/action | Start the Azure Database Migration Service to allow it to process migrations again |
Microsoft.DataMigration/services/checkStatus/action | Check whether the service is deployed and running |
Microsoft.DataMigration/services/configureWorker/action | Configures an Azure Database Migration Service worker to the Service's availiable workers |
Microsoft.DataMigration/services/addWorker/action | Adds an Azure Database Migration Service worker to the Service's availiable workers |
Microsoft.DataMigration/services/removeWorker/action | Removes an Azure Database Migration Service worker to the Service's availiable workers |
Microsoft.DataMigration/services/updateAgentConfig/action | Updates Azure Database Migration Service agent configuration with provided values. |
Microsoft.DataMigration/services/getHybridDownloadLink/action | Gets an Azure Database Migration Service worker package download link from RP Blob Storage. |
Microsoft.DataMigration/services/projects/read | Read information about resources |
Microsoft.DataMigration/services/projects/write | Run tasks Azure Database Migration Service tasks |
Microsoft.DataMigration/services/projects/delete | Deletes a resource and all of its children |
Microsoft.DataMigration/services/projects/accessArtifacts/action | Generate a URL that can be used to GET or PUT project artifacts |
Microsoft.DataMigration/services/projects/tasks/read | Read information about resources |
Microsoft.DataMigration/services/projects/tasks/write | Run tasks Azure Database Migration Service tasks |
Microsoft.DataMigration/services/projects/tasks/delete | Deletes a resource and all of its children |
Microsoft.DataMigration/services/projects/tasks/cancel/action | Cancel the task if it's currently running |
Microsoft.DataMigration/services/serviceTasks/read | Read information about resources |
Microsoft.DataMigration/services/serviceTasks/write | Run tasks Azure Database Migration Service tasks |
Microsoft.DataMigration/services/serviceTasks/delete | Deletes a resource and all of its children |
Microsoft.DataMigration/services/serviceTasks/cancel/action | Cancel the task if it's currently running |
Microsoft.DataMigration/services/slots/read | Read information about resources |
Microsoft.DataMigration/services/slots/write | Create or update resources and their properties |
Microsoft.DataMigration/services/slots/delete | Deletes a resource and all of its children |
Microsoft.DataMigration/skus/read | Get a list of SKUs supported by Azure Database Migration Service resources. |
Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/write | Create a new or change properties of existing Service |
Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/delete | Delete existing Service |
Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/read | Retrieve details of Migration Service |
Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/read | Retrieve details of Migration Services in a Resource Group |
Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/listAuthKeys/action | Retrieve the List of Authentication Keys |
Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/regenerateAuthKeys/action | Regenerate the Authentication Keys |
Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/deleteNode/action | |
Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/listMonitoringData/action | Retrieve the Monitoring Data |
Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/validateIR/action | |
Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/read | Retrieve all services in the Subscription |
Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/listMigrations/read | |
Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/MonitoringData/read | Retrieve the Monitoring Data |
Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/tasks/write | Create or Update Migration Service task |
Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/tasks/delete | |
Microsoft.DataMigration/sqlMigrationServices/tasks/read | Get Migration Service task details |
Easily discover, assess, right-size, and migrate your on-premises VMs to Azure.
Azure service: Azure Migrate
Action | Description |
Microsoft.Migrate/register/action | Subscription Registration Action |
Microsoft.Migrate/unregister/action | Unregisters Subscription with Microsoft.Migrate resource provider |
Microsoft.Migrate/register/action | Registers Subscription with Microsoft.Migrate resource provider |
Microsoft.Migrate/register/action | Registers Subscription with Microsoft.Migrate resource provider |
Microsoft.Migrate/unregister/action | Unregisters Subscription with Microsoft.Migrate resource provider |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/read | Gets the properties of assessment project |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/write | Creates a new assessment project or updates an existing assessment project |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/delete | Deletes the assessment project |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/startreplicationplanner/action | Initiates replication planner for the set of resources included in the request body |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/aksAssessmentOptions/read | Gets the properties of the aks AssessmentOptions |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/aksAssessments/read | Gets the properties of the aks Assessment |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/aksAssessments/write | Creates a aks Assessment or updates an existing aks Assessment |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/aksAssessments/delete | Deletes the aks Assessment which are available in the given location |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/aksAssessments/downloadurl/action | Get Blob SAS URI for the aks AssessmentReport |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/aksAssessments/assessedwebapps/read | Gets the properties of the assessedwebapps |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/aksAssessments/clusters/read | Gets the properties of the clusters |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/aksAssessments/costdetails/read | Gets the properties of the costdetails |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/aksAssessments/summaries/read | Gets the properties of the aks AssessmentSummary |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/assessmentOptions/read | Gets the assessment options which are available in the given location |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/assessments/read | Lists assessments within a project |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/assessmentsSummary/read | Gets the assessments summary which are available in the given location |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/avsAssessmentOptions/read | Gets the AVS assessment options which are available in the given location |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/businesscases/comparesummary/action | Gets the compare summary of the business case |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/businesscases/read | Gets the properties of a business case |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/businesscases/report/action | Downloads a Business Case report's URL |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/businesscases/write | Creates a new business case or updates an existing business case |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/businesscases/delete | Delete a Business Case |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/businesscases/avssummaries/read | Gets the AVS summary of the business case |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/businesscases/evaluatedavsmachines/read | Get the properties of an evaluated Avs machine |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/businesscases/evaluatedmachines/read | Get the properties of an evaluated machine |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/businesscases/evaluatedsqlentities/read | Get the properties of an evaluated SQL entities |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/businesscases/evaluatedwebapps/read | Get the properties of an Evaluated Webapp |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/businesscases/iaassummaries/read | Gets the IAAS summary of the business case |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/businesscases/overviewsummaries/read | Gets the overview summary of the business case |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/businesscases/paassummaries/read | Gets the PAAS summary of the business case |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/read | Get the properties of a group |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/write | Creates a new group or updates an existing group |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/delete | Deletes a group |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/updateMachines/action | Update group by adding or removing machines |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/assessments/read | Gets the properties of an assessment |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/assessments/write | Creates a new assessment or updates an existing assessment |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/assessments/delete | Deletes an assessment |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/assessments/downloadurl/action | Downloads an assessment report's URL |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/assessments/assessedmachines/read | Get the properties of an assessed machine |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/assessmentsSummary/read | Assessment summary of group |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/avsAssessments/read | Gets the properties of an AVS assessment |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/avsAssessments/write | Creates a new AVS assessment or updates an existing AVS assessment |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/avsAssessments/delete | Deletes an AVS assessment |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/avsAssessments/downloadurl/action | Downloads an AVS assessment report's URL |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/avsAssessments/avsassessedmachines/read | Get the properties of an AVS assessed machine |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/sqlAssessments/read | Gets the properties of an SQL assessment |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/sqlAssessments/write | Creates a new SQL assessment or updates an existing SQL assessment |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/sqlAssessments/delete | Deletes an SQL assessment |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/sqlAssessments/downloadurl/action | Downloads an SQL assessment report's URL |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/sqlAssessments/assessedSqlDatabases/read | Get the properties of assessed SQL databses |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/sqlAssessments/assessedSqlInstances/read | Get the properties of assessed SQL instances |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/sqlAssessments/assessedSqlMachines/read | Get the properties of assessed SQL machines |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/sqlAssessments/recommendedAssessedEntities/read | Get the properties of recommended assessed entity |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/sqlAssessments/summaries/read | Gets Sql Assessment summary of group |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/webappAssessments/downloadurl/action | Downloads WebApp assessment report's URL |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/webappAssessments/read | Gets the properties of an WebApp assessment |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/webappAssessments/write | Creates a new WebApp assessment or updates an existing WebApp assessment |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/webappAssessments/delete | Deletes an WebApp assessment |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/webappAssessments/assessedwebApps/read | Get the properties of assessed WebApps |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/webappAssessments/summaries/read | Gets web app assessment summary |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/groups/webappAssessments/webappServicePlans/read | Get the properties of WebApp service plan |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/hypervcollectors/read | Gets the properties of HyperV collector |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/hypervcollectors/write | Creates a new HyperV collector or updates an existing HyperV collector |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/hypervcollectors/delete | Deletes the HyperV collector |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/importcollectors/read | Gets the properties of Import collector |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/importcollectors/write | Creates a new Import collector or updates an existing Import collector |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/importcollectors/delete | Deletes the Import collector |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/machines/read | Gets the properties of a machine |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/oracleAssessmentOptions/read | Gets the properties of the oracle AssessmentOptions |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/oracleAssessments/read | Gets the properties of the oracle Assessment |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/oracleAssessments/write | Creates a oracle Assessment or updates an existing oracle Assessment |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/oracleAssessments/delete | Deletes the oracle Assessment which are available in the given location |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/oracleAssessments/downloadurl/action | Get Blob SAS URI for the oracle AssessmentReport |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/oracleAssessments/assessedDatabases/read | Gets the properties of the assessedDatabases |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/oracleAssessments/assessedInstances/read | Gets the properties of the assessedInstances |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/oracleAssessments/summaries/read | Gets the properties of the oracle AssessmentSummary |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/oraclecollectors/read | Gets the properties of the oracle Collector |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/oraclecollectors/write | Creates a oracle Collector or updates an existing oracle Collector |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/oraclecollectors/delete | Deletes the oracle Collector which are available in the given location |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read | Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action | Validate a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write | Create or Update a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete | Delete a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/privateendpointconnectionproxiesazureasyncoperation/read | Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/privateEndpointConnections/read | Get Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/privateEndpointConnections/write | Update a Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/privateEndpointConnections/delete | Delete a Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/privateLinkResources/read | Get Private Link Resource |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/projectsummary/read | Gets the properties of project summary |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/replicationplannerjobs/read | Gets the properties of an replication planner jobs |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sapAssessmentOptions/read | Gets the properties of the sap AssessmentOptions |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sapAssessments/read | Gets the properties of the sap Assessment |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sapAssessments/write | Creates a sap Assessment or updates an existing sap Assessment |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sapAssessments/delete | Deletes the sap Assessment which are available in the given location |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sapAssessments/downloadurl/action | Get Blob SAS URI for the sap AssessmentReport |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sapAssessments/assessedApplications/read | Gets the properties of the assessedApplications |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sapAssessments/summaries/read | Gets the properties of the sap AssessmentSummary |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sapcollectors/read | Gets the properties of the sap Collector |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sapcollectors/write | Creates a sap Collector or updates an existing sap Collector |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sapcollectors/delete | Deletes the sap Collector which are available in the given location |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/servercollectors/read | Gets the properties of Server collector |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/servercollectors/write | Creates a new Server collector or updates an existing Server collector |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/springBootAssessmentOptions/read | Gets the properties of the springBoot AssessmentOptions |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/springBootAssessments/read | Gets the properties of the springBoot Assessment |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/springBootAssessments/write | Creates a springBoot Assessment or updates an existing springBoot Assessment |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/springBootAssessments/delete | Deletes the springBoot Assessment which are available in the given location |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/springBootAssessments/downloadurl/action | Get Blob SAS URI for the springBoot AssessmentReport |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/springBootAssessments/assessedApplications/read | Gets the properties of the assessedApplications |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/springBootAssessments/summaries/read | Gets the properties of the springBoot AssessmentSummary |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/springBootcollectors/read | Gets the properties of the springBoot Collector |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/springBootcollectors/write | Creates a springBoot Collector or updates an existing springBoot Collector |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/springBootcollectors/delete | Deletes the springBoot Collector which are available in the given location |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sqlAssessmentOptions/read | Gets the SQL assessment options which are available in the given location |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sqlcollectors/read | Gets the properties of SQL collector |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sqlcollectors/write | Creates a new SQL collector or updates an existing SQL collector |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/sqlcollectors/delete | Deletes the SQL collector |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/vmwarecollectors/read | Gets the properties of VMware collector |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/vmwarecollectors/write | Creates a new VMware collector or updates an existing VMware collector |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/vmwarecollectors/delete | Deletes the VMware collector |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/webAppAssessmentOptions/read | Gets the WebApp assessment options which are available in the given location |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/webAppAssessments/read | Lists web app assessments within a project |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/webappcollectors/read | Gets the properties of Webapp collector |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/webappcollectors/write | Creates a new Webapp collector or updates an existing Webapp collector |
Microsoft.Migrate/assessmentProjects/webappcollectors/delete | Deletes the Webapp collector |
Microsoft.Migrate/locations/operationResults/read | Locations Operation Results |
Microsoft.Migrate/locations/rmsOperationResults/read | Gets the status of the subscription wide location based operation |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/read | Gets the properties of migrate project |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/write | Creates a new migrate project or updates an existing migrate project |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/delete | Deletes a migrate project |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/registerTool/action | Registers tool to a migrate project |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/RefreshSummary/action | Refreshes the migrate project summary |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/registrationDetails/action | Provides the tool registration details |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/DatabaseInstances/read | Gets the properties of a database instance |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/Databases/read | Gets the properties of a database |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/machines/read | Gets the properties of a machine |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/MigrateEvents/read | Gets the properties of a migrate events. |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/MigrateEvents/Delete | Deletes a migrate event |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read | Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action | Validate a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write | Create or Update a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete | Delete a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/privateEndpointConnections/read | Get Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/privateEndpointConnections/write | Update a Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/privateEndpointConnections/delete | Delete a Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/privateLinkResources/read | Get Private Link Resource |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/solutions/read | Gets the properties of migrate project solution |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/solutions/write | Creates a new migrate project solution or updates an existing migrate project solution |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/solutions/Delete | Deletes a migrate project solution |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/solutions/getconfig/action | Gets the migrate project solution configuration |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/solutions/cleanupData/action | Clean up the migrate project solution data |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/VirtualDesktopUsers/read | Gets the properties of a virtual desktop user |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/WebServers/read | Gets the properties of a web server |
Microsoft.Migrate/migrateProjects/WebSites/read | Gets the properties of a web site |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/read | Gets the details of the modernize project |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/write | Creates the modernizeProject |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/delete | Removes the modernizeProject |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/deployedResources/read | Gets the details of the deployed resource |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/jobs/read | Gets the details of the job |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/jobs/operations/read | Tracks the results of an asynchronous operation on the job |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/migrateAgents/read | Gets the details of the modernizeProject agent |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/migrateAgents/write | Creates the modernizeProject agent |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/migrateAgents/delete | Deletes the modernizeProject agent |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/migrateAgents/refresh/action | Refreshes the modernizeProject agent |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/migrateAgents/operations/read | Tracks the results of an asynchronous operation on the modernizeProject agent |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/operations/read | Tracks the results of an asynchronous operation on the modernizeProject |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/statistics/read | Gets the statistics for the modernizeProject |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadDeployments/read | Gets the details of the workload deployment |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadDeployments/write | Creates the workload deployment |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadDeployments/delete | Removes the workload deployment |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadDeployments/getSecrets/action | Gets the secrets of the workload deployment |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadDeployments/buildContainerImage/action | Performs the build container image action on the workload deployment |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadDeployments/testMigrate/action | Performs the test migrate on the workload deployment |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadDeployments/testMigrateCleanup/action | Performs the test migrate cleanup on the workload deployment |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadDeployments/migrate/action | Performs migrate on the workload deployment |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadDeployments/operations/read | Tracks the results of an asynchronous operation on the workload deployment |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadInstances/read | Gets the details of the workload instance |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadInstances/write | Creates the workload instance in the given modernizeProject |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadInstances/delete | Deletes the workload instance in the given modernizeProject |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadInstances/completeMigration/action | Performs complete migrate on the workload instance |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadInstances/disableReplication/action | Performs disable replicate on the workload instance |
Microsoft.Migrate/modernizeProjects/workloadInstances/operations/read | Tracks the results of an asynchronous operation on the workload instance |
Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/read | Gets the move collection |
Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/write | Creates or updates a move collection |
Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/delete | Deletes a move collection |
Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/resolveDependencies/action | Computes, resolves and validate the dependencies of the move resources in the move collection |
Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/prepare/action | Initiates prepare for the set of resources included in the request body |
Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/initiateMove/action | Moves the set of resources included in the request body |
Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/discard/action | Discards the set of resources included in the request body |
Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/commit/action | Commits the set of resources included in the request body |
Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/bulkRemove/action | Removes the set of move resources included in the request body from move collection |
Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/moveResources/read | Gets all the move resources or a move resource from the move collection |
Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/moveResources/write | Creates or updates a move resource |
Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/moveResources/delete | Deletes a move resource from the move collection |
Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/operations/read | Gets the status of the operation |
Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/requiredFor/read | Gets the resources which will use the resource passed in query parameter |
Microsoft.Migrate/moveCollections/unresolvedDependencies/read | Gets a list of unresolved dependencies in the move collection |
Microsoft.Migrate/Operations/read | Reads the exposed operations |
Microsoft.Migrate/resourcetypes/read | Gets the resource types |
Azure service: Azure Migrate
Action | Description |
Microsoft.OffAzure/register/action | Subscription Registration Action |
Microsoft.OffAzure/unregister/action | Unregisters Subscription with Microsoft.OffAzure resource provider |
Microsoft.OffAzure/register/action | Registers Subscription with Microsoft.OffAzure resource provider |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/read | Gets the properties of a Hyper-V site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/write | Creates or updates the Hyper-V site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/delete | Deletes the Hyper-V site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/refresh/action | Refreshes the objects within a Hyper-V site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/updateProperties/action | Updates the properties for machines in a site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/clientGroupMembers/action | Generates client group members view with dependency map data |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/exportApplications/action | Export the Applications, roles and features of HyperV site machine inventory |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/exportDependencies/action | Export the machine Dependency map information of entire HyperV site machine inventory |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/exportMachineErrors/action | Export machine errors for the entire HyperV site machine inventory |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/generateCoarseMap/action | Generates coarse map for the list of machines |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/generateDetailedMap/action | Generate details HyperV coarse map |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/serverGroupMembers/action | Lists the server group members for the selected server group. |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/updateDependencyMapStatus/action | Toggle dependency map switch of a list of machines |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/clusters/read | Gets the properties of a Hyper-V cluster |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/clusters/write | Creates or updates the Hyper-V cluster |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/errorSummary/read | Gets the error summaries of all the HyperV Site resource inventory |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/healthsummary/read | Gets the health summary for Hyper-V resource |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/hosts/read | Gets the properties of a Hyper-V host |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/hosts/write | Creates or updates the Hyper-V host |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/jobs/read | Gets the properties of a Hyper-V jobs |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/machines/read | Gets the properties of a Hyper-V machines |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/machines/applications/read | Get properties of HyperV machine application |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/machines/softwareinventory/read | Gets HyperV machine software inventory data |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/operationsstatus/read | Gets the properties of a Hyper-V operation status |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/runasaccounts/read | Gets the properties of a Hyper-V run as accounts |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/summary/read | Gets the summary of a Hyper-V site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/hypervSites/usage/read | Gets the usages of a Hyper-V site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/importSites/read | Gets the properties of a Import site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/importSites/write | Creates or updates the Import site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/importSites/delete | Deletes the Import site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/importSites/importuri/action | Gets the SAS uri for importing the machines CSV file. |
Microsoft.OffAzure/importSites/exporturi/action | Gets the SAS uri for exporting the machines CSV file. |
Microsoft.OffAzure/importSites/jobs/read | Gets the properties of a Import jobs |
Microsoft.OffAzure/importSites/machines/read | Gets the properties of a Import machines |
Microsoft.OffAzure/importSites/machines/delete | Deletes the Import machine |
Microsoft.OffAzure/locations/operationResults/read | Locations Operation Results |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/read | Gets the properties of a Master site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/write | Creates or updates the Master site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/delete | Deletes the Master site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/applianceRegistrationInfo/action | Register an Appliances Under A Master Site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/errorSummary/action | Retrieves Error Summary For Resources Under A Given Master Site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/operationsstatus/read | Gets the properties of a Master site operation status |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/OracleErrorSummaries/read | Gets the error summaries of all the Partner Site resource inventory |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/OracleExtendedMachines/read | Gets the extended machines relative to all the Partner Site resource inventory |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/OracleResourceLinks/read | Gets the resource Linkages of the Partner Site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/OracleResourceLinks/write | Creates or updates the resource Linkages of the Partner Site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/OracleResourceLinks/delete | Deletes the resource Linkages of the Partner Site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read | Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action | Validate a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write | Create or Update a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete | Delete a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/operationsstatus/read | Get status of a long running operation on a Private Endpoint Connection Proxy |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/privateEndpointConnections/read | Get Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/privateEndpointConnections/write | Update a Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/privateEndpointConnections/delete | Delete a Private Endpoint Connection |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/privateLinkResources/read | Get Private Link Resource |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/SpringbootErrorSummaries/read | Gets the error summaries of all the Partner Site resource inventory |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/SpringbootExtendedMachines/read | Gets the extended machines relative to all the Partner Site resource inventory |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/SpringbootResourceLinks/read | Gets the resource Linkages of the Partner Site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/SpringbootResourceLinks/write | Creates or updates the resource Linkages of the Partner Site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/SpringbootResourceLinks/delete | Deletes the resource Linkages of the Partner Site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/read | Gets the Sql Site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/write | Creates or Updates a Sql Site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/delete | Delete a Sql Site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/refresh/action | Refreshes data for Sql Site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/exportSqlServers/action | Export Sql servers for the entire Sql site inventory |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/exportSqlServerErrors/action | Export Sql server errors for the entire Sql site inventory |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/errorDetailedSummary/action | Retrieves Sql Error detailed summary for a resource under a given Sql Site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/discoverySiteDataSources/read | Gets the Sql Discovery Site Data Source |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/discoverySiteDataSources/write | Creates or Updates the Sql Discovery Site Data Source |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/operationsStatus/read | Gets Sql Operation Status |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/runAsAccounts/read | Gets Sql Run as Accounts for a given site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/sqlAvailabilityGroups/read | Gets Sql Availability Groups for a given site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/sqlDatabases/read | Gets Sql Database for a given site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/sqlSites/sqlServers/read | Gets the Sql Servers for a given site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/read | Gets the properties of a WebApp site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/write | Creates or updates the WebApp site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/delete | Deletes the WebApp site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/Refresh/action | Refresh Web App For A Given Site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/UpdateProperties/action | Create or Update Web App Properties for a given site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/DiscoverySiteDataSources/read | Gets Web App Discovery Site Data Source For A Given Site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/DiscoverySiteDataSources/write | Create or Update Web App Discovery Site Data Source For A Given Site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/ExtendedMachines/read | Get Web App Extended Machines For A Given Site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/IISWebApplications/read | Gets the properties of IIS Web applications. |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/IISWebServers/read | Gets the properties of IIS Web servers. |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/RunAsAccounts/read | Get Web App Run As Accounts For A Given Site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/TomcatWebApplications/read | Get TomCat Web Applications |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/TomcatWebServers/read | Get TomCat Web Servers for a given site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/WebApplications/read | Gets Web App Applications for a given site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/masterSites/webAppSites/WebServers/read | Gets Web App Web Servers |
Microsoft.OffAzure/Operations/read | Reads the exposed operations |
Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/read | Gets the properties of a Server site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/write | Creates or updates the Server site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/delete | Deletes the Server site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/refresh/action | Refreshes the objects within a Server site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/updateProperties/action | Updates the properties for machines in a site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/updateTags/action | Updates the tags for machines in a site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/clientGroupMembers/action | Generate client group members view with dependency map data |
Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/exportApplications/action | Export Applications, Roles and Features of Server Site Inventory |
Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/exportDependencies/action | Export the machine Dependency map information of entire Server site machine inventory |
Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/exportMachineErrors/action | Export machine errors for the entire Server site machine inventory |
Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/generateCoarseMap/action | Generate Coarse map for the list of machines |
Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/generateDetailedMap/action | Generate detailed coarse map for the list of machines |
Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/serverGroupMembers/action | Generate server group members view with dependency map data |
Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/updateDependencyMapStatus/action | Toggle dependency map data of a list of machines |
Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/errorSummary/read | Get Error Summary for Server site inventory |
Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/jobs/read | Gets the properties of a Server jobs |
Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/machines/read | Gets the properties of a Server machines |
Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/machines/write | Write the properties of a Server machines |
Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/machines/delete | Delete the properties of a Server machines |
Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/machines/applications/read | Get server machine installed applications, roles and features |
Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/machines/softwareinventory/read | Gets Server machine software inventory data |
Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/operationsstatus/read | Gets the properties of a Server operation status |
Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/runasaccounts/read | Gets the properties of a Server run as accounts |
Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/summary/read | Gets the summary of a Server site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/serverSites/usage/read | Gets the usages of a Server site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/read | Gets the properties of a VMware site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/write | Creates or updates the VMware site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/delete | Deletes the VMware site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/refresh/action | Refreshes the objects within a VMware site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/exportapplications/action | Exports the VMware applications and roles data into xls |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/updateProperties/action | Updates the properties for machines in a site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/updateTags/action | Updates the tags for machines in a site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/generateCoarseMap/action | Generates the coarse map for the list of machines |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/generateDetailedMap/action | Generates the Detailed VMware Coarse Map |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/clientGroupMembers/action | Lists the client group members for the selected client group. |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/serverGroupMembers/action | Lists the server group members for the selected server group. |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/getApplications/action | Gets the list application information for the selected machines |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/exportDependencies/action | Exports the dependencies information for the selected machines |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/exportMachineerrors/action | Export machine errors for the entire VMware site machine inventory |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/updateDependencyMapStatus/action | Toggle dependency map data of a list of machines |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/errorSummary/read | Get Error Summary for VMware site inventory |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/healthsummary/read | Gets the health summary for VMware resource |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/hosts/read | Gets the properties of a VMware hosts |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/jobs/read | Gets the properties of a VMware jobs |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/machines/read | Gets the properties of a VMware machines |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/machines/stop/action | Stops the VMware machines |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/machines/start/action | Start VMware machines |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/machines/applications/read | Gets the properties of a VMware machines applications |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/machines/softwareinventory/read | Gets VMware machine software inventory data |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/operationsstatus/read | Gets the properties of a VMware operation status |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/runasaccounts/read | Gets the properties of a VMware run as accounts |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/summary/read | Gets the summary of a VMware site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/usage/read | Gets the usages of a VMware site |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/vcenters/read | Gets the properties of a VMware vCenter |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/vcenters/write | Creates or updates the VMware vCenter |
Microsoft.OffAzure/vmwareSites/vcenters/delete | Delete previously added Vcenter |