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Quickstart: Upload firmware images to firmware analysis using Python

This article explains how to use a Python script to upload firmware images to firmware analysis.

Firmware analysis is a tool that analyzes firmware images and provides an understanding of security vulnerabilities in the firmware images.


This quickstart assumes a basic understanding of firmware analysis. For more information, see Firmware analysis for device builders. For a list of the file systems that are supported, see Frequently asked Questions about firmware analysis.

Prepare your environment

  1. Python version 3.8+ is required to use this package. Run the command python --version to check your Python version.
  2. Make note of your Azure subscription ID, the name of your Resource Group where you'd like to upload your images, your workspace name, and the name of the firmware image that you'd like to upload.
  3. Ensure that your Azure account has the necessary permissions to upload firmware images to firmware analysis for your Azure subscription. You must be an Owner, Contributor, Security Admin, or Firmware Analysis Admin at the Subscription or Resource Group level to upload firmware images. For more information, visit Firmware analysis Roles, Scopes, and Capabilities.
  4. Ensure that your firmware image is stored in the same directory as the Python script.
  5. Install the packages needed to run this script:
    pip install azure-mgmt-iotfirmwaredefense
    pip install azure-identity
  6. Log in to your Azure account by running the command az login.

Run the following Python script

Copy the following Python script into a .py file and save it to the same directory as your firmware image. Replace the subscription_id variable with your Azure subscription ID, resource_group_name with the name of your Resource Group where you'd like to upload your firmware image, and firmware_file with the name of your firmware image, which is saved in the same directory as the Python script.

from azure.identity import AzureCliCredential
from azure.mgmt.iotfirmwaredefense import *
from azure.mgmt.iotfirmwaredefense.models import *
from azure.core.exceptions import *
from import BlobClient
import uuid
from time import sleep
from halo import Halo
from tabulate import tabulate

subscription_id = "subscription-id"
resource_group_name = "resource-group-name"
workspace_name = "default"
firmware_file = "firmware-image-name"

def main():
    firmware_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
    fw_client = init_connections(firmware_id)
    upload_firmware(fw_client, firmware_id)
    get_results(fw_client, firmware_id)

def init_connections(firmware_id):
    spinner = Halo(text=f"Creating client for firmware {firmware_id}")
    cli_credential = AzureCliCredential()
    client = IoTFirmwareDefenseMgmtClient(cli_credential, subscription_id, '')
    return client

def upload_firmware(fw_client, firmware_id):
    spinner = Halo(text="Uploading firmware to Azure...", spinner="dots")
    token = fw_client.workspaces.generate_upload_url(resource_group_name, workspace_name, {"firmware_id": firmware_id})
    fw_client.firmwares.create(resource_group_name, workspace_name, firmware_id, {"properties": {"file_name": firmware_file, "vendor": "Contoso Ltd.", "model": "Wifi Router", "version": "1.0.1", "status": "Pending"}})
    bl_client = BlobClient.from_blob_url(token.url)
    with open(file=firmware_file, mode="rb") as data:

def get_results(fw_client, firmware_id):
    fw = fw_client.firmwares.get(resource_group_name, workspace_name, firmware_id)

    spinner = Halo("Waiting for analysis to finish...", spinner="dots")
    while != "Ready":
        fw = fw_client.firmwares.get(resource_group_name, workspace_name, firmware_id)


    summary = fw_client.summaries.get(resource_group_name, workspace_name, firmware_id, summary_name=SummaryName.FIRMWARE)

    components = fw_client.sbom_components.list_by_firmware(resource_group_name, workspace_name, firmware_id)
    if components is not None:
        print("No components found")

def print_summary(summary):
    table = [[summary.extracted_size, summary.file_size, summary.extracted_file_count, summary.component_count, summary.binary_count, summary.analysis_time_seconds, summary.root_file_systems]]
    header = ["Extracted Size", "File Size", "Extracted Files", "Components", "Binaries", "Analysis Time", "File Systems"]
    print(tabulate(table, header))

def print_components(components):
    table = []
    header = ["Component", "Version", "License", "Paths"]
    for com in components:
    print(tabulate(table, header, maxcolwidths=[None, None, None, 57]))

if __name__ == "__main__":