Del via

vector_search function

Applies to: check marked yes Databricks SQL


This feature is in Public Preview.

The vector_search() function allows you to query a Mosaic AI Vector Search index using SQL.



In Databricks Runtime 15.3 and above you can use query_text or query_vector to specify what to search for in the index.

SELECT * FROM vector_search(
  { query_text | query_vector },
  [ num_results ]

In Databricks Runtime 15.2 and below, you can use query to specify what to search for in the index.

SELECT * FROM vector_search(
  index, query, num_results


All arguments must be passed by name, like vector_search(index => indexName, query_text => queryText).

  • index: A STRING constant, the fully qualified name of an existing vector search index in the same workspace for invocations. The definer must have “Select” permission on the index.
  • Use one of the following to specify the expression to search for in the index:
    • For Databricks Runtime 15.3 or above, use query_text to search for a specific string of text in the embedding source column of your Delta Sync Index. The query must be a STRING expression of the string to search for in the index.
    • For Databricks Runtime 15.3 or above, use query_vector to search for a specific vector in the embedding vector column of your Delta Sync Index. This argument is required for searching a Delta Sync Index using self-managed vectors. The query must be an ARRAY<FLOAT>, or ARRAY<DOUBLE>, or ARRAY<DECIMAL(_, _)> expression of the embedding vector to search for in the index.
    • For Databricks Runtime 15.2 or below, use query to specify the string to search for in your index.
  • num_results (optional): An integer constant, the max number of records to return. Defaults to 10.


A table of the top matching records from the index. All the columns of the index are included.


The following sections show example SQL queries for different index searches.

Text queries on indexes with embedding source columns

Search over an index of product SKUs to find similar products by name. The following example uses query_text which is only supported in Databricks Runtime 15.3 and above. For Databricks Runtime 15.2 and below, use query instead of query_text.

SELECT * FROM VECTOR_SEARCH(index => "main.db.my_index", query_text => "iphone", num_results => 2)
ID Product name
10 iPhone
20 iPhone SE

The following example searches for multiple terms at the same time by using a LATERAL subquery.

SELECT * FROM VECTOR_SEARCH(index => "main.db.my_index", query_text => query_txt, num_results => 2)
  ) as search
query_txt query_id search.product_name
iphone 1 10 iPhone 10
iphone 1 20 iPhone SE
pixel 8 2 30 Pixel 8
pixel 8 2 40 Pixel 8a

Text queries on indexes with embedding source columns

Search over an index of images with pre-computed embeddings to find similar images by embedding. The following example uses query_vector which is only supported in Databricks Runtime 15.3 and above. For Databricks Runtime 15.2 and below, use query instead of query_vector.

SELECT * FROM VECTOR_SEARCH(index => "main.db.my_index", query_vector => ARRAY(0.45, -0.35, 0.78, 0.22), num_results => 3)

SELECT * FROM VECTOR_SEARCH(index => "main.db.my_index", query_vector => ARRAY(0.45F, -0.35F, 0.78F, 0.22F), num_results => 3)

SELECT * FROM VECTOR_SEARCH(index => "main.db.my_index", query_vector => ARRAY(0.45D, -0.35D, 0.78D, 0.22D), num_results => 3)
id image_name image_embedding
28 horse.jpg [0.46, -0.34, 0.77, 0.21]
27 donkey.jpg [0.44, -0.36, 0.79, 0.23]
5 elk.jpg [0.23, -0.44, 0.77, 0.80]

The following example searches for multiple terms at the same time by using a LATERAL subquery.

SELECT * FROM VECTOR_SEARCH(index => "main.db.my_index", query_vector => image_embedding, num_results => 1)
  ) as search
query_embedding search.image_name search_image_embedding
[0.45, -0.35, 0.78, 0.22] 27 donkey.jpg [0.46, -0.34, 0.77, 0.21]
[0.14, 0.29, 0.30, -0.90] 3 landscape.jpg [0.15, 0.30, 0.31, -0.91]
[0.23, -0.44, 0.77, 0.80] 10 golden_gate_bridge.jpg [0.28, -0.40, 0.23, 0.81]
[0.88, 0.88, 0.88, 0.88] 44 blank.jpg [0.88, 0.88, 0.88, 0.88]


The following limitations apply during the preview:

  • Querying DIRECT_ACCESS index types are not supported.
  • Input parameters filters_json or columns are not supported.
  • Vector Search with num_results greater than 100 are not supported.
  • Users who do not have READ access to the source table cannot use vector_search().
  • Hybrid keyword-similarity search is not supported using vector_search().
  • vector_search cannot be used with model serving endpoints using Foundation Model APIs provisioned throughput.