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Databricks Runtime ML maintenance policy

Databricks Runtime ML includes a variety of popular ML and DL libraries. The libraries are updated with each release to include new features and fixes. This article describes the supported top-tier libraries, their update cadence and the scenarios for when libraries are deprecated.

Library support policy

Databricks has designated a subset of the supported libraries as top-tier libraries. For these libraries, Databricks provides a faster update cadence, updating to the latest package releases with each runtime release (barring dependency conflicts). Databricks also provides advanced support, testing, and embedded optimizations for top-tier libraries. Top-tier libraries are added or removed only with major releases.

The full list of the top-tier libraries is:

For a list of all libraries included in each runtime version, see the release notes for Databricks Runtime ML.

Library deprecation policy

Databricks might remove a library from the top-tier list in the following situations:

  • If the library has no new commits in two months and no new releases in more than six months. Databricks might add back the removed library when active maintenance resumes.
  • If usage of the library drops significantly.
  • Libraries are replaced if new packages have been added to fill major gaps.

Databricks will remove a pre-installed library when the library reaches any of the following conditions:

  • The library is no longer actively maintained. A library is considered not actively maintained when any of the following conditions are met:
    • No new commits in three months and no new releases in more than nine months.
    • The library’s repository is archived.
    • An announced stop in maintenance for that library.
  • No stable release is found to be functional for the new runtime.

When a library is planned for removal, Databricks takes the following steps to notify customers:

  • A deprecation warning is added in the runtime release notes, indicating that the library will be removed in the next major Databricks Runtime ML release.
  • A notification is displayed when importing the library, indicating that the library will be removed in the next major Databricks Runtime ML release.
  • Databricks documentation that references the library is updated to indicate that the library is planned for removal.

To continue to use a library after it has been removed, you can either install the library manually or use an earlier version of Databricks Runtime ML.