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Create a database and collection with autoscale for Azure Cosmos DB - API for MongoDB



We recommend that you use the Azure Az PowerShell module to interact with Azure. To get started, see Install Azure PowerShell. To learn how to migrate to the Az PowerShell module, see Migrate Azure PowerShell from AzureRM to Az.

This sample requires Azure PowerShell Az 5.4.0 or later. Run Get-Module -ListAvailable Az to see which versions are installed. If you need to install, see Install Azure PowerShell module.

Run Connect-AzAccount to sign in to Azure.

Sample script

# Reference: Az.CosmosDB |
# --------------------------------------------------
# Purpose
# Create Cosmos MongoDB API account with automatic failover,
# a database, and a collection with autoscale throughput.
# --------------------------------------------------
Function New-RandomString{Param ([Int]$Length = 10) return $(-join ((97..122) + (48..57) | Get-Random -Count $Length | ForEach-Object {[char]$_}))}
# --------------------------------------------------
$uniqueId = New-RandomString -Length 7 # Random alphanumeric string for unique resource names
$apiKind = "MongoDB"
# --------------------------------------------------
# Variables - ***** SUBSTITUTE YOUR VALUES *****
$locations = @()
$locations += New-AzCosmosDBLocationObject -LocationName "East Us" -FailoverPriority 0 -IsZoneRedundant 0
$locations += New-AzCosmosDBLocationObject -LocationName "West Us" -FailoverPriority 1 -IsZoneRedundant 0

$resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup" # Resource Group must already exist
$accountName = "cosmos-$uniqueId" # Must be all lower case
$serverVersion = "4.2" #3.2, 3.6, 4.0 or 4.2
$consistencyLevel = "Session"
$databaseName = "myDatabase"
$collectionName = "myCollection"
$autoscaleMaxThroughput = 1000 #minimum = 1000
$shardKey = "user_id"
$partitionKeys = @("user_id", "user_address")
$ttlKeys = @("_ts")
$ttlInSeconds = 604800
# --------------------------------------------------
Write-Host "Creating account $accountName"
$account = New-AzCosmosDBAccount -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
    -LocationObject $locations -Name $accountName -ApiKind $apiKind `
    -DefaultConsistencyLevel $consistencyLevel `
    -EnableAutomaticFailover:$true -ServerVersion $serverVersion

Write-Host "Creating database $databaseName"
$database = New-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase -ParentObject $account `
    -Name $databaseName

$index1 = New-AzCosmosDBMongoDBIndex -Key $partitionKeys -Unique $true
$index2 = New-AzCosmosDBMongoDBIndex -Key $ttlKeys -TtlInSeconds $ttlInSeconds
$indexes = @($index1, $index2)

Write-Host "Creating collection $collectionName"
$collection = New-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollection -ParentObject $database `
    -Name $collectionName -AutoscaleMaxThroughput $autoscaleMaxThroughput `
    -Shard $shardKey -Index $indexes

Clean up deployment

After the script sample has been run, the following command can be used to remove the resource group and all resources associated with it.

Remove-AzResourceGroup -ResourceGroupName "myResourceGroup"

Script explanation

This script uses the following commands. Each command in the table links to command specific documentation.

Command Notes
Azure Cosmos DB
New-AzCosmosDBAccount Creates an Azure Cosmos DB Account.
New-AzCosmosDBMongoDBDatabase Creates a API for MongoDB Database.
New-AzCosmosDBMongoDBIndex Creates a API for MongoDB Index.
New-AzCosmosDBMongoDBCollection Creates a API for MongoDB Collection.
Azure Resource Groups
Remove-AzResourceGroup Deletes a resource group including all nested resources.

Next steps

For more information on the Azure PowerShell, see Azure PowerShell documentation.