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Create and manage access tokens for end users

Access tokens enable Azure Communication Services SDKs to authenticate directly against Azure Communication Services as a particular identity. You need to create access tokens for end users if you want them to join a call or chat thread within your application.

This article describes how to use the Azure Communication Services SDKs to create identities and manage your access tokens. For production use cases, we recommend that you generate access tokens on a server-side service as described in Client and server architecture.


Set up your environment

Add the extension

Add the Azure Communication Services extension for Azure CLI using the az extension command.

az extension add --name communication

Sign in to Azure CLI

You need to sign in to Azure CLI. You can sign in running the az login command from the terminal, then provide your credentials.

(Optional) Use Azure CLI identity operations without passing in a connection string

You can configure the AZURE_COMMUNICATION_CONNECTION_STRING environment variable to use Azure CLI identity operations without having to use --connection_string to pass in the connection string. To configure an environment variable, open a console window and select your operating system from the following tabs. Replace <yourConnectionString> with your actual connection string.

Open a console window and enter the following command:


After you add the environment variable, you might need to restart any running programs that need to read the environment variable, including the console window. For example, if you're using Visual Studio as your editor, restart Visual Studio before running the example.

Store your access token in an environment variable

To configure an environment variable, open a console window and select your operating system from the below tabs. Replace <yourAccessToken> with your actual access token.

Open a console window and enter the following command:


After you add the environment variable, you might need to restart any running programs that need to read the environment variable, including the console window. For example, if you're using Visual Studio as your editor, restart Visual Studio before running the example.


Create an identity

To create access tokens, you need an identity. Azure Communication Services maintains a lightweight identity directory for this purpose. Use the user create command to create a new entry in the directory with a unique Id. The identity is required later for issuing access tokens.

az communication identity user create --connection-string "<yourConnectionString>"
  • Replace <yourConnectionString> with your connection string.

Create an identity and issue an access token in the same request

Run the following command to create a Communication Services identity and issue an access token for it at the same time. The scopes parameter defines a set of access token permissions and roles. For more information, see the list of supported actions in Authenticate to Azure Communication Services.

az communication identity token issue --scope chat --connection-string "<yourConnectionString>"

Make this replacement in the code:

  • Replace <yourConnectionString> with your connection string.

Issue access token

Run the following command to issue an access token for your Communication Services identity. The scopes parameter defines a set of access token permissions and roles. For more information, see the list of supported actions in Authenticate to Azure Communication Services.

az communication identity token issue --scope chat --user "<userId>" --connection-string "<yourConnectionString>"

Make this replacement in the code:

  • Replace <yourConnectionString> with your connection string.
  • Replace <userId> with your userId.

Access tokens are short-lived credentials that need to be reissued. Not doing so might cause a disruption of your application users' experience. The expires_on response property indicates the lifetime of the access token.

Issue access token with multiple scopes

Run the following command to issue an access token with multiple scopes for your Communication Services identity. The scopes parameter defines a set of access token permissions and roles. For more information, see the list of supported actions in Identity model.

az communication identity token issue --scope chat voip --user "<userId>" --connection-string "<yourConnectionString>"

Make this replacement in the code:

  • Replace <yourConnectionString> with your connection string.
  • Replace <userId> with your userId.

Access tokens are short-lived credentials that need to be reissued. Not doing so might cause a disruption of your application users' experience. The expires_on response property indicates the lifetime of the access token.

Exchange a Microsoft Entra access token of the Teams user for a Communication Identity access token

Use the token get-for-teams-user command to issue an access token for the Teams user that can be used with the Azure Communication Services SDKs.

az communication identity token get-for-teams-user --aad-token "<yourAadToken>" --client "<yourAadApplication>" --aad-user "<yourAadUser>" --connection-string "<yourConnectionString>"

Make this replacement in the code:

  • Replace <yourConnectionString> with your connection string.
  • Replace <yourAadUser> with your Microsoft Entra userId.
  • Replace <yourAadApplication> with your Microsoft Entra application ID.
  • Replace <yourAadToken> with your Microsoft Entra access token.

Revoke access tokens

You might need to explicitly revoke an access token. For example, you would do so when application users change the password they use to authenticate to your service. The token revoke command invalidates all active access tokens that were issued to the identity.

az communication identity token revoke --user "<userId>" --connection-string "<yourConnectionString>"

Make this replacement in the code:

  • Replace <yourConnectionString> with your connection string.
  • Replace <userId> with your userId.

Delete an identity

When you delete an identity, you revoke all active access tokens and prevent the further issuance of access tokens for the identity. Doing so also removes all persisted content associated with the identity.

az communication identity user delete --user "<userId>" --connection-string "<yourConnectionString>"

Make this replacement in the code:

  • Replace <yourConnectionString> with your connection string.
  • Replace <userId> with your userId.


Final code

Find the finalized code at GitHub.

Set up your environment

Create a new C# application

  1. In a command prompt window, such as cmd, PowerShell, or Bash, run the dotnet new command to create a new console app with the name AccessTokensQuickstart. This command creates a simple Hello World C# project with a single source file, Program.cs.

    dotnet new console -o AccessTokensQuickstart
  2. Change your directory to the newly created app folder, and use the dotnet build command to compile your application.

    cd AccessTokensQuickstart
    dotnet build

    A simple Hello World output displays. If it displays correctly, your setup is working and you can get started writing your Azure Communication Services code.

Install the package

While you're still in the application directory, install the Azure Communication Services Identity library for .NET package by using the dotnet add package command.

dotnet add package Azure.Communication.Identity

Set up the app framework

In the project directory, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Program.cs file in a text editor.
  2. Add a using directive to include the Azure.Communication.Identity namespace.
  3. To support async code, update the Main method declaration.

To begin, run the following code:

using System;
using Azure;
using Azure.Core;
using Azure.Communication.Identity;

namespace AccessTokensQuickstart
    class Program
        static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Azure Communication Services - Access Tokens Quickstart");

            // Quickstart code goes here

Authenticate the client

Initialize CommunicationIdentityClient with your connection string. The following code, which you add to the Main method, retrieves the connection string for the resource from an environment variable named COMMUNICATION_SERVICES_CONNECTION_STRING.

For more information, see Create and manage Communication Services resources > Store your connection string.

// This code demonstrates how to retrieve your connection string
// from an environment variable.
string connectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("COMMUNICATION_SERVICES_CONNECTION_STRING");
var client = new CommunicationIdentityClient(connectionString);

Alternatively, you can separate the endpoint and access key by running the following code:

// This code demonstrates how to fetch your endpoint and access key
// from an environment variable.
string endpoint = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("COMMUNICATION_SERVICES_ENDPOINT");
string accessKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("COMMUNICATION_SERVICES_ACCESSKEY");
var client = new CommunicationIdentityClient(new Uri(endpoint), new AzureKeyCredential(accessKey));

If you already set up a Microsoft Entra application, you can authenticate by using Microsoft Entra ID.

TokenCredential tokenCredential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
var client = new CommunicationIdentityClient(new Uri(endpoint), tokenCredential);

Create an identity

To create access tokens, you need an identity. Azure Communication Services maintains a lightweight identity directory for this purpose. Use the createUser method to create a new entry in the directory with a unique Id. Use the identity later to issue access tokens.

var identityResponse = await client.CreateUserAsync();
var identity = identityResponse.Value;
Console.WriteLine($"\nCreated an identity with ID: {identity.Id}");

Store the received identity with mapping to your application users (for example, by storing it in your application server database).

Issue an access token

After you have a Communication Services identity, use the GetToken method to issue an access token for it. The scopes parameter defines a set of access token permissions and roles. For more information, see the list of supported actions in Identity model. You can also construct a new instance of communicationUser based on a string representation of an Azure Communication Service identity.

// Issue an access token with a validity of 24 hours and the "voip" scope for an identity
var tokenResponse = await client.GetTokenAsync(identity, scopes: new [] { CommunicationTokenScope.VoIP });

// Get the token from the response
var token =  tokenResponse.Value.Token;
var expiresOn = tokenResponse.Value.ExpiresOn;
Console.WriteLine($"\nIssued an access token with 'voip' scope that expires at {expiresOn}:");

Access tokens are short-lived credentials that need to be reissued. Not doing so might cause a disruption of your application user experience. The expiresOn property indicates the lifetime of the access token.

Set a custom token expiration time

The default token expiration time is 24 hours, but you can configure it by providing a value between an hour and 24 hours to the optional parameter tokenExpiresIn. When requesting a new token, specify the expected typical length of a communication session for the token expiration time.

// Issue an access token with a validity of an hour and the "voip" scope for an identity 
TimeSpan tokenExpiresIn = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);
CommunicationTokenScope[] scopes = new[] { CommunicationTokenScope.VoIP };
var tokenResponse = await client.GetTokenAsync(identity, scopes, tokenExpiresIn);

Create an identity and issue a token in the same request

You can use the CreateUserAndTokenAsync method to create a Communication Services identity and issue an access token for it at the same time. The scopes parameter defines a set of access token permissions and roles. For more information, see the list of supported actions in Authenticate to Azure Communication Services.

// Issue an identity and an access token with a validity of 24 hours and the "voip" scope for the new identity
var identityAndTokenResponse = await client.CreateUserAndTokenAsync(scopes: new[] { CommunicationTokenScope.VoIP });

// Retrieve the identity, token, and expiration date from the response
var identity = identityAndTokenResponse.Value.User;
var token = identityAndTokenResponse.Value.AccessToken.Token;
var expiresOn = identityAndTokenResponse.Value.AccessToken.ExpiresOn;
Console.WriteLine($"\nCreated an identity with ID: {identity.Id}");
Console.WriteLine($"\nIssued an access token with 'voip' scope that expires at {expiresOn}:");

Refresh an access token

To refresh an access token, pass an instance of the CommunicationUserIdentifier object into GetTokenAsync. If you stored this Id and need to create a new CommunicationUserIdentifier, you can do so by passing your stored Id into the CommunicationUserIdentifier constructor as follows:

var identityToRefresh = new CommunicationUserIdentifier(identity.Id);
var tokenResponse = await client.GetTokenAsync(identityToRefresh, scopes: new [] { CommunicationTokenScope.VoIP });

Revoke access tokens

You might need to explicitly revoke an access token. For example, when application users change the password they use to authenticate to your service. The RevokeTokensAsync method invalidates all active access tokens that were issued to the identity.

await client.RevokeTokensAsync(identity);
Console.WriteLine($"\nSuccessfully revoked all access tokens for identity with ID: {identity.Id}");

Delete an identity

When you delete an identity, you revoke all active access tokens and prevent the further issue of access tokens for the identity. Doing so also removes all persisted content associated with the identity.

await client.DeleteUserAsync(identity);
Console.WriteLine($"\nDeleted the identity with ID: {identity.Id}");

Run the code

When you finish creating the access token, you can run the application from your application directory using the dotnet run command.

dotnet run

The app's output describes each completed action:

Azure Communication Services - Access Tokens Quickstart

Created an identity with ID: 8:acs:4ccc92c8-9815-4422-bddc-ceea181dc774_00000006-19e0-2727-80f5-8b3a0d003502

Issued an access token with 'voip' scope that expires at 10/11/2022 7:34:29 AM +00:00:

Created an identity with ID: 8:acs:4ccc92c8-9815-4422-bddc-ceea181dc774_00000006-1ce9-31b4-54b7-a43a0d006a52

Issued an access token with 'voip' scope that expires at 10/11/2022 7:34:29 AM +00:00:

Successfully revoked all access tokens for identity with ID: 8:acs:4ccc92c8-9815-4422-bddc-ceea181dc774_00000006-19e0-2727-80f5-8b3a0d003502

Deleted the identity with ID: 8:acs:4ccc92c8-9815-4422-bddc-ceea181dc774_00000006-19e0-2727-80f5-8b3a0d003502


Final code

Find the finalized code at GitHub.

Set up your environment

Create a new Node.js application

  1. In a terminal or command prompt window, create a new directory for your app, and then open it.

    mkdir access-tokens-quickstart && cd access-tokens-quickstart
  2. Run npm init -y to create a package.json file with default settings.

    npm init -y

Install the package

Use the npm install command to install the Azure Communication Services Identity SDK for JavaScript.

npm install @azure/communication-identity@latest --save

The --save option lists the library as a dependency in your package.json file.

Set up the app framework

  1. Create a file named issue-access-token.js in the project directory and add the following code:

    const { CommunicationIdentityClient } = require('@azure/communication-identity');
    const main = async () => {
      console.log("Azure Communication Services - Access Tokens Quickstart")
      // Quickstart code goes here
    main().catch((error) => {
      console.log("Encountered an error");

Authenticate the client

Instantiate CommunicationIdentityClient with your connection string. The following code, which you add to the Main method, retrieves the connection string for the resource from an environment variable named COMMUNICATION_SERVICES_CONNECTION_STRING.

For more information, see Create and manage Communication Services resources > Store your connection string.

// This code demonstrates how to fetch your connection string
// from an environment variable.
const connectionString = process.env['COMMUNICATION_SERVICES_CONNECTION_STRING'];

// Instantiate the identity client
const identityClient = new CommunicationIdentityClient(connectionString);

Alternatively, you can separate the endpoint and access key by running the following code:

// This code demonstrates how to fetch your endpoint and access key
// from an environment variable.
const endpoint = process.env["COMMUNICATION_SERVICES_ENDPOINT"];
const accessKey = process.env["COMMUNICATION_SERVICES_ACCESSKEY"];

// Create the credential
const tokenCredential = new AzureKeyCredential(accessKey);

// Instantiate the identity client
const identityClient = new CommunicationIdentityClient(endpoint, tokenCredential)

If you already set up a Microsoft Entra application, you can authenticate by using Microsoft Entra ID.

const endpoint = process.env["COMMUNICATION_SERVICES_ENDPOINT"];
const tokenCredential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
const identityClient = new CommunicationIdentityClient(endpoint, tokenCredential);

Create an identity

To create access tokens, you need an identity. Azure Communication Services maintains a lightweight identity directory for this purpose. Use the createUser method to create a new entry in the directory with a unique Id. You need the identity later to issue access tokens.

let identityResponse = await identityClient.createUser();
console.log(`\nCreated an identity with ID: ${identityResponse.communicationUserId}`);

Store the received identity with mapping to your application's users (for example, by storing it in your application server database).

Issue an access token

Use the getToken method to issue an access token for your Communication Services identity. The scopes parameter defines a set of access token permissions and roles. For more information, see the list of supported actions in Identity model. You can also construct a new instance of a communicationUser based on a string representation of the Azure Communication Service identity.

// Issue an access token with a validity of 24 hours and the "voip" scope for an identity
let tokenResponse = await identityClient.getToken(identityResponse, ["voip"]);

// Get the token and its expiration date from the response
const { token, expiresOn } = tokenResponse;
console.log(`\nIssued an access token with 'voip' scope that expires at ${expiresOn}:`);

Access tokens are short-lived credentials that need to be reissued. Not doing so might cause a disruption of your application user experience. The expiresOn property indicates the lifetime of the access token.

Set a custom token expiration time

The default token expiration time is 24 hours (1440 minutes), but you can configure it by providing a value between 60 minutes and 1440 minutes to the optional parameter tokenExpiresInMinutes. When requesting a new token, specify the expected typical length of a communication session for the token expiration time.

// Issue an access token with a validity of an hour and the "voip" scope for an identity
const tokenOptions: GetTokenOptions = { tokenExpiresInMinutes: 60 };
let tokenResponse = await identityClient.getToken
(identityResponse, ["voip"], tokenOptions);

Create an identity and issue a token in one method call

You can use the createUserAndToken method to create a Communication Services identity and issue an access token for it at the same time. The scopes parameter defines a set of access token permissions and roles. Create it with the voip scope.

// Issue an identity and an access token with a validity of 24 hours and the "voip" scope for the new identity
let identityTokenResponse = await identityClient.createUserAndToken(["voip"]);

// Get the token, its expiration date, and the user from the response
const { token, expiresOn, user } = identityTokenResponse;
console.log(`\nCreated an identity with ID: ${user.communicationUserId}`);
console.log(`\nIssued an access token with 'voip' scope that expires at ${expiresOn}:`);

Refresh an access token

As tokens expire, you need to refresh them. To refresh tokens, call getToken again with the same identity used to issue the tokens. You also need to provide the scopes of the refreshed tokens.

// Value of identityResponse represents the Azure Communication Services identity stored during identity creation and then used to issue the tokens being refreshed
let refreshedTokenResponse = await identityClient.getToken(identityResponse, ["voip"]);

Revoke access tokens

You might need to revoke an access token. For example, you do so when application users change the password they use to authenticate to your service. The revokeTokens method invalidates all active access tokens that were issued to the identity.

await identityClient.revokeTokens(identityResponse);

console.log(`\nSuccessfully revoked all access tokens for identity with ID: ${identityResponse.communicationUserId}`);

Delete an identity

When you delete an identity, you revoke all active access tokens and prevent the further issue of access tokens for the identity. Doing so also removes all persisted content associated with the identity.

await identityClient.deleteUser(identityResponse);

console.log(`\nDeleted the identity with ID: ${identityResponse.communicationUserId}`);

Run the code

From a console prompt, go to the directory that contains the issue-access-token.js file, and then execute the following node command to run the app:

node ./issue-access-token.js

The app output describes each completed action:

Azure Communication Services - Access Tokens Quickstart

Created an identity with ID: 8:acs:4ccc92c8-9815-4422-bddc-ceea181dc774_00000006-19e0-2727-80f5-8b3a0d003502

Issued an access token with 'voip' scope that expires at 2022-10-11T07:34:29.9028648+00:00:

Created an identity with ID: 8:acs:4ccc92c8-9815-4422-bddc-ceea181dc774_00000006-1ce9-31b4-54b7-a43a0d006a52

Issued an access token with 'voip' scope that expires at 2022-10-11T07:34:29.9028648+00:00:

Successfully revoked all access tokens for identity with ID: 8:acs:4ccc92c8-9815-4422-bddc-ceea181dc774_00000006-19e0-2727-80f5-8b3a0d003502

Deleted the identity with ID: 8:acs:4ccc92c8-9815-4422-bddc-ceea181dc774_00000006-19e0-2727-80f5-8b3a0d003502


Final code

Find the finalized code at GitHub.

Set up your environment

Create a new Python application

  1. In a terminal or command prompt window, create a new directory for your app, and then open it.

    mkdir access-tokens-quickstart && cd access-tokens-quickstart
  2. Use a text editor to create a file called in the project root directory. Then add the structure for the program, including basic exception handling. You add all the source code to this file.

    import os
    from datetime import timedelta
    from azure.communication.identity import CommunicationIdentityClient, CommunicationUserIdentifier
       print("Azure Communication Services - Access Tokens Quickstart")
       # Quickstart code goes here
    except Exception as ex:

Install the package

While in the application directory, install the Azure Communication Services Identity SDK for Python package using the pip install command.

pip install azure-communication-identity

Authenticate the client

Instantiate a CommunicationIdentityClient with your connection string. The following code, which you add to the try block, retrieves the connection string for the resource from an environment variable named COMMUNICATION_SERVICES_CONNECTION_STRING.

For more information, see Create and manage Communication Services resources > Store your connection string.

# This code demonstrates how to retrieve your connection string
# from an environment variable.
connection_string = os.environ["COMMUNICATION_SERVICES_CONNECTION_STRING"]

# Instantiate the identity client
client = CommunicationIdentityClient.from_connection_string(connection_string)

Alternatively, if you already set up a Microsoft Entra application, you can authenticate by using Microsoft Entra ID.

client = CommunicationIdentityClient(endpoint, DefaultAzureCredential())

Create an identity

To create access tokens, you need an identity. Azure Communication Services maintains a lightweight identity directory for this purpose. Use the create_user method to create a new entry in the directory with a unique Id. The identity is required later to issue access tokens.

identity = client.create_user()
print("\nCreated an identity with ID: " +['id'])

Store the received identity with mapping to your application users (for example, by storing it in your application server database).

Issue an access token

Use the get_token method to issue an access token for your Communication Services identity. The scopes parameter defines a set of access token permissions and roles. For more information, see the list of supported actions in Identity model. You can also construct a new instance of parameter CommunicationUserIdentifier based on a string representation of the Azure Communication Service identity.

# Issue an access token with a validity of 24 hours and the "voip" scope for an identity
token_result = client.get_token(identity, ["voip"])
print("\nIssued an access token with 'voip' scope that expires at " + token_result.expires_on + ":")

Access tokens are short-lived credentials that need to be reissued. Not doing so might cause a disruption of your application user experience. The expires_on response property indicates the lifetime of the access token.

Set a custom token expiration time

The default token expiration time is 24 hours, but you can configure it by providing a value between an hour and 24 hours to the optional parameter token_expires_in. When requesting a new token, specify the expected typical length of a communication session for the token expiration time.

# Issue an access token with a validity of an hour and the "voip" scope for an identity
token_expires_in = timedelta(hours=1)
token_result = client.get_token(identity, ["voip"], token_expires_in=token_expires_in)

Create an identity and issue an access token in the same request

You can use the create_user_and_token method to create a Communication Services identity and issue an access token for it at the same time. The scopes parameter defines a set of access token permissions and roles. For more information, see the list of supported actions in Authenticate to Azure Communication Services.

# Issue an identity and an access token with a validity of 24 hours and the "voip" scope for the new identity
identity_token_result = client.create_user_and_token(["voip"])

# Get the token details from the response
identity = identity_token_result[0]
token = identity_token_result[1].token
expires_on = identity_token_result[1].expires_on
print("\nCreated an identity with ID: " +['id'])
print("\nIssued an access token with 'voip' scope that expires at " + expires_on + ":")

Refresh an access token

To refresh an access token, use the CommunicationUserIdentifier object to reissue a token by passing in the existing identity:

# The existingIdentity value represents the Communication Services identity that's stored during identity creation
identity = CommunicationUserIdentifier(existingIdentity)
token_result = client.get_token(identity, ["voip"])

Revoke access tokens

You might need to explicitly revoke an access token. For example, when application users change the password they use to authenticate to your service. The revoke_tokens method invalidates all active access tokens that were issued to the identity.

print("\nSuccessfully revoked all access tokens for identity with ID: " +['id'])

Delete an identity

When you delete an identity, you revoke all active access tokens and prevent the further issuance of access tokens for the identity. Doing so also removes all persisted content associated with the identity.

print("\nDeleted the identity with ID: " +['id'])

Run the code

From a console prompt, go to the directory that contains the file, and then execute the following python command to run the app.

python ./

The generated output describes each completed action:

Azure Communication Services - Access Tokens Quickstart

Created an identity with ID: 8:acs:4ccc92c8-9815-4422-bddc-ceea181dc774_00000006-19e0-2727-80f5-8b3a0d003502

Issued an access token with 'voip' scope that expires at 2022-10-11T07:34:29.9028648+00:00:

Created an identity with ID: 8:acs:4ccc92c8-9815-4422-bddc-ceea181dc774_00000006-1ce9-31b4-54b7-a43a0d006a52

Issued an access token with 'voip' scope that expires at 2022-10-11T07:34:29.9028648+00:00:

Successfully revoked all access tokens for identity with ID: 8:acs:4ccc92c8-9815-4422-bddc-ceea181dc774_00000006-19e0-2727-80f5-8b3a0d003502

Deleted the identity with ID: 8:acs:4ccc92c8-9815-4422-bddc-ceea181dc774_00000006-19e0-2727-80f5-8b3a0d003502


Final code

Find the finalized code at GitHub.

Set up your environment

Create a new Java application

In a terminal or command prompt window, go to the directory where you want to create your Java application. To generate a Java project from the maven-archetype-quickstart template, run the following code:

mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.communication.quickstart -DartifactId=communication-quickstart -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DarchetypeVersion=1.4 -DinteractiveMode=false

Notice that the generate task creates a directory with the same name as artifactId. Under this directory, the src/main/java directory contains the project source code, the src/test/java directory contains the test source, and the pom.xml file is the project's Project Object Model, or POM. This file is used for project configuration parameters.

Install the Communication Services packages

Open the pom.xml file in your text editor. Add the following dependency element to the group of dependencies:


This code instructs Maven to install the Communication Services Identity SDK, which you need to use later.

Set up the app framework

In the project directory, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the /src/main/java/com/communication/quickstart directory.
  2. Open the file in your editor.
  3. Replace the System.out.println("Hello world!"); statement.
  4. Add import directives.

Use the following code to begin:

package com.communication.quickstart;


import java.time.*;
import java.util.*;

public class App
    public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException
        System.out.println("Azure Communication Services - Access Tokens Quickstart");
        // Quickstart code goes here

Authenticate the client

Instantiate a CommunicationIdentityClient with your resource's access key and endpoint. For more information, see Create and manage Communication Services resources > Store your connection string.

You can also initialize the client with any custom HTTP client that implements the interface.

In the file, add the following code to the main method:

// You can find your endpoint and access key from your resource in the Azure portal
String endpoint = "https://<RESOURCE_NAME>";
String accessKey = "SECRET";

CommunicationIdentityClient communicationIdentityClient = new CommunicationIdentityClientBuilder()
        .credential(new AzureKeyCredential(accessKey))

Instead of providing the endpoint and access key, you can provide the entire connection string by using the connectionString() method.

// You can find your connection string from your Communication Services resource in the Azure portal
String connectionString = "<connection_string>";

CommunicationIdentityClient communicationIdentityClient = new CommunicationIdentityClientBuilder()

If you already set up a Microsoft Entra application, you can authenticate by using Microsoft Entra ID.

String endpoint = "https://<RESOURCE_NAME>";
TokenCredential credential = new DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder().build();

CommunicationIdentityClient communicationIdentityClient = new CommunicationIdentityClientBuilder()

Create an identity

To create access tokens, you need an identity. Azure Communication Services maintains a lightweight identity directory for this purpose. Use the createUser method to create a new entry in the directory with a unique Id.

CommunicationUserIdentifier user = communicationIdentityClient.createUser();
System.out.println("\nCreated an identity with ID: " + user.getId());

The created identity is required later to issue access tokens. Store the received identity with mapping to your application's users (for example, by storing it in your application server database).

Issue an access token

Use the getToken method to issue an access token for your Communication Services identity. The scopes parameter defines a set of access token permissions and roles. For more information, see the list of supported actions in Identity model.

In the following code, use the user variable that you created in the preceding step to get a token.

// Issue an access token with a validity of 24 hours and the "voip" scope for a user identity
List<CommunicationTokenScope> scopes = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(CommunicationTokenScope.VOIP));
AccessToken accessToken = communicationIdentityClient.getToken(user, scopes);
OffsetDateTime expiresAt = accessToken.getExpiresAt();
String token = accessToken.getToken();
System.out.println("\nIssued an access token with 'voip' scope that expires at: " + expiresAt + ": " + token);

Access tokens are short-lived credentials that need to be reissued. Not doing so might cause a disruption of your application user experience. The expiresAt property indicates the lifetime of the access token.

Set a custom token expiration time

The default token expiration time is 24 hours, but you can configure it by providing a value between an hour and 24 hours to the optional parameter tokenExpiresIn. When requesting a new token, specify the expected typical length of a communication session for the token expiration time.

// Issue an access token with a validity of an hour and the "voip" scope for a user identity
List<CommunicationTokenScope> scopes = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(CommunicationTokenScope.VOIP));
Duration tokenExpiresIn = Duration.ofHours(1);
AccessToken accessToken = communicationIdentityClient.getToken(user, scopes, tokenExpiresIn);

Create an identity and issue a token in one request

Alternatively, you can use the 'createUserAndToken' method to create a new entry in the directory with a unique Id and issue an access token at the same time.

//Create an identity and issue token with a validity of 24 hours in one call
List<CommunicationTokenScope> scopes = Arrays.asList(CommunicationTokenScope.CHAT);
CommunicationUserIdentifierAndToken result = communicationIdentityClient.createUserAndToken(scopes);
CommunicationUserIdentifier user = result.getUser();
System.out.println("\nCreated a user identity with ID: " + user.getId());
AccessToken accessToken = result.getUserToken();
OffsetDateTime expiresAt = accessToken.getExpiresAt();
String token = accessToken.getToken();
System.out.println("\nIssued an access token with 'chat' scope that expires at: " + expiresAt + ": " + token);

Refresh an access token

To refresh an access token, use the CommunicationUserIdentifier object to reissue it:

// existingIdentity represents the Communication Services identity that's stored during identity creation
CommunicationUserIdentifier identity = new CommunicationUserIdentifier(existingIdentity.getId());
AccessToken response = communicationIdentityClient.getToken(identity, scopes);

Revoke an access token

You might need to explicitly revoke an access token. For example, you would do so when application users change the password they use to authenticate to your service. The revokeTokens method invalidates all active access tokens for a particular user. In the following code, you can use the previously created user.

System.out.println("\nSuccessfully revoked all access tokens for user identity with ID: " + user.getId());

Delete an identity

When you delete an identity, you revoke all active access tokens and prevent the further issuance of access tokens for the identity. Doing so also removes all persisted content associated with the identity.

System.out.println("\nDeleted the user identity with ID: " + user.getId());

Run the code

  1. Go to the directory that contains the pom.xml file.

  2. Compile the project using the following mvn command:

    mvn compile
  3. build the package:

    mvn package
  4. Run the following mvn command to execute the app:

    mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.communication.quickstart.App" -Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false

The output describes each completed action:

Azure Communication Services - Access Tokens Quickstart

Created an identity with ID: 8:acs:4ccc92c8-9815-4422-bddc-ceea181dc774_00000006-19e0-2727-80f5-8b3a0d003502

Issued an access token with 'voip' scope that expires at 2022-10-11T07:34:29.902864800Z:

Created an identity with ID: 8:acs:4ccc92c8-9815-4422-bddc-ceea181dc774_00000006-1ce9-31b4-54b7-a43a0d006a52

Issued an access token with 'chat' scope that expires at 2022-10-11T07:34:29.902864800Z:

Successfully revoked all access tokens for identity with ID: 8:acs:4ccc92c8-9815-4422-bddc-ceea181dc774_00000006-19e0-2727-80f5-8b3a0d003502

Deleted the identity with ID: 8:acs:4ccc92c8-9815-4422-bddc-ceea181dc774_00000006-19e0-2727-80f5-8b3a0d003502


Create the access tokens

  1. In the Azure portal, navigate to the Identities & User Access Tokens blade in your Communication Services resource.

  2. Choose the scope of the access tokens. You can choose none, one, or multiple services.

  3. Select Generate.

    Screenshot that shows the scopes of the identity and access tokens where you select Generate.

    The system generates an identity and corresponding user access token.

  4. Copy these strings and use them in the sample apps and other testing scenarios.

    Screenshot that shows the identity and access tokens with expiration date


Create user

Add a new step in your workflow using the Azure Communication Services Identity connector. Complete these steps in Power Automate with your Power Automate flow open in edit mode.

  1. Open the designer. In the step where you want to add the new action, select New step. Alternatively, to add the new action between steps, hover over the arrow between those steps, select the plus sign (+), and select Add an action.

  2. In the Choose an operation search box, enter Communication Services Identity. From the actions list, select Create a user.

    Screenshot that shows the Azure Communication Services Identity connector Create user action.

  3. Provide the Connection String. You can find it in the Microsoft Azure portal, within your Azure Communication Service Resource. Select the Keys option in the left panel menu to view the Connection String.

    Screenshot that shows the Keys page within an Azure Communication Services Resource.

  4. Provide a Connection Name.

  5. Click Create

    This action generates a User ID, which is a Communication Services user identity. Additionally, if you click Show advanced options and select Token Scope, the action also generates an access token and its expiration time with the specified scope.

    Screenshot that shows the Azure Communication Services connector Create user action.

    Screenshot that shows the Azure Communication Services connector Create user action advanced options.

Issue a user access token

After you have a Communication Services identity, you can issue an access token. Complete the following steps:

  1. Add a new action and enter Communication Services Identity in the search box. From the actions list, select Issue a user access token.

    Screenshot that shows the Azure Communication Services Identity connector Issue access token action.

  2. Now you can use the User ID output from the previous Create a user step.

  3. Specify the token scope: VoIP or chat. Learn more about tokens and authentication.

    Screenshot that shows the Azure Communication Services Identity connector Issue access token action, specifying the token scope.

The system generates an access token and its expiration time with the specified scope.

Revoke user access tokens

After you have a Communication Services identity, you can use the Issue a user access token action to revoke an access token. Complete following steps:

  1. Add a new action and enter Communication Services Identity in the search box. From the actions list, select Revoke user access tokens.

    Screenshot that shows the Azure Communication Services Identity connector Revoke access token action.

  2. Specify the User ID.

    Screenshot that shows the Azure Communication Services Identity connector Revoke access token action input.

The system revokes all user access tokens for the specified user, there are no outputs for this action.

Delete a user

After you have a Communication Services identity, you can use the Issue a user access token action to delete an access token. Complete the following steps:

  1. Add a new action and enter Communication Services Identity in the search box. From the actions list, select Delete a user.

    Screenshot that shows the Azure Communication Services Identity connector Delete user action.

  2. Specify the User ID.

    Screenshot that shows the Azure Communication Services Identity connector Delete user action input.

The system removes the user and revokes all user access tokens for the specified user, there are no outputs for this action.

Test your logic app

To manually start your workflow, from the designer toolbar select Run. The workflow creates a user, issues an access token for that user, then removes it and deletes the user.

For more information, see how to run your workflow. You can check the outputs of these actions after the workflow runs successfully.

Use identity for monitoring and metrics

The user ID acts as a primary key for logs and metrics collected through Azure Monitor. To view all of a user's calls, for example, you can set up your authentication to map a specific Azure Communication Services identity (or identities) to a single user.

For more information, see:

Clean up resources

To clean up and remove a Communication Services subscription, delete the resource or resource group. Deleting a resource group also deletes any other resources associated with it. For more information, see Create and manage Communication Services resources > Clean up resources.

To clean up your logic app workflow and related resources, see Create an example Consumption logic app workflow using the Azure portal > Clean up resources.

Next steps

This article described how to create a user and delete a user. It also describes how to issue an access token to a user and remove a user access token using the Azure Communication Services Identity connector. For more information, see Azure Communication Services Identity Connector.

To see how tokens are use by other connectors, check out how to send a chat message from Power Automate using Azure Communication Services.

To learn more about how to send an email using the Azure Communication Services Email connector check Send email message in Power Automate with Azure Communication Services.