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Configure proxy settings for Azure Local

Applies to: Azure Local 2311.2 and later

This article describes how to configure proxy settings for Azure Local cloud deployment if your network uses a proxy server for internet access.

For information about firewall requirements for outbound endpoints and internal rules and ports for Azure Local, see Firewall requirements for Azure Local.

Before you begin

Before you begin to configure proxy settings, make sure that:

  • You have access to an Azure Local for which you want to configure the proxy settings. You also have the local administrator credentials to access the machines in your Azure Local.
  • You know the proxy server name or IP address and port (optional). If you don’t have this information, contact your network administrator.

Here are some important considerations to keep in mind before you configure proxy settings:

  • Understand that proxy settings are separate for different components and features of Azure Local (WinInet,WinHTTP, and Environment Variables). You must configure the proxy settings for all the required components and any other features that you plan on using.
  • Although each component has specific command parameters and proxy bypass list string requirements, we recommend keeping the same proxy configuration across the different component and features.
  • Authenticated proxies using username and password aren't supported due to security constraints.
  • If you're using SSL inspection in your proxy, you need to bypass the required Azure Local and its components (Arc Resource Bridge, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), etc.) outbound URLs.
  • Each of the three proxy components on the operating system has specific proxy bypass list string requirements. Don't use the same string for all three components.
  • Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) files aren't supported.

Configure proxy settings for WinInet

You must configure the WinInet proxy settings before you Register the machines with Azure Arc.

Install the WinInetProxy module to run the commands in this section. For information about the module and how to install it, see PowerShell Gallery | WinInetProxy 0.1.0. For information about the WinInetProxy PowerShell script, see WinInetProxy.psm1.

If you can't install the WinInetProxy module to a machine because of no internet access, we recommend downloading the module to your management computer, and then manually transferring it to the machine where you want to run the module. You can also use the Start-BitsTransfer PowerShell cmdlet to transfer one or more files between your management system and a machine.

To configure the proxy settings for the Azure Stack HCI operating system, run the following PowerShell command as administrator on each machine in the system:

  1. Connect to Azure Local via Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and open a PowerShell session.

  2. To configure proxy settings after you've installed the WinInetProxy module, run the following cmdlet:

    Set-WinInetProxy -ProxySettingsPerUser 0 -ProxyServer http://<Proxy_Server_Address:Proxy_Port> -ProxyBypass <URLs to bypass>

    The parameters are described in the following table:

    Parameter Description
    ProxySettingsPerUser Specifies if the proxy settings are per machine or per user:

    - 0 - Proxy settings are per machine.
    - 1 (default) - Proxy settings are per user.
    - If no value is provided, the ProxySettingsPerUser environment variable is used instead, if present.
    ProxyServer Specifies the proxy server endpoint in the format http://[Proxy_Server_Address]:[Proxy_Port]. For example,
    ProxyBypass Specifies the list of host URLs that bypass proxy server set by the -ProxyServer parameter. For example, you can set -ProxyBypass “localhost” to bypass local intranet URLs. On your Azure Local the list must include:

    - At least the IP address of each machine.
    - At least the IP address of system.
    - At least the IPs you defined for your infrastructure network. Arc Resource Bridge, AKS, and future infrastructure services using these IPs require outbound connectivity.
    - Or you can bypass the entire infrastructure subnet.
    - NetBIOS name of each machine.
    - NetBIOS name of the system.
    - Domain name or domain name with asterisk * wildcard for any host or subdomain.

Here's an example of the command usage:

Set-WinInetProxy -ProxySettingsPerUser 0 -ProxyServer -ProxyBypass "localhost;;*;node1;node2;192.168.1.*;s-cluster"

WinInet proxy bypass list string considerations

When configuring the WinInet proxy bypass list, keep the following points in mind:

  • Parameters must be separated with comma , or semicolon ;.
  • CIDR notation to bypass subnets isn't supported.
  • Asterisk can be used as wildcards to bypass subnets or domain names. For example, 192.168.1.* for subnets or * for domain names.
  • Proxy name must be specified with http:// and the port. For example,
  • We recommend using the same bypass string when configuring WinInet and WinHTTP.
  • The use of <local> strings isn't supported in the proxy bypass list.

View and remove WinInet proxy configuration

  • To view or verify current WinInet proxy configuration, at the command prompt, type:

    PS C:\> Get-WinhttpProxy -Advanced
    Current WinHTTP proxy settings:
    Proxy Server(s) :
    Bypass List     :  localhost;;*.;node1;node2;192.168.1.*;s-cluster
    PS C:\>
  • To remove the WinInet proxy configuration for Azure Local updates and cloud witness, at the command prompt, type:

    PS C:\> Set-WinInetProxy
    Start proxy Configuration
    Proxy is Per User
    AutoDetect is 0
    PACUrl is
    ProxyServer is
    ProxyBypass is
    Entered WriteProxySettingsHelper
    Entered WriteProxySettingsHelper
    Successfully set proxy
    PS C:\> Get-WinhttpProxy -Advanced

Configure proxy settings for WinHTTP

You must configure the WinHTTP proxy settings before you Register the machines with Azure Arc.

To configure the WinHTTP proxy for Azure Local updates and cloud witness, run the following PowerShell command as administrator on each machine in the system:

Set-winhttpproxy -proxyserver http://<Proxy_Server_Address:Proxy_Port> -BypassList <URLs to bypass>

The parameters are described in the following table:

Parameter Description
ProxyServer Specifies the proxy server endpoint in the format http://[Proxy_Server_Address]:[Proxy_Port]. For example,
BypassList Specifies the list of host URLs that bypass proxy server set by the -ProxyServer parameter. For example, you can set -ProxyBypass "localhost" to bypass local intranet URLs. On your Azure Local the list must include:

- At least the IP address of each machine.
- At least the IP address of system.
- At least the IPs you defined for your infrastructure network. Arc Resource Bridge, AKS, and future infrastructure services using these IPs require outbound connectivity.
- Or you can bypass the entire infrastructure subnet.
- NetBIOS name of each machine.
- NetBIOS name of the system.
- Domain name or domain name with asterisk * wildcard for any host or subdomain.

Here's an example of the command usage:

Set-winhttpproxy -proxyserver -BypassList "localhost;;*;node1;node2;192.168.1.*;s-cluster"

WinHTTP proxy bypass list string considerations

When configuring the WinHTTP proxy bypass list string, keep the following points in mind:

  • Parameters must be separated with comma , or semicolon ;.
  • CIDR notation to bypass subnets isn't supported.
  • Asterisk can be used as wildcards to bypass subnets or domain names. For example, 192.168.1.* for subnets or * for domain names.
  • Proxy name must be specified with http:// and the port. For example,
  • We recommend using the same bypass string when configuring WinInet and WinHTTP.
  • The use of <local> strings isn't supported in the proxy bypass list.

View and remove WinHTTP proxy configuration

  • To view or verify current WinHTTP proxy configuration, at the command prompt, type:

    PS C:\> Get-WinhttpProxy -Default
    Current WinHTTP proxy settings:
    Proxy Server(s) :
    Bypass List     :  localhost;;*;node1;node2;192.168.1.*;s-cluster
    PS C:\>
  • To remove the WinHTTP proxy configuration for Azure Local updates and cloud witness, at the command prompt, type:

    PS C:\> Reset-WinhttpProxy -Direct
    Current WinHTTP proxy settings:
    Direct access (no proxy server). 
    PS C:\>

Configure proxy settings for Environment Variables

You must configure the proxy for Azure Resource Bridge and AKS before you Register the machines with Azure Arc.

To set the proxy server Environment Variable, run the following commands as administrator on each machine in the system:

# If a proxy server is needed, execute these commands with the proxy URL and port.
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("HTTPS_PROXY","http://ProxyServerFQDN:port", "Machine")
$env:HTTPS_PROXY = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("HTTPS_PROXY","Machine")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("HTTP_PROXY","http://ProxyServerFQDN:port", "Machine")
$env:HTTP_PROXY = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("HTTP_PROXY","Machine")
$no_proxy = "<bypassliststring>"
$env:NO_PROXY = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("NO_PROXY","Machine")

The parameters are described in the following table:

Parameter Description
HTTPS_PROXY variable Specifies the proxy server endpoint in the format http://[Proxy_Server_Address]:[Proxy_Port]. For example,
HTTP_PROXY variable Specifies the proxy server endpoint in the format http://[Proxy_Server_Address]:[Proxy_Port]. For example,
NO_PROXY variable String to bypass local intranet URLs, domains, and subnets. On your Azure Local the list must include:

- At least the IP address of each machine.
- At least the IP address of system.
- At least the IPs you defined for your infrastructure network. Arc Resource Bridge, AKS, and future infrastructure services using these IPs require outbound connectivity.
- Or you can bypass the entire infrastructure subnet.
- NetBIOS name of each machine.
- NetBIOS name of the system.
- Domain name or domain name with dot . wildcard for any host or subdomain.
- .svc for internal Kubernetes service traffic.

Here's an example of the command usage:

[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("HTTPS_PROXY", "", "Machine")
$env:HTTPS_PROXY = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("HTTPS_PROXY", "Machine")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("HTTP_PROXY", "", "Machine")
$env:HTTP_PROXY = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("HTTP_PROXY", "Machine")
$no_proxy = "localhost,,.svc,,,node1,node2,s-cluster"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("NO_PROXY", $no_proxy, "Machine")
$env:NO_PROXY = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("NO_PROXY", "Machine")

Environment Variables proxy bypass list string considerations

When configuring the Environment Variables proxy bypass list string, keep the following points in mind:

  • Parameters must be separated with comma ,.
  • CIDR notation to bypass subnets must be used.
  • Asterisk * as wildcards to bypass subnets or domain names isn't supported.
  • Dots . Should be used as wildcards to bypass domain names or local services. For example or .svc.
  • Proxy name must be specified with http:// and the port for both HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY variables. For example,
  • .svc bypass is for AKS internal services communication in Linux notation. This is required for Arc Resource Bridge and AKS.
  • AKS requires to bypass the following subnets., and These subnets will be added to the Environment Variables bypass list automatically if they aren't defined.
  • The use of <local> strings isn't supported in the proxy bypass list.

Confirm and remove the Environment Variables proxy configuration

  • To confirm that Environment Variables proxy configuration is applied, run the following command:

    echo "https :" $env:https_proxy "http :" $env:http_proxy "bypasslist " $env:no_proxy
  • To remove the proxy configuration, run the following commands as administrator on each machine in the system:

    [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("HTTPS_PROXY", $null, "Machine")
    $env:HTTPS_PROXY = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("HTTPS_PROXY", "Machine")
    [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("HTTP_PROXY", $null, "Machine")
    $env:HTTP_PROXY = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("HTTP_PROXY", "Machine")

Configure proxy settings for Arc-enabled servers agent

To configure the Azure Arc-enabled servers agent to communicate through a proxy server, run the following command:

azcmagent config set proxy.url "http://ProxyServerFQDN:port"

You can use an IP address or simple hostname in place of the FQDN if your network requires it. If your proxy server runs on port 80, you may omit ":80" at the end.

To check if a proxy server URL is configured in the agent settings, run the following command:

azcmagent config get proxy.url

To stop the agent from communicating through a proxy server, run the following command:

azcmagent config clear proxy.url

You do not need to restart any services when reconfiguring the proxy settings with the azcmagent config command.

Please review the Arc-enabled servers agent page for further details Managing and maintaining the Connected Machine agent.

Configure proxy settings for Azure services

If you're using or plan to use any of the following Azure services, refer to the following articles for information about how to configure proxy server settings for each Azure service:

Next steps

For more information, see: