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About Azure Local deployment

Applies to: Azure Local 2311.2 and later

This article is the first in the series of deployment articles that describe how to deploy Azure Local. This article applies to both single and multi-node deployments. The target audience for this article is IT administrators who are responsible for deploying Azure Local in their organization.

About deployment methods

In this release, you can deploy Azure Local using one of the following methods:

  • Deploy from Azure portal: Select this option to deploy an Azure Local instance using Azure portal. You can choose from three deployment methods: New configuration, Template spec, and QuickStart template. The deployment flow guides you through the steps to deploy your Azure Local instance.

    For more information, see Deploy via Azure portal.

  • Deploy from an Azure Resource Manager template: Select this option to deploy an Azure Local instance using an Azure Resource Manager deployment template and the corresponding parameters file. A Resource Manager template is a JSON file containing customized template expressions where you can define dynamic values and logic that determine the Azure resources to deploy.

    For more information, see Deploy via Resource Manager template.

Deployment sequence

Follow this sequence to deploy Azure Local in your environment:

Step # Description
Select validated network topology Identify the network reference pattern that corresponds to the way your machines are cabled. You will define the network settings based on this topology.
Read the requirements and complete the prerequisites Review the requirements and complete all the prerequisites and a deployment checklist before you begin the deployment.
Step 1: Prepare Active Directory Prepare your Active Directory (AD) environment for Azure Local deployment.
Step 2: Download Azure Stack HCI OS, version 23H2 Download Azure Stack HCI Operating System, version 23H2 from Azure portal.
Step 3: Install OS Install Azure Stack HCI OS locally on each machine in your system.
(Optional) Configure the proxy Optionally configure proxy settings for Azure Local if your network uses a proxy server for internet access.
Step 4A: Register machines with Arc and assign permissions via command line Install and run the Azure Arc registration script on each of the machines that you intend to cluster.
Assign required permissions for the deployment.
Step 4B: Register machines with Arc and assign permissions via local UI Configure via local UI and register with Arc the machines that you intend to cluster.
Assign required permissions for the deployment.
Step 5A: Deploy the system via Azure portal Use the Azure portal to select Arc servers to create Azure Local instance.
Step 5B: Deploy the system via Resource Manager template Use the Resource Manager deployment template and the parameter file to deploy an Azure Local instance.


As part of Azure Local, an Arc resource bridge appliance VM is automatically deployed during setup. The resource bridge is what enables Azure Arc capabilities and hybrid connectivity to Azure.

Validated network topologies

When you deploy Azure Local from Azure portal, the network configuration options vary depending on the number of machines and the type of storage connectivity. Azure portal guides you through the supported options for each configuration.

Before starting the deployment, we recommend you check the following table that shows the supported and available options.

Supported network topologies

Network topology Azure portal Resource Manager template
One machine - no switch for storage By default Supported
One machine - with network switch for storage Not applicable Supported
Two machines - no switch for storage Supported Supported
Two machines - with network switch for storage Supported Supported
Three machines - with network switch for storage Supported Supported
Three machines - with no network switch for storage Not supported Supported
Four to 16 machines - with no network switch for storage Not supported Not supported
Four to 16 machines - with network switch for storage Supported Supported

The two storage network options are:

  • No switch for storage. When you select this option, your Azure Local system uses crossover network cables directly connected to your network interfaces for storage communication. The current supported switchless deployments from the portal are one or two machines.

  • Network switch for storage. When you select this option, your Azure Local system uses network switches connected to your network interfaces for storage communication. You can deploy up to 16 machines using this configuration.

You can then select the network reference pattern corresponding to a validated network topology that you intend to deploy.

Next steps