Create function app resources in Azure using PowerShell
The Azure PowerShell example scripts in this article create function apps and other resources required to host your functions in Azure. A function app provides an execution context in which your functions are executed. All functions running in a function app share the same resources and connections, and they're all scaled together.
After the resources are created, you can deploy your project files to the new function app. To learn more, see Deployment methods.
Every function app requires your PowerShell scripts to create the following resources:
Resource | cmdlet | Description |
Resource group | New-AzResourceGroup | Creates a resource group in which you'll create your function app. |
Storage account | New-AzStorageAccount | Creates a storage account used by your function app. Storage account names must be between 3 and 24 characters in length and can contain numbers and lowercase letters only. You can also use an existing account, which must meet the storage account requirements. |
App Service plan | New-AzFunctionAppPlan | Explicitly creates a hosting plan, which defines how resources are allocated to your function app. Used only when hosting in a Premium or Dedicated plan. You won't use this cmdlet when hosting in a serverless Consumption plan, since Consumption plans are created when you run New-AzFunctionApp . For more information, see Azure Functions hosting options. |
Function app | New-AzFunctionApp | Creates the function app using the required resources. The -Name parameter must be a globally unique name across all of Azure App Service. Valid characters in -Name are a-z (case insensitive), 0-9 , and - . Most examples create a function app that supports C# functions. You can change the language by using the -Runtime parameter, with supported values of DotNet , Java , Node , PowerShell , and Python . Use the -RuntimeVersion to choose a specific language version. |
This article contains the following examples:
- Create a serverless function app for C#
- Create a serverless function app for Python
- Create a scalable function app in a Premium plan
- Create a function app in a Dedicated plan
- Create a function app with a named Storage connection
- Create a function app with an Azure Cosmos DB connection
- Create a function app with continuous deployment
- Create a serverless Python function app and mount file share
- If you choose to use Azure PowerShell locally:
- Install the latest version of the Az PowerShell module.
- Connect to your Azure account using the Connect-AzAccount cmdlet.
- If you choose to use Azure Cloud Shell:
- See Overview of Azure Cloud Shell for more information.
If you don't have an Azure subscription, create an Azure free account before you begin.
Create a serverless function app for C#
The following script creates a serverless C# function app in the default Consumption plan:
# Function app and storage account names must be unique.
# Variable block
$randomIdentifier = Get-Random
$location = "eastus"
$resourceGroup = "msdocs-azure-functions-rg-$randomIdentifier"
$tag = @{script = "create-function-app-consumption"}
$storage = "msdocsaccount$randomIdentifier"
$functionApp = "msdocs-serverless-function-$randomIdentifier"
$skuStorage = "Standard_LRS"
$functionsVersion = "4"
# Create a resource group
Write-Host "Creating $resourceGroup in $location..."
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -Location $location -Tag $tag
# Create an Azure storage account in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $storage"
New-AzStorageAccount -Name $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -SkuName $skuStorage
# Create a serverless function app in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $functionApp"
New-AzFunctionApp -Name $functionApp -StorageAccountName $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Runtime DotNet-Isolated -FunctionsVersion $functionsVersion
Create a serverless function app for Python
The following script creates a serverless Python function app in a Consumption plan:
# Function app and storage account names must be unique.
# Variable block
$randomIdentifier = Get-Random
$location = "eastus"
$resourceGroup = "msdocs-azure-functions-rg-$randomIdentifier"
$tag = @{script = "create-function-app-consumption-python"}
$storage = "msdocsaccount$randomIdentifier"
$functionApp = "msdocs-serverless-python-function-$randomIdentifier"
$skuStorage = "Standard_LRS"
$functionsVersion = "4"
$pythonVersion = "3.9" #Allowed values: 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9
# Create a resource group
Write-Host "Creating $resourceGroup in $location..."
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -Location $location -Tag $tag
# Create an Azure storage account in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $storage"
New-AzStorageAccount -Name $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -SkuName $skuStorage
# Create a serverless Python function app in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $functionApp"
New-AzFunctionApp -Name $functionApp -StorageAccountName $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -OSType Linux -Runtime Python -RuntimeVersion $pythonVersion -FunctionsVersion $functionsVersion
Create a scalable function app in a Premium plan
The following script creates a C# function app in an Elastic Premium plan that supports dynamic scale:
# Function app and storage account names must be unique.
# Variable block
$randomIdentifier = Get-Random
$location = "eastus"
$resourceGroup = "msdocs-azure-functions-rg-$randomIdentifier"
$tag = @{script = "create-function-app-premium-plan"}
$storage = "msdocsaccount$randomIdentifier"
$premiumPlan = "msdocs-premium-plan-$randomIdentifier"
$functionApp = "msdocs-function-$randomIdentifier"
$skuStorage = "Standard_LRS" # Allowed values: Standard_LRS, Standard_GRS, Standard_RAGRS, Standard_ZRS, Premium_LRS, Premium_ZRS, Standard_GZRS, Standard_RAGZRS
$skuPlan = "EP1"
$functionsVersion = "4"
# Create a resource group
Write-Host "Creating $resourceGroup in $location..."
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -Location $location -Tag $tag
# Create an Azure storage account in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $storage"
New-AzStorageAccount -Name $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -SkuName $skuStorage
# Create a Premium plan
Write-Host "Creating $premiumPlan"
New-AzFunctionAppPlan -Name $premiumPlan -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Location $location -Sku $skuPlan -WorkerType Windows
# Create a Function App
Write-Host "Creating $functionApp"
New-AzFunctionApp -Name $functionApp -StorageAccountName $storage -PlanName $premiumPlan -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Runtime DotNet -FunctionsVersion $functionsVersion
Create a function app in a Dedicated plan
The following script creates a function app hosted in a Dedicated plan, which isn't scaled dynamically by Functions:
# Function app and storage account names must be unique.
# Variable block
$randomIdentifier = Get-Random
$location = "eastus"
$resourceGroup = "msdocs-azure-functions-rg-$randomIdentifier"
$tag = @{script = "create-function-app-app-service-plan"}
$storage = "msdocsaccount$randomIdentifier"
$appServicePlan = "msdocs-app-service-plan-$randomIdentifier"
$functionApp = "msdocs-serverless-function-$randomIdentifier"
$skuStorage = "Standard_LRS"
$skuPlan = "B1"
$functionsVersion = "4"
# Create a resource group
Write-Host "Creating $resourceGroup in $location..."
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -Location $location -Tag $tag
# Create an Azure storage account in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $storage"
New-AzStorageAccount -Name $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -SkuName $skuStorage
# Create an App Service plan
Write-Host "Creating $appServicePlan"
New-AzFunctionAppPlan -Name $appServicePlan -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Location $location -Sku $skuPlan -WorkerType Windows
# Create a Function App
Write-Host "Creating $functionApp"
New-AzFunctionApp -Name $functionApp -StorageAccountName $storage -PlanName $appServicePlan -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Runtime DotNet -FunctionsVersion $functionsVersion
Create a function app with a named Storage connection
The following script creates a function app with a named Storage connection in application settings:
# Function app and storage account names must be unique.
# Variable block
$randomIdentifier = Get-Random
$location = "eastus"
$resourceGroup = "msdocs-azure-functions-rg-$randomIdentifier"
$tag = @{script = "create-function-app-connect-to-storage-account"}
$storage = "msdocsaccount$randomIdentifier"
$functionApp = "msdocs-serverless-function-$randomIdentifier"
$skuStorage = "Standard_LRS"
$functionsVersion = "4"
# Create a resource group
Write-Host "Creating $resourceGroup in $location..."
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -Location $location -Tag $tag
# Create an Azure storage account in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $storage"
New-AzStorageAccount -Name $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -SkuName $skuStorage
# Create a serverless function app in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $functionApp"
New-AzFunctionApp -Name $functionApp -StorageAccountName $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Runtime DotNet -FunctionsVersion $functionsVersion
# Get the storage account connection string.
$connstr = (Get-AzStorageAccount -StorageAccountName $storage -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup).Context.ConnectionString
# Update function app settings to connect to the storage account.
Update-AzFunctionAppSetting -Name $functionApp -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -AppSetting @{StorageConStr = $connstr}
Create a function app with an Azure Cosmos DB connection
The following script creates a function app and a connected Azure Cosmos DB account:
# Function app and storage account names must be unique.
# Variable block
$randomIdentifier = Get-Random
$location = "eastus"
$resourceGroup = "msdocs-azure-functions-rg-$randomIdentifier"
$tag = @{script = "create-function-app-connect-to-cosmos-db"}
$storage = "msdocsaccount$randomIdentifier"
$functionApp = "msdocs-serverless-function-$randomIdentifier"
$skuStorage = "Standard_LRS"
$functionsVersion = "4"
# Create a resource group
Write-Host "Creating $resourceGroup in $location..."
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -Location $location -Tag $tag
# Create an Azure storage account in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $storage"
New-AzStorageAccount -Name $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -SkuName $skuStorage
# Create a serverless function app in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $functionApp"
New-AzFunctionApp -Name $functionApp -StorageAccountName $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Runtime DotNet -FunctionsVersion $functionsVersion
# Create an Azure Cosmos DB database account using the same function app name.
Write-Host "Creating $functionApp"
New-AzCosmosDBAccount -Name $functionApp -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Location $location
# Get the Azure Cosmos DB connection string.
$endpoint = (Get-AzCosmosDBAccount -Name $functionApp -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup).DocumentEndpoint
Write-Host $endpoint
$key = (Get-AzCosmosDBAccountKey -Name $functionApp -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup).PrimaryMasterKey
Write-Host $key
# Configure function app settings to use the Azure Cosmos DB connection string.
Update-AzFunctionAppSetting -Name $functionApp -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -AppSetting @{CosmosDB_Endpoint = $endpoint; CosmosDB_Key = $key}
Create a function app with continuous deployment
The following script creates a function app that has continuous deployment configured to publish from a public GitHub repository:
# Function app and storage account names must be unique.
# Variable block
$randomIdentifier = Get-Random
$location = "eastus"
$resourceGroup = "msdocs-azure-functions-rg-$randomIdentifier"
$tag = @{script = "deploy-function-app-with-function-github"}
$storage = "msdocsaccount$randomIdentifier"
$functionApp = "mygithubfunc$randomIdentifier"
$skuStorage = "Standard_LRS"
$functionsVersion = "4"
$runtime = "Node"
# Public GitHub repository containing an Azure Functions code project.
$gitrepo = ""
<# Set GitHub personal access token (PAT) to enable authenticated GitHub deployment in your subscription when using a private repo.
$token = <Replace with a GitHub access token when using a private repo.>
$propertiesObject = @{
token = $token
Set-AzResource -PropertyObject $propertiesObject -ResourceId /providers/Microsoft.Web/sourcecontrols/GitHub -ApiVersion 2018-02-01 -Force
# Create a resource group
Write-Host "Creating $resourceGroup in $location..."
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -Location $location -Tag $tag
# Create an Azure storage account in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $storage"
New-AzStorageAccount -Name $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -SkuName $skuStorage
# Create a function app in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $functionApp"
New-AzFunctionApp -Name $functionApp -StorageAccountName $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Runtime $runtime -FunctionsVersion $functionsVersion
# Configure GitHub deployment from a public GitHub repo and deploy once.
$propertiesObject = @{
repoUrl = $gitrepo
branch = 'main'
isManualIntegration = $True # $False when using a private repo
Set-AzResource -PropertyObject $propertiesObject -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/sites/sourcecontrols -ResourceName $functionApp/web -ApiVersion 2018-02-01 -Force
# Connect to function application
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$"
Create a serverless Python function app and mount file share
The following script creates a Python function app on Linux and creates and mounts an external Azure Files share:
# Function app and storage account names must be unique.
# Variable block
$randomIdentifier = Get-Random
$location = "eastus"
$resourceGroup = "msdocs-azure-functions-rg-$randomIdentifier"
$tag = @{script = "functions-cli-mount-files-storage-linux"}
$storage = "msdocsaccount$randomIdentifier"
$functionApp = "msdocs-serverless-function-$randomIdentifier"
$skuStorage = "Standard_LRS"
$functionsVersion = "4"
$pythonVersion = "3.9" #Allowed values: 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9
$share = "msdocs-fileshare-$randomIdentifier"
$directory = "msdocs-directory-$randomIdentifier"
$shareId = "msdocs-share-$randomIdentifier"
$mountPath = "/mounted-$randomIdentifier"
# Create a resource group
Write-Host "Creating $resourceGroup in $location..."
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroup -Location $location -Tag $tag
# Create an Azure storage account in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $storage"
New-AzStorageAccount -Name $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -SkuName $skuStorage
# Get the storage account key.
$keys = Get-AzStorageAccountKey -Name $storage -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup
$storageKey = $keys[0].Value
## Create a serverless Python function app in the resource group.
Write-Host "Creating $functionApp"
New-AzFunctionApp -Name $functionApp -StorageAccountName $storage -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -OSType Linux -Runtime Python -RuntimeVersion $pythonVersion -FunctionsVersion $functionsVersion
# Create a share in Azure Files.
Write-Host "Creating $share"
$storageContext = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $storage -StorageAccountKey $storageKey
New-AzStorageShare -Name $share -Context $storageContext
# Create a directory in the share.
Write-Host "Creating $directory in $share"
New-AzStorageDirectory -ShareName $share -Path $directory -Context $storageContext
# Add a storage account configuration to the function app
Write-Host "Adding $storage configuration"
$storagePath = New-AzWebAppAzureStoragePath -Name $shareid -Type AzureFiles -ShareName $share -AccountName $storage -MountPath $mountPath -AccessKey $storageKey
Set-AzWebApp -Name $functionApp -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -AzureStoragePath $storagePath
# Get a function app's storage account configurations.
(Get-AzWebApp -Name $functionApp -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup).AzureStoragePath
Mounted file shares are only supported on Linux. For more information, see Mount file shares.
Clean up resources
In the preceding steps, you created Azure resources in a resource group. If you don't expect to need these resources in the future, delete the resource group by running the following PowerShell command:
Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name myResourceGroup
This command might take a minute to run.
Next steps
For more information on Azure PowerShell, see Azure PowerShell documentation.