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Custom health probe for Application Gateway for Containers

Application Gateway for Containers monitors the health of all backend targets by default. As backend targets become healthy or unhealthy, Application Gateway for Containers only distributes traffic to healthy endpoints.

In addition to using default health probe monitoring, you can also customize the health probe to suit your application's requirements. This article discusses both default and custom health probes.

The order and logic of health probing is as follows:

  1. Use definition of HealthCheckPolicy Custom Resource (CR).
  2. If there's no HealthCheckPolicy CR, then use Readiness probe
  3. If there's no Readiness probe defined, use the default health probe

The following properties make up custom health probes:

Property Default Value
interval How often in seconds health probes should be sent to the backend target. The minimum interval must be > 0 seconds.
timeout How long in seconds the request should wait until it's marked as a failure. The minimum interval must be > 0 seconds.
healthyThreshold Number of health probes before marking the target endpoint healthy. The minimum interval must be > 0.
port The port number used when probing the backend target.
unhealthyThreshold Number of health probes to fail before the backend target should be labeled unhealthy. The minimum interval must be > 0.
grpc Specified if the backend service is expecting gRPC connections. The value must be {}.
(http) Specified if the backend service is expecting http connections.
(http) host The hostname specified in the request to the backend target.
(http) path The specific path of the request. If a single file should be loaded, the path might be /index.html.
(http -> match) statusCodes Contains two properties, start and end, that define the range of valid HTTP status codes returned from the backend.
useTLS Specifies if the health check should enforce TLS. If not specified, health check uses the same protocol as the service if the same port is used for health check. If the port is different, health check is cleartext.

A diagram showing the Application Gateway for Containers using custom health probes to determine backend health.

Default health probe

Application Gateway for Containers automatically configures a default health probe when you don't define a custom probe configuration or configure a readiness probe. The monitoring behavior works by making an HTTP GET request to the IP addresses of configured backend targets. For default probes, if the backend target is configured for HTTPS, the probe uses HTTPS to test health of the backend targets.

For more implementation details, see HealthCheckPolicyConfig in the API specification.

When the default health probe is used, the following values for each health probe property are used:

Property Default Value
interval 5 seconds
timeout 30 seconds
healthyThreshold 1 probe
unhealthyThreshold 3 probes
port The port number used is defined by the backend port number in the Ingress resource or HttpRoute backend port in the HttpRoute resource.
(http) host localhost
(http) path /
useTLS HTTP for HTTP and HTTPS when TLS is specified.

1 HTTPS is used when a backendTLSPolicy references a target backend service (for Gateway API implementation) or IngressExtension with a backendSetting protocol of HTTPS (for Ingress API implementation) is specified.


Health probes are initiated with the User-Agent value of Microsoft-Azure-Application-LB/AGC.

Custom health probe

In both Gateway API and Ingress API, a custom health probe can be defined by defining a HealthCheckPolicyPolicy resource and referencing a service the health probes should check against. As the service is referenced by an HTTPRoute or Ingress resource with a class reference to Application Gateway for Containers, the custom health probe is used for each reference.

In this example, the health probe emitted by Application Gateway for Containers sends the hostname to the pods that make up test-service. The requested protocol is http with a path of /. A probe is emitted every 5 seconds and waits 3 seconds before determining the connection has timed out. If a response is received, an HTTP response code between 200 and 299 (inclusive of 200 and 299) is considered healthy, all other responses are considered unhealthy.

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: HealthCheckPolicy
  name: gateway-health-check-policy
  namespace: test-infra
    group: ""
    kind: Service
    name: test-service
    namespace: test-infra
    interval: 5s
    timeout: 3s
    healthyThreshold: 1
    unhealthyThreshold: 1
    port: 8123
    # grpc: {} # defined if probing a gRPC endpoint
      path: /
        - start: 200
          end: 299
    useTLS: true