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Create a network isolated Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster (Preview)

Organizations typically have strict security and compliance requirements to regulate egress (outbound) network traffic from a cluster to eliminate risks of data exfiltration. By default, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) clusters have unrestricted outbound internet access. This level of network access allows nodes and services you run to access external resources as needed. If you wish to restrict egress traffic, a limited number of ports and addresses must be accessible to maintain healthy cluster maintenance tasks.

One solution to securing outbound addresses is using a firewall device that can control outbound traffic based on domain names.

Another solution, a network isolated AKS cluster (preview), simplifies setting up outbound restrictions for a cluster out of the box. A network isolated AKS cluster reduces the risk of data exfiltration or unintentional exposure of cluster's public endpoints.


AKS preview features are available on a self-service, opt-in basis. Previews are provided "as is" and "as available," and they're excluded from the service-level agreements and limited warranty. AKS previews are partially covered by customer support on a best-effort basis. As such, these features aren't meant for production use. For more information, see the following support articles:

Before you begin

  • Read the conceptual overview of this feature, which provides an explanation of how network isolated clusters work. The overview article also:
    • Explains the two access methods, AKS-managed ACR or BYO ACR, you can choose from in this article.
    • Describes the current limitations.
  • This article requires version 2.63.0 or later of the Azure CLI. If you're using Azure Cloud Shell, the latest version is already installed there.

  • Install the aks-preview Azure CLI extension version 9.0.0b2 or later.

    • If you don't already have the aks-preview extension, install it using the az extension add command.

      az extension add --name aks-preview
    • If you already have the aks-preview extension, update it to make sure you have the latest version using the az extension update command.

      az extension update --name aks-preview
  • Register the NetworkIsolatedClusterPreview feature flag using the az feature register command.

    az feature register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService --name NetworkIsolatedClusterPreview

    Verify the registration status by using the az feature show command. It takes a few minutes for the status to show Registered:

    az feature show --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService --name NetworkIsolatedClusterPreview


    If you choose to create network isolated cluster with API Server VNet Integration configured for private access of the API Server, then you need to repeat the above steps to register EnableAPIServerVnetIntegrationPreview feature flag too. When the status reflects Registered, refresh the registration of the Microsoft.ContainerService and Microsoft.ContainerRegistry resource providers by using the az provider register command:

     az provider register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService
     az provider register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerRegistry
  • If you're choosing the Bring your own (BYO) Azure Container Registry (ACR) option, you need to ensure the ACR meets the following requirements:

  • (Optional) If you want to use any optional AKS feature or add-on which requires outbound network access, this document contains the outbound requirements for each feature. Also, this doc enumerates the features or add-ons that support private link integration for secure connection from within the cluster's virtual network. If private link integration is not available for any of these features, then the cluster can be set up with an user-defined routing table and an Azure Firewall based on the network rules and application rules required for that feature.


The following AKS cluster extensions aren't supported yet on network isolated clusters:

Deploy a network isolated cluster with AKS-managed ACR

AKS creates, manages, and reconciles an ACR resource in this option. You don't need to assign any permissions or manage the ACR. AKS manages the cache rules, private link, and private endpoint used in the network isolated cluster.

Create a network isolated cluster

When creating a network isolated AKS cluster, you can choose one of the following private cluster modes - Private link or API Server Vnet Integration.

Regardless of the mode you select, you set --bootstrap-artifact-source and  --outbound-type parameters.

--bootstrap-artifact-source can be set to either Direct or Cache corresponding to using direct MCR (NOT network isolated) and private ACR (network isolated) for image pulls respectively.

The --outbound-type parameter can be set to either none or block. If the outbound type is set to none, then AKS doesn't set up any outbound connections for the cluster, allowing the user to configure them on their own. If the outbound type is set to block, then all outbound connections are blocked.

Create a private link-based network isolated AKS cluster by running the az aks create command with --bootstrap-artifact-source, --enable-private-cluster, and --outbound-type parameters.

az aks create --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --name ${AKS_NAME}   --kubernetes-version 1.30.3 --bootstrap-artifact-source Cache --outbound-type none  --network-plugin azure --enable-private-cluster

API Server VNet integration

Create a network isolated AKS cluster configured with API Server VNet Integration by running the az aks create command with --bootstrap-artifact-source, --enable-private-cluster, --enable-apiserver-vnet-integration and --outbound-type parameters.

az aks create --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --name ${AKS_NAME} --kubernetes-version 1.30.3 --bootstrap-artifact-source Cache --outbound-type none --network-plugin azure --enable-private-cluster --enable-apiserver-vnet-integration

Update an existing AKS cluster to network isolated type

If you'd rather enable network isolation on an existing AKS cluster instead of creating a new cluster, use the az aks update command.

az aks update --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --name ${AKS_NAME} --bootstrap-artifact-source Cache --outbound-type none

After the feature is enabled, any newly added nodes can bootstrap successfully without egress. When you enable network isolation on an existing cluster, keep in mind that you need to manually reimage all existing nodes.

az aks upgrade --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --name ${AKS_NAME} --node-image-only


Remember to reimage the cluster's node pools after you enable the network isolation mode for an existing cluster. Otherwise, the feature won't take effect for the cluster.

Deploy a network isolated cluster with bring your own ACR

AKS supports bringing your own (BYO) ACR. To support the BYO ACR scenario, you have to configure an ACR private endpoint and a private DNS zone before you create the AKS cluster.

The following steps show how to prepare these resources:

  • Custom virtual network and subnets for AKS and ACR.
  • ACR, ACR cache rule, private endpoint, and private DNS zone.
  • Custom control plane identity and kubelet identity.

Step 1: Create the virtual network and subnets

The default outbound access for the AKS subnet must be false.

az group create --name ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --location ${LOCATION}

az network vnet create  --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --name ${VNET_NAME} --address-prefixes

az network vnet subnet create --name ${AKS_SUBNET_NAME} --vnet-name ${VNET_NAME} --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --address-prefixes --default-outbound-access false

SUBNET_ID=$(az network vnet subnet show --name ${AKS_SUBNET_NAME} --vnet-name ${VNET_NAME} --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --query 'id' --output tsv)

az network vnet subnet create --name ${ACR_SUBNET_NAME} --vnet-name ${VNET_NAME} --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --address-prefixes --private-endpoint-network-policies Disabled

Step 2: Create the ACR and enable artifact cache

  1. Create the ACR with the private link and anonymous pull access.

    az acr create --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --name ${REGISTRY_NAME} --sku Premium --public-network-enabled false
    az acr update --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --name ${REGISTRY_NAME} --anonymous-pull-enabled true
    REGISTRY_ID=$(az acr show --name ${REGISTRY_NAME} -g ${RESOURCE_GROUP}  --query 'id' --output tsv)
  2. Create an ACR cache rule to allow users to cache MCR container images in the new ACR.

    az acr cache create -n acr-cache-rule -r ${REGISTRY_NAME} -g ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --source-repo "*" --target-repo "*"

Step 3: Create a private endpoint for the ACR

az network private-endpoint create --name myPrivateEndpoint --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --vnet-name ${VNET_NAME} --subnet ${ACR_SUBNET_NAME} --private-connection-resource-id ${REGISTRY_ID} --group-id registry --connection-name myConnection

NETWORK_INTERFACE_ID=$(az network private-endpoint show --name myPrivateEndpoint --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --query 'networkInterfaces[0].id' --output tsv)

REGISTRY_PRIVATE_IP=$(az network nic show --ids ${NETWORK_INTERFACE_ID} --query "ipConfigurations[?privateLinkConnectionProperties.requiredMemberName=='registry'].privateIPAddress" --output tsv)

DATA_ENDPOINT_PRIVATE_IP=$(az network nic show --ids ${NETWORK_INTERFACE_ID} --query "ipConfigurations[?privateLinkConnectionProperties.requiredMemberName=='registry_data_$LOCATION'].privateIPAddress" --output tsv)

Step 4: Create a private DNS zone and add records

Create a private DNS zone named Add the records for the registry REST endpoint {REGISTRY_NAME}, and the registry data endpoint {REGISTRY_NAME}.{REGISTRY_LOCATION}

az network private-dns zone create --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --name ""

az network private-dns link vnet create --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --zone-name "" --name MyDNSLink --virtual-network ${VNET_NAME} --registration-enabled false

az network private-dns record-set a create --name ${REGISTRY_NAME} --zone-name "" --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP}

az network private-dns record-set a add-record --record-set-name ${REGISTRY_NAME} --zone-name "" --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --ipv4-address ${REGISTRY_PRIVATE_IP}

az network private-dns record-set a create --name ${REGISTRY_NAME}.${LOCATION}.data --zone-name "" --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP}

az network private-dns record-set a add-record --record-set-name ${REGISTRY_NAME}.${LOCATION}.data --zone-name "" --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --ipv4-address ${DATA_ENDPOINT_PRIVATE_IP}

Step 5: Create control plane and kubelet identities

Control plane identity

az identity create --name ${CLUSTER_IDENTITY_NAME} --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP}

CLUSTER_IDENTITY_RESOURCE_ID=$(az identity show --name ${CLUSTER_IDENTITY_NAME} --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --query 'id' -o tsv)

CLUSTER_IDENTITY_PRINCIPAL_ID=$(az identity show --name ${CLUSTER_IDENTITY_NAME} --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --query 'principalId' -o tsv)

Kubelet identity

az identity create --name ${KUBELET_IDENTITY_NAME} --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP}

KUBELET_IDENTITY_RESOURCE_ID=$(az identity show --name ${KUBELET_IDENTITY_NAME} --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --query 'id' -o tsv)

KUBELET_IDENTITY_PRINCIPAL_ID=$(az identity show --name ${KUBELET_IDENTITY_NAME} --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --query 'principalId' -o tsv)

Grant AcrPull permissions for the Kubelet identity

az role assignment create --role AcrPull --scope ${REGISTRY_ID} --assignee-object-id ${KUBELET_IDENTITY_PRINCIPAL_ID} --assignee-principal-type ServicePrincipal

After you configure these resources, you can proceed to create the network isolated AKS cluster with BYO ACR.

Step 6: Create network isolated cluster using the BYO ACR

When creating a network isolated AKS cluster, you can choose one of the following private cluster modes - Private link or API Server Vnet Integration.

Regardless of the mode you select, you set --bootstrap-artifact-source and  --outbound-type parameters.

--bootstrap-artifact-source can be set to either Direct or Cache corresponding to using direct MCR (NOT network isolated) and private ACR (network isolated) for image pulls respectively.

The --outbound-type parameter can be set to either none or block. If the outbound type is set to none, then AKS doesn't set up any outbound connections for the cluster, allowing the user to configure them on their own. If the outbound type is set to block, then all outbound connections are blocked.

Create a private link-based network isolated cluster that accesses your ACR by running the az aks create command with the required parameters.

az aks create --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --name ${AKS_NAME} --kubernetes-version 1.30.3 --vnet-subnet-id ${SUBNET_ID} --assign-identity ${CLUSTER_IDENTITY_RESOURCE_ID} --assign-kubelet-identity ${KUBELET_IDENTITY_RESOURCE_ID} --bootstrap-artifact-source Cache --bootstrap-container-registry-resource-id ${REGISTRY_ID} --outbound-type none --network-plugin azure --enable-private-cluster

API Server VNet integration

For a network isolated cluster with API server VNet integration, first create a subnet and assign the correct role with the following commands:

az network vnet subnet create --name ${APISERVER_SUBNET_NAME} --vnet-name ${VNET_NAME} --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --address-prefixes

export APISERVER_SUBNET_ID=$(az network vnet subnet show --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --vnet-name ${VNET_NAME} --name ${APISERVER_SUBNET_NAME} --query id -o tsv)
az role assignment create --scope ${APISERVER_SUBNET_ID} --role "Network Contributor" --assignee-object-id ${CLUSTER_IDENTITY_PRINCIPAL_ID} --assignee-principal-type ServicePrincipal

Create a network isolated AKS cluster configured with API Server VNet Integration and access your ACR by running the az aks create command with the required parameters.

az aks create --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --name ${AKS_NAME} --kubernetes-version 1.30.3 --vnet-subnet-id ${SUBNET_ID} --assign-identity ${CLUSTER_IDENTITY_RESOURCE_ID} --assign-kubelet-identity ${KUBELET_IDENTITY_RESOURCE_ID} --bootstrap-artifact-source Cache --bootstrap-container-registry-resource-id ${REGISTRY_ID} --outbound-type none --network-plugin azure --enable-apiserver-vnet-integration --apiserver-subnet-id ${APISERVER_SUBNET_ID}

Update an existing AKS cluster

If you'd rather enable network isolation on an existing AKS cluster instead of creating a new cluster, use the az aks update command.

When creating the private endpoint and private DNS zone for the BYO ACR, use the existing virtual network and subnets of the existing AKS cluster. When you assign the AcrPull permission to the kubelet identity, use the existing kubelet identity of the existing AKS cluster.

To enable the network isolated feature on an existing AKS cluster, use the following command:

az aks update --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --name ${AKS_NAME} --bootstrap-artifact-source Cache --bootstrap-container-registry-resource-id ${REGISTRY_ID} --outbound-type none

After the network isolated cluster feature is enabled, nodes in the newly added node pool can bootstrap successfully without egress. You must reimage existing node pools so that newly scaled node can bootstrap successfully. When you enable the feature on an existing cluster, you need to manually reimage all existing nodes.

az aks upgrade --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --name ${AKS_NAME} --node-image-only


Remember to reimage the cluster's node pools after you enable the network isolated cluster feature. Otherwise, the feature won't take effect for the cluster.

Update your ACR ID

It's possible to update the private ACR used with a network isolated AKS cluster. To identify the ACR resource ID, use the az aks show command.

az aks show --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --name ${AKS_NAME}

Updating the ACR ID is performed by running the az aks update command with the --bootstrap-artifact-source and --bootstrap-container-registry-resource-id parameters.

az aks update --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --name ${AKS_NAME} --bootstrap-artifact-source Cache --bootstrap-container-registry-resource-id <New BYO ACR resource ID>

When you update the ACR ID on an existing cluster, you need to manually reimage all existing nodes.

az aks upgrade --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --name ${AKS_NAME} --node-image-only


Remember to reimage the cluster's node pools after you enable the network isolated cluster feature. Otherwise, the feature won't take effect for the cluster.

Validate that network isolated cluster is enabled

To validate the network isolated cluster feature is enabled, use the `az aks show command

az aks show --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --name ${AKS_NAME}

The following output shows that the feature is enabled, based on the values of the outboundType property (none or blocked) and artifactSource property (Cached).

"kubernetesVersion": "1.30.3",
"name": "myAKSCluster"
"type": "Microsoft.ContainerService/ManagedClusters"
"properties": {
  "networkProfile": {
    "outboundType": "none",
  "bootstrapProfile": {
    "artifactSource": "Cache",
    "containerRegistryId": "/subscriptions/my-subscription-id/my-node-resource-group-name/providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/my-registry-name"

Disable network isolated cluster

Disable the network isolated cluster feature by running the az aks update command with the --bootstrap-artifact-source and --outbound-type parameters.

az aks update --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --name ${AKS_NAME} --bootstrap-artifact-source Direct --outbound-type LoadBalancer

When you disable the feature on an existing cluster, you need to manually reimage all existing nodes.

az aks upgrade --resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --name ${AKS_NAME} --node-image-only


Remember to reimage the cluster's node pools after you disable the network isolated cluster feature. Otherwise, the feature won't take effect for the cluster.

Next steps

In this article, you learned what ports and addresses to allow if you want to restrict egress traffic for the cluster.

If you want to set up outbound restriction configuration using Azure Firewall, visit Control egress traffic using Azure Firewall in AKS.

If you want to restrict how pods communicate between themselves and East-West traffic restrictions within cluster, see Secure traffic between pods using network policies in AKS.