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Start batch translation

Feature: Azure AI Translator → Document Translation
API Version: 2024-05-01
HTTP method: POST

  • Use the Start Translation method to execute an asynchronous batch translation request.
  • The method requires an Azure Blob storage account with storage containers for your source and translated documents.

Request URL


All API requests to the Document Translation feature require a custom domain endpoint that is located on your resource overview page in the Azure portal.

  curl -i -X POST "{document-translation-endpoint}/translator/document/batches?api-version={date}"

Request headers

Request headers are:

Headers Description Condition
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key Your Translator service API key from the Azure portal. Required
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Region The region where your resource was created. Required when using a regional (geographic) resource like West US.
Content-Type The content type of the payload. The accepted value is application/json or charset=UTF-8. Required

BatchRequest (body)

  • Each request can contain multiple documents and must contain a source and target container for each document. Source media types: application/json, text/json, application/*+json.

  • The prefix and suffix filter (if supplied) are used to filter folders. The prefix is applied to the subpath after the container name.

  • Glossaries can be included in the request. If the glossary is invalid or unreachable during translation, an error is indicated in the document status.

  • If a file with the same name already exists in the target destination, the job fails.

  • The targetUrl for each target language must be unique.

  "inputs": [
      "source": {
        "sourceUrl": "",
        "filter": {
          "prefix": "FolderA",
          "suffix": ".txt"
        "language": "en",
        "storageSource": "AzureBlob"
      "targets": [
          "targetUrl": "",
          "category": "general",
          "language": "fr",
          "glossaries": [
              "glossaryUrl": "",
              "format": "XLIFF",
              "version": "2.0",
              "storageSource": "AzureBlob"
          "storageSource": "AzureBlob"
      "storageType": "Folder"


Definition for the input batch translation request.

Key parameter Type Required Request parameters Description
inputs array True • source (object)

• targets (array)

• storageType (string)
Input source data.


Definition for the source data.

Key parameter Type Required Request parameters Description
inputs.source object True • sourceUrl (string)

• filter (object)

• language (string)

• storageSource (string)
Source data for input documents.
inputs.source.sourceUrl string True • string Container location for the source file or folder.
inputs.source.filter object False • prefix (string)

• suffix (string)
Case-sensitive strings to filter documents in the source path.
inputs.source.filter.prefix string False • string Case-sensitive prefix string to filter documents in the source path for translation. Often used to designate subfolders for translation. Example: "FolderA".
inputs.source.filter.suffix string False • string Case-sensitive suffix string to filter documents in the source path for translation. Most often used for file extensions. Example: ".txt"
inputs.source.language string False • string The language code for the source documents. If not specified, autodetect is implemented.
inputs.source.storageSource string False • string Storage source for inputs. Defaults to AzureBlob.


Definition for target and glossaries data.

Key parameter Type Required Request parameters Description
inputs.targets array True • targetUrl (string)

• category (string)

• language (string)

• glossaries (array)

• storageSource (string)
Targets and glossaries data for translated documents.
inputs.targets.targetUrl string True • string Location of the container location for translated documents.
inputs.targets.category string False • string Classification or category for the translation request. Example: general.
inputs.targets.language string True • string Target language code. Example: "fr".
inputs.targets.glossaries array False • glossaryUrl (string)

• format (string)

• version (string)

• storageSource (string)
See Create and use glossaries
inputs.targets.glossaries.glossaryUrl string True (if using glossaries) • string Location of the glossary. The file extension is used to extract the formatting if the format parameter isn't supplied. If the translation language pair isn't present in the glossary, it isn't applied.
inputs.targets.glossaries.format string False • string Specified file format for glossary. To check if your file format is supported, see Get supported glossary formats.
inputs.targets.glossaries.version string False • string Version indicator. Example: "2.0".
inputs.targets.glossaries.storageSource string False • string Storage source for glossaries. Defaults to _AzureBlob_.
inputs.targets.storageSource string False • string Storage source for targets.defaults to _AzureBlob_.


Definition of the storage entity for input documents.

Key parameter Type Required Request parameters Description
inputs.storageType string False Folder

Storage type of the input documents source string. Only "Folder" or "File" are valid values.


Definition for the input batch translation request.

Key parameter Type Required Request parameters Description
options object False Source information for input documents.
options.experimental boolean False true

Indicates whether the request includes an experimental feature (if applicable). Only the booleans true or false are valid values.

Example request

The following are examples of batch requests.


In the following examples, limited access has been granted to the contents of an Azure Storage container using a shared access signature(SAS) token.

Translating all documents in a container

    "inputs": [
            "source": {
                "sourceUrl": "{SAS-token-query-string}"
            "targets": [
                    "targetUrl": "{SAS-token-query-string}",
                    "language": "fr"

Translating all documents in a container applying glossaries

    "inputs": [
            "source": {
                "sourceUrl": "{SAS-token-query-string}"
            "targets": [
                    "targetUrl": "{SAS-token-query-string}",
                    "language": "fr",
                    "glossaries": [
                            "glossaryUrl": "{SAS-token-query-string}",
                            "format": "xliff",
                            "version": "1.2"


Translating specific folder in a container

Make sure you specify the folder name (case sensitive) as prefix in filter.

    "inputs": [
            "source": {
                "sourceUrl": "{SAS-token-query-string}",
                "filter": {
                    "prefix": "MyFolder/"
            "targets": [
                    "targetUrl": "{SAS-token-query-string}",
                    "language": "fr"

Translating specific document in a container

  • Specify "storageType": File.
  • Create source URL & SAS token for the specific blob/document.
  • Specify the target filename as part of the target URL – though the SAS token is still for the container.

This sample request shows a single document translated into two target languages.

    "inputs": [
            "storageType": "File",
            "source": {
                "sourceUrl": "{SAS-token-query-string}"
            "targets": [
                    "targetUrl": "{SAS-token-query-string}",
                    "language": "es"
                    "targetUrl": "{SAS-token-query-string}",
                    "language": "de"


This method returns the job id parameter for the get-translation-status, get-documents-status, get-document-status, and cancel-translation request query strings.

  • You can find the job id in the POST start-batch-translation method response Header Operation-Location URL value. The alphanumeric string following the /document/ parameter is the operation's job id:

    Response header Response URL
    Operation-Location {document-translation-endpoint}/translator/document/9dce0aa9-78dc-41ba-8cae-2e2f3c2ff8ec?api-version=2024-05-01
  • You can also use a get-translations-status request to retrieve a list of translation jobs and their ids.

Response status codes

The following are the possible HTTP status codes that a request returns.

Status Code Description
202 Accepted. Successful request and the batch request created. The header Operation-Location indicates a status url with the operation ID.HeadersOperation-Location: string
400 Bad Request. Invalid request. Check input parameters.
401 Unauthorized. Check your credentials.
429 Request rate is too high.
500 Internal Server Error.
503 Service is currently unavailable. Try again later.
Other Status Codes • Too many requests. The server is temporary unavailable

Error response

Key parameter Type Description
code string Enums containing high-level error codes. Possible values:</br/>• InternalServerError
• InvalidArgument
• InvalidRequest
• RequestRateTooHigh
• ResourceNotFound
• ServiceUnavailable
• Unauthorized
message string Gets high-level error message.
innerError InnerTranslationError New Inner Error format that conforms to Azure AI services API Guidelines. This error message contains required properties: ErrorCode, message, and optional properties target, details(key value pair), and inner error(it can be nested).
inner.Errorcode string Gets code error string.
innerError.message string Gets high-level error message. string Gets the source of the error. For example, it would be documents or document id if the document is invalid.

Example error response

  "error": {
    "code": "ServiceUnavailable",
    "message": "Service is temporary unavailable",
    "innerError": {
      "code": "ServiceTemporaryUnavailable",
      "message": "Service is currently unavailable.  Please try again later"

Next steps

Follow our quickstart to learn more about using Document Translation and the client library.