The Speech service allows your application to convert audio to text, perform speech translation, and convert text to speech. The service is available in multiple regions with unique endpoints for the Speech SDK and REST APIs.
Keep in mind the following points:
If your application uses a Speech SDK, you provide the region identifier, such as westus, when you create a SpeechConfig. Make sure the region matches the region of your subscription.
If your application uses one of the Speech service REST APIs, the region is part of the endpoint URI you use when making requests.
Keys created for a region are valid only in that region. If you attempt to use them with other regions, you get authentication errors.
Speech service doesn't store or process your data outside the region of your Speech resource. The data is only stored or processed in the region where the resource is created. For example, if you create a Speech resource in the westus region, the data is only in the westus region.
The regions in these tables support most of the core features of the Speech service, such as speech to text, text to speech, pronunciation assessment, and translation. Some features, such as fast transcription and batch synthesis API, require specific regions. For the features that require specific regions, the table indicates the regions that support them.
1 The region has dedicated hardware for custom speech training. If you plan to train a custom model with audio data, you must use one of the regions with dedicated hardware. Then you can copy the trained model to another region.