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Use the HeadPose attribute

In this guide, you'll learn how you can use the HeadPose attribute of a detected face to enable some key scenarios.


Face attributes are predicted using statistical algorithms. They might not always be accurate. Use caution when you make decisions based on attribute data. Refrain from using these attributes for anti-spoofing. Instead, we recommend using Face Liveness detection. For more information, please refer to Tutorial: Detect liveness in faces.

Rotate the face rectangle

The face rectangle, returned with every detected face, marks the location and size of the face in the image. By default, the rectangle is always aligned with the image (its sides are vertical and horizontal); this can be inefficient for framing angled faces. In situations where you want to programmatically crop faces in an image, it's better to be able to rotate the rectangle to crop.

The Azure AI Face WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) sample app uses the HeadPose attribute to rotate its detected face rectangles.

Explore the sample code

You can programmatically rotate the face rectangle by using the HeadPose attribute. If you specify this attribute when detecting faces (see Call the Detect API), you'll be able to query it later. The following method from the Azure AI Face WPF app takes a list of FaceDetectionResult objects and returns a list of Face objects. Here, Face is a custom class that stores face data, including the updated rectangle coordinates. New values are calculated for top, left, width, and height, and a new field FaceAngle specifies the rotation.

/// <summary>
/// Calculate the rendering face rectangle
/// </summary>
/// <param name="faces">Detected face from service</param>
/// <param name="maxSize">Image rendering size</param>
/// <param name="imageInfo">Image width and height</param>
/// <returns>Face structure for rendering</returns>
public static IEnumerable<Face> CalculateFaceRectangleForRendering(IList<FaceDetectionResult> faces, int maxSize, Tuple<int, int> imageInfo)
    var imageWidth = imageInfo.Item1;
    var imageHeight = imageInfo.Item2;
    var ratio = (float)imageWidth / imageHeight;
    int uiWidth = 0;
    int uiHeight = 0;
    if (ratio > 1.0)
        uiWidth = maxSize;
        uiHeight = (int)(maxSize / ratio);
        uiHeight = maxSize;
        uiWidth = (int)(ratio * uiHeight);

    var uiXOffset = (maxSize - uiWidth) / 2;
    var uiYOffset = (maxSize - uiHeight) / 2;
    var scale = (float)uiWidth / imageWidth;

    foreach (var face in faces)
        var left = (int)(face.FaceRectangle.Left * scale + uiXOffset);
        var top = (int)(face.FaceRectangle.Top * scale + uiYOffset);

        // Angle of face rectangles, default value is 0 (not rotated).
        double faceAngle = 0;

        // If head pose attributes have been obtained, re-calculate the left & top (X & Y) positions.
        if (face.FaceAttributes?.HeadPose != null)
            // Head pose's roll value acts directly as the face angle.
            faceAngle = face.FaceAttributes.HeadPose.Roll;
            var angleToPi = Math.Abs((faceAngle / 180) * Math.PI);

            // _____       | / \ |
            // |____|  =>  |/   /|
            //             | \ / |
            // Re-calculate the face rectangle's left & top (X & Y) positions.
            var newLeft = face.FaceRectangle.Left +
                face.FaceRectangle.Width / 2 -
                (face.FaceRectangle.Width * Math.Sin(angleToPi) + face.FaceRectangle.Height * Math.Cos(angleToPi)) / 2;

            var newTop = face.FaceRectangle.Top +
                face.FaceRectangle.Height / 2 -
                (face.FaceRectangle.Height * Math.Sin(angleToPi) + face.FaceRectangle.Width * Math.Cos(angleToPi)) / 2;

            left = (int)(newLeft * scale + uiXOffset);
            top = (int)(newTop * scale + uiYOffset);

        yield return new Face()
            FaceId = face.FaceId?.ToString(),
            Left = left,
            Top = top,
            OriginalLeft = (int)(face.FaceRectangle.Left * scale + uiXOffset),
            OriginalTop = (int)(face.FaceRectangle.Top * scale + uiYOffset),
            Height = (int)(face.FaceRectangle.Height * scale),
            Width = (int)(face.FaceRectangle.Width * scale),
            FaceAngle = faceAngle,

Display the updated rectangle

From here, you can use the returned Face objects in your display. The following lines from FaceDetectionPage.xaml show how the new rectangle is rendered from this data:

    <Rectangle Width="{Binding Width}" Height="{Binding Height}" Stroke="#FF26B8F4" StrokeThickness="1">
            <RotateTransform Angle="{Binding FaceAngle}"/>

Next step

See the Azure AI Face WPF app on GitHub for a working example of rotated face rectangles.