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Connect to Azure Stack Hub with PowerShell as a user

You can connect to Azure Stack Hub with PowerShell to manage Azure Stack Hub resources. For example, you can use PowerShell to subscribe to offers, create virtual machines (VMs), and deploy Azure Resource Manager templates.

Before you begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Connect with Microsoft Entra ID or Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS).
  • Register resource providers.
  • Test your connectivity.

Prerequisites to connecting with PowerShell

Configure these prerequisites from a Windows-based external client if you're connected through VPN.

Make sure you replace the following script variables with values from your Azure Stack Hub configuration:

  • Microsoft Entra tenant name: the name of your Microsoft Entra tenant used to manage Azure Stack Hub. For example,
  • Azure Resource Manager endpoint: to get this value for Azure Stack Hub integrated systems, contact your service provider.

Connect to Azure Stack Hub with Microsoft Entra ID

    Add-AzEnvironment -Name "AzureStackUser" -ArmEndpoint "https://management.local.azurestack.external"
    # Set your tenant name
    $AuthEndpoint = (Get-AzEnvironment -Name "AzureStackUser").ActiveDirectoryAuthority.TrimEnd('/')
    $AADTenantName = "<myDirectoryTenantName>"
    $TenantId = (invoke-restmethod "$($AuthEndpoint)/$($AADTenantName)/.well-known/openid-configuration").issuer.TrimEnd('/').Split('/')[-1]

    # After signing in to your environment, Azure Stack Hub cmdlets
    # can be easily targeted at your Azure Stack Hub instance.
    Connect-AzAccount -EnvironmentName "AzureStackUser" -TenantId $TenantId

Connect to Azure Stack Hub with AD FS

# Register an Azure Resource Manager environment that targets your Azure Stack Hub instance
Add-AzEnvironment -Name "AzureStackUser" -ArmEndpoint "https://management.local.azurestack.external"

# Sign in to your environment
Connect-AzAccount -EnvironmentName "AzureStackUser"

Register resource providers

Resource providers aren't automatically registered for new user subscriptions that don't have any resources deployed through the portal. You can explicitly register a resource provider by running the following script:

foreach($s in (Get-AzSubscription)) {
        Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId $s.SubscriptionId | Out-Null
        Write-Progress $($s.SubscriptionId + " : " + $s.SubscriptionName)
Get-AzResourceProvider -ListAvailable | Register-AzResourceProvider


AD FS only supports interactive authentication with user identities. If a credential object is required, you must use a service principal (SPN). For more information about setting up a service principal with Azure Stack Hub and AD FS as your identity management service, see Manage an AD FS app identity.

Test the connectivity

When you have everything set up, test connectivity by using PowerShell to create resources in Azure Stack Hub. As a test, create a resource group for an application and add a VM. Run the following command to create a resource group named MyResourceGroup:

New-AzResourceGroup -Name "MyResourceGroup" -Location "Local"

Next steps