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Validate Azure registration

Use the Azure Stack Hub Readiness Checker tool (AzsReadinessChecker) to validate that your Azure subscription is ready to use with Azure Stack Hub before you begin an Azure Stack Hub deployment. The readiness checker validates that:

  • The Azure subscription you use is a supported type. Subscriptions must be a Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) or Enterprise Agreement (EA).
  • The account you use to register your subscription with Azure can sign in to Azure and is a subscription owner.

For more information about Azure Stack Hub registration, see Register Azure Stack Hub with Azure.

Get the Readiness Checker tool

Download the latest version of AzsReadinessChecker from the PowerShell Gallery.

Install and configure


The following prerequisites are required:

Az PowerShell modules

You will need to have the Az PowerShell modules installed. For instructions, see Install PowerShell Az preview module.

Microsoft Entra environment

  • Identify the username and password for an account that's an owner for the Azure subscription you'll use with Azure Stack Hub.
  • Identify the subscription ID for the Azure subscription you'll use.

Steps to validate the Azure registration

  1. Open an elevated PowerShell prompt, and then run the following command to install AzsReadinessChecker:

    Install-Module -Name Az.BootStrapper -Force -AllowPrerelease
    Install-AzProfile -Profile 2020-09-01-hybrid -Force
    Install-Module -Name Microsoft.AzureStack.ReadinessChecker
  2. From the PowerShell prompt, run the following command to set $subscriptionID as the Azure subscription to use. Replace xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx with your own subscription ID:

    $subscriptionID = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  3. From the PowerShell prompt, run the following command:

    Connect-AzAccount -subscription $subscriptionID
  4. From the PowerShell prompt, run the following command to start validation of your subscription. Provide your Microsoft Entra administrator and your Microsoft Entra tenant name:

    Invoke-AzsRegistrationValidation  -RegistrationSubscriptionID $subscriptionID
  5. After the tool runs, review the output. Confirm the status is correct for both sign-in and the registration requirements. Successful validation output appears similar to the following example:

    Invoke-AzsRegistrationValidation v1.2100.1448.484 started.
    Checking Registration Requirements: OK
    Log location (contains PII): C:\Users\[*redacted*]\AppData\Local\Temp\AzsReadinessChecker\AzsReadinessChecker.log
    Report location (contains PII): C:\Users\[*redacted*]\AppData\Local\Temp\AzsReadinessChecker\AzsReadinessCheckerReport.json
    Invoke-AzsRegistrationValidation Completed

Report and log file

Each time validation runs, it logs results to AzsReadinessChecker.log and AzsReadinessCheckerReport.json. The location of these files displays along with the validation results in PowerShell.

These files can help you share validation status before you deploy Azure Stack Hub or investigate validation problems. Both files persist the results of each subsequent validation check. The report provides your deployment team confirmation of the identity configuration. The log file can help your deployment or support team investigate validation issues.

By default, both files are written to C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\AzsReadinessChecker\AzsReadinessCheckerReport.json.

  • Use the -OutputPath <path> parameter at the end of the run command line to specify a different report location.
  • Use the -CleanReport parameter at the end of the run command to clear information about previous runs of the tool from AzsReadinessCheckerReport.json.

For more information, see Azure Stack Hub validation report.

Validation failures

If a validation check fails, details about the failure display in the PowerShell window. The tool also logs information to the AzsReadinessChecker.log file.

The following examples provide more information about common validation failures.

User must be an owner of the subscription

Invoke-AzsRegistrationValidation v1.1809.1005.1 started.
Checking Registration Requirements: Fail
Error Details for registration account
The user is role(s) Reader for subscription 3f961d1c-d1fb-40c3-99ba-44524b56df2d. User must be an owner of the subscription to be used for registration.
Additional help URL

Log location (contains PII): C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\AzsReadinessChecker\AzsReadinessChecker.log
Report location (contains PII): C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\AzsReadinessChecker\AzsReadinessCheckerReport.json
Invoke-AzsRegistrationValidation Completed

Cause - The account is not an administrator of the Azure subscription.

Resolution - Use an account that is an administrator of the Azure subscription that will be billed for usage from the Azure Stack Hub deployment.

Expired or temporary password

Invoke-AzsRegistrationValidation v1.1809.1005.1 started.
Checking Registration Requirements: Fail
Error Details for registration account
Checking Registration failed with: Retrieving TenantId for subscription [subscription ID] using account failed with AADSTS50055: Force Change Password.
Trace ID: [Trace ID]
Correlation ID: [Correlation ID]
Timestamp: 2018-10-22 11:16:56Z: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.

Log location (contains PII): C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\AzsReadinessChecker\AzsReadinessChecker.log
Report location (contains PII): C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\AzsReadinessChecker\AzsReadinessCheckerReport.json
Invoke-AzsRegistrationValidation Completed

Cause - The account can't sign in because the password is either expired or temporary.

Resolution - In PowerShell, run the following command and follow the prompts to reset the password.


Another way is to sign in to the Azure portal as the account owner, and the user will be forced to change the password.

Unknown user type

Invoke-AzsRegistrationValidation v1.1809.1005.1 started.
Checking Registration Requirements: Fail
Error Details for registration account
Checking Registration failed with: Retrieving TenantId for subscription <subscription ID> using <account> failed with unknown_user_type: Unknown User Type

Log location (contains PII): C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\AzsReadinessChecker\AzsReadinessChecker.log
Report location (contains PII): C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\AzsReadinessChecker\AzsReadinessCheckerReport.json
Invoke-AzsRegistrationValidation Completed

Cause - The account can't sign in to the specified Microsoft Entra environment. In this example, AzureChinaCloud is specified as the AzureEnvironment.

Resolution - Confirm that the account is valid for the specified Azure environment. In PowerShell, run the following command to verify the account is valid for a specific environment:

Login-AzureRmAccount -EnvironmentName AzureChinaCloud

Next Steps