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VHD Test Drive - Storing large images in the cloud

  1. "Now that I have my image ready, how can I make the 6 GB of files available to my clientele?"
  2. "Does Microsoft store my images?"

Especially our smaller partners in the VHD Test Drive program have been asking these questions a lot. For many reasons Microsoft cannot store partner images on any of its servers on the Internet. Any partner of VHD Test Drive is responsible for storing own images. Unfortunately that's the deal.

As a matter of perfect timing I received an email from one of our partners earlier today. He sent an email asking us to share the following bits with the VHD Test Drive community. Below the essence of this email without any modification and w/o any guarantee!

Amazon has a storage service called Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).  Their rates for posting and serving files is excellent, plus they are very fast.  We were previously paying TimeWarner $100/month to provide fast downloads to one image, but it would have cost us a total of $200/month to use TimeWarner to provide access to our two images because we needed more that 7G of storage space.  By moving to Amazon S3, we get fast downloads and we estimate a total monthly bill of $50, so we end up serving more data and spending less money.

Let me know if you want to get in touch with the partner. I am happy to facilitate.

Virtually Yours
