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Great Article: Sell on Value, not on Features

imageBrent Combest, General Manager, Central Region SMB at Microsoft, just published a great article on the shift from features to selling solutions and value.  You can read the article here:

Follow the Money: Sell on Value, not on Features 

Brent focused on the shift on selling and quantifying the value of what happens when email goes down and how to quantify that.  In the example from the article he talks about that how email downtime cost one partner $208,000 annually.  It is a fundamental shift on how we sell and position our technologies.  To help illustrate this, I loved this quote from the article:

Gone are the days of the feature and benefit conversation, and in some cases, the WOW factor of the demo. We’ve now moved into the world of selling on value and quantifying the predicted outcome we’ll have in real dollars.

So really about following the money! Check out the article:  Follow the Money: Sell on Value, not on Features 

Let us know what you think.



Matt Hester
Sr. Partner Technology Strategist
Microsoft SMB&D