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Business Contact Manager 2010 : "To Help Prevent Malicious Code from Running"


When opening a Business Contact Manager or a custom Outlook form, the following message is displayed:

To help prevent malicious code from running, one or more objects in this form were not loaded. For more information contact your Administrator.


After clicking OK, the following message may also be displayed:

Cannot open this form because an error occurred.

At this time, Business Contact Manager/Outlook Forms may fail to open or may open as a blank form with no controls present.


The above behaviour may occur if the following registry key is present:

DWORD: DisableAllActiveX
Value: 1

Note: The above registry value does not affect the default Outlook Contact Form.


To resolve the problem, either rename the DisableAllActiveX registry key or change the value to 0.

More Information:

For more information, please see the following TechNet article:

Thanks & Regards

Rahul Thomas