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How are you testing scenarios?

This is one conversion about ​how we testing our scenario

Depend on the project, we may have different way of testing the scenario. A couple of experiences we made

  • Research industry standard, competitor to design your feature. This is usually good when you are developing similar features. You will get enough information about what the feature looks like and how people use the feature.
  • Collect user workload. When working on generic product, such as SQL Server, etc. It is possible that we can collect user workload. We can smartly use the workload for testing different features.
  • User experience is another big area. The best approach for UX testing is to testing as real customer. We can define the detail scenarios, and ask vendor to do manually testing.
  • Working with customer more closely. If we have chance to work with customer together, try to bring their workload into the test system. Give early build to them to do simple validation.
  • Adopt Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD), write user acceptance tests in English. You can look at for examples.
  • Dogfood your feature. Once you finish the project, don’t forget to find chance to dogfood your project. For example, you can be the first consumer to your feature. In this way, when you use the feature as you test the feature.   

You can look at my attached presentation for some of the examples.



My Past Test Experience.pptx