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Examples of MsTest Extension

 Update on July, 3, 2014. I attached the binaries for this project in the blog post. You need to use VS2012 and also build project with target .Net 4.5.
  Our team have a MsTest Extension which support parameterized test, data driven tests and dynamic exploratory tests. Let me know if you are interesting in this. In the future, I plan to opensouce it.
/// <summary>
    /// Examples of data-driven and parameterized test methods.
    /// </summary>
    public class DataExamples
        #region TestContext
        /// <summary>
        /// Test class constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public DataExamples() { }
        private TestContext testContext;
        public TestContext TestContext
            get { return this.testContext; }
            set { this.testContext = value; }
        // You can use the following additional attributes as you write your tests:
        // Use ClassInitialize to run code before running the first test in the class
        // [ClassInitialize()]
        // public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext) { }
        // Use ClassCleanup to run code after all tests in a class have run
        // [ClassCleanup()]
        // public static void MyClassCleanup() { }
        // Use TestInitialize to run code before running each test 
        // [TestInitialize()]
        // public void MyTestInitialize() { }
        // Use TestCleanup to run code after each test has run
        // [TestCleanup()]
        // public void MyTestCleanup() { }
        #region Inline Data Examples
        [Row(1, 2, 3)]
        [Row(4, 5, 9)]
        public void TestRow(int number1, int number2, int result)
            Assert.AreEqual(result, number1 + number2);
        [Row(42, "No extra params")]
        [Row(99, "A", "few", "words")]
        [Row(200, "A", "few", "more", "words", Properties= new string[] {
            "property1=Some value",
        [Row(201, "A", "few", "other", "words", Properties= new string[] {
            "property3=Some value 2",
        public void TestRowParams(int i, string text, params string[] words)
            var sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.Append(string.Format("i={0}, text={1}, ", i, text));
            foreach (var s in words)
                sb.Append(" ");
        [Row(1, 2, 3)]
        [Row(3, 4, 7)]
        [Row(4, 5, 18, 2)]
        [Row(1, 2, 18, 3, 4, 5)]
        public void TestDataRowValues(DataRowValues drv, int number1, int number2, int result, int mult=1, params int[] moreNumbers)
            Assert.IsTrue(drv.Values.Length >= 3);
            int moreNumbersSum = moreNumbers.Length > 0 ? moreNumbers.Aggregate((x,y) => x+y) : 0;
            Assert.AreEqual(result, (number1 + number2) * mult + moreNumbersSum);
        #region Embedded Resource Examples
        [EmbeddedXmlRows("Microsoft.SqlServer.Test.Samples.Common.HelperTests1.UnitTest.TestData.EmbeddedFile.xml", "RowSection", "Row")]
        [EmbeddedXmlRows("Microsoft.SqlServer.Test.Samples.Common.HelperTests1.UnitTest.TestData.EmbeddedFile.xml", "ParamsSection", "Row")]
        [EmbeddedXmlRows("Microsoft.SqlServer.Test.Samples.Common.HelperTests1.UnitTest.TestData.EmbeddedFile.xml", "PropertiesSection", "Row")]
        public void TestEmbeddedParams(int i, string text, params string[] words)
            var sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.Append(string.Format("i={0}, text={1}, ", i, text));
            foreach (var s in words)
                sb.Append(" ");
            foreach (var key in TestContext.Properties.Keys)
                sb.AppendLine("TestContext Property: " + key + "=" + testContext.Properties[key]);
        #region Variable-path Data File Examples
        #region Available test context variables
        // These may be used in the paths below along with environment variables for %...% subsitution.
        // They are taken from the TestContext and have MSDN-documented meanings:
        // %DeploymentDirectory%
        // %ResultsDirectory%
        // %TestDeploymentDir%
        // %TestDir%
        // %TestLogsDir%
        // %TestName%
        // %TestResultsDirectory%
        // %TestRunDirectory%
        // %TestRunResultsDirectory%
        [XmlFileRows(@"%ScopasEnlistmentRootDir%\testsrc\common\vsunit\Samples\common\inputs\SampleFile.xml", "RowSection", "Row")]
        [XmlFileRows(@"%ScopasEnlistmentRootDir%\testsrc\common\vsunit\Samples\common\inputs\SampleFile.xml", "ParamsSection", "Row")]
        // %TestDir% is relative to the Out deployment folder, not the project folder.
        // To uncomment the following lines, enable deployment and use the Copy to Output Directory file property to place it there.
        //[XmlFileRows(@"%TestDir%\..\..\HelperExample\TestData\EmbeddedFile.xml", "ParamsSection", "Row")]
        public void TestFileParams(int i, string text, params string[] words)
            var sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.Append(string.Format("i={0}, text={1}, ", i, text));
            foreach (var s in words)
                sb.Append(" ");
        #region Deployed Data Source Examples
        #region [DataSource] usage
        // [DataSource] may use the special '|DataDirectory|' prefix for the Output folder, but ...
        // - no environment or test context '%variable%'s are supported.
        // - path after the special prefix is relative to the Output folder, which VS defaults to solution/TestResults/__/Out, but trun puts elsewhere.
        // - path portion under the project folder is preserved under '|DataDirectory|' when copied.
        // - path should not use '..'  or assume the relative location of the Output folder.
        // ... '|DataDirectory|' msut be used with copy deployment enabled (i.e. <Deployment enabled="true" /> in the .testsettings).
        // - editing a .testsettings file outside of the VS Test Settings Editor requires a solution reload due to VS caching.
        // - [DeploymentItem] and Copy to Output Folder file properties are processed by MSTest in this mode.
        // To uncomment the following, ensure the SQL Express drive is present, and run from VS or trun with deployment enabled.
        //[DataSource("System.Data.SqlClient", "Server=.\\SQLExpress;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\\TestData\\SampleDatabase.mdf;Database=SampleDatabase;Driver={SQL Native Client};Trusted_Connection=Yes;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True", "SampleTable", DataAccessMethod.Sequential)]
        public void TestDeployedSqlDataSource()
        // To uncomment the following ensure the Excel driver is present, and run from VS or trun with deployment enabled.
        [DataSource("System.Data.OleDb", "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source='|DataDirectory|\\TestData\\DeployedWorkbook2007.xlsx';Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES;IMEX=1\"", "Sheet1$", DataAccessMethod.Sequential)]
        public void TestDeployedExcel2007DataSource()
            int result = int.Parse(TestContext.DataRow["result"].ToString());
            int number1 = int.Parse(TestContext.DataRow["number1"].ToString());
            int number2 = int.Parse(TestContext.DataRow["number2"].ToString());
            TestContext.WriteLine("{0} + {1} = {2}", number1, number2, result);
            Assert.AreEqual(result, number1 + number2);
        // To uncomment the following, run from VS or trun with deployment enabled.
        [DataSource("Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.DataSource.XML", "|DataDirectory|\\TestData\\DeployedData.xml", "Row", DataAccessMethod.Sequential)]
        public void TestDeployedXmlDataSource()
            int result = int.Parse(TestContext.DataRow["result"].ToString());
            int number1 = int.Parse(TestContext.DataRow["number1"].ToString());
            int number2 = int.Parse(TestContext.DataRow["number2"].ToString());
            TestContext.WriteLine("{0} + {1} = {2}", number1, number2, result);
            Assert.AreEqual(result, number1 + number2);
        #region Local Data Source Examples
        #region [DataSource] usage
        // [DataSource] may use relative paths, but ...
        // - no environment or test context '%variable%'s are supported.
        // - path is relative to the Output folder, which VS defaults to solution/TestResults/__/Out, but trun puts elsewhere.
        // - path using '..' should not assume the relative location of the Output folder.
        // ... usually relative paths are attempted when copy deployment is disabled (i.e. <Deployment enabled="false" /> in the .testsettings).
        // - editing a .testsettings file outside of the VS Test Settings Editor requires a solution reload due to VS caching.
        // - [DeploymentItem] and Copy to Output Folder file properties are ignored by MSTest in this mode.
        // To uncomment the following, ensure the SQL Express driver is present, and run from VS but not trun.
        [DataSource("System.Data.SqlClient", "Server=.\\SQLExpress;AttachDbFilename=..\\..\\..\\TestData\\SampleDatabase.mdf;Database=SampleDatabase;Driver={SQL Native Client};Trusted_Connection=Yes;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True", "SampleTable", DataAccessMethod.Sequential)]
        public void TestLocalSqlDataSource()
            int result = int.Parse(TestContext.DataRow["result"].ToString());
            int number1 = int.Parse(TestContext.DataRow["number1"].ToString());
            int number2 = int.Parse(TestContext.DataRow["number2"].ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(result, number1 + number2);
        // To uncomment the following ensure the Excel driver is present, the data source relative path is correct, and run from VS but not trun.
        [DataSource("System.Data.OleDb", "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source='..\\..\\..\\TestData\\Workbook2007.xlsx';Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES;IMEX=1\"", "Sheet1$", DataAccessMethod.Sequential)]
        public void TestLocalExcel2007DataSource()
            int result = int.Parse(TestContext.DataRow["result"].ToString());
            int number1 = int.Parse(TestContext.DataRow["number1"].ToString());
            int number2 = int.Parse(TestContext.DataRow["number2"].ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(result, number1 + number2);
        // To uncomment the following, ensure the data source relative path is correct, and run from VS but not trun.
        [DataSource("Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.DataSource.XML", "..\\..\\..\\TestData\\Data.xml", "Row", DataAccessMethod.Sequential)]
        public void TestLocalXmlDataSource()
            int result = int.Parse(TestContext.DataRow["result"].ToString());
            int number1 = int.Parse(TestContext.DataRow["number1"].ToString());
            int number2 = int.Parse(TestContext.DataRow["number2"].ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(result, number1 + number2);
        #region Runtime Rows Example
        public class MyRowAttribute : RowAttribute
            public override IEnumerable<DataRowValues> GetRowEnumerator(System.Reflection.Assembly resourceAssembly, HelperTestGridResults results)
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    DataRowValues dataRowValues = new DataRowValues();
                    dataRowValues.Id = (i + 1).ToString();
                    dataRowValues.Values = new object[] {i};
                    yield return dataRowValues;
        public void TestMyRowAttribute(int i)
            TestContext.WriteLine("i = {0}", i);
        #region Advanced Logging Examples
        // It is possible to use HTML in the log output, including shell execute extension, to provide additional tools (i.e. opening a windiff, updating a baselines, etc.) from the VS UI.
        [TestMethod, TestExecution(LogType = LogDetailsType.RowDetails, LogContentType = LogDetailsContentType.Html, WriteHeaders = false)]
        [Row(1, 2, 3)]
        [Row(4, 5, 9)]
        public void TestLogToRowDetails(int number1, int number2, int result)
            RowTestContext.Current.LogWriter.Write("<h3>Test row {0}:</h3>\n", RowTestContext.Current.DataRowValues.Id);
            RowTestContext.Current.LogWriter.WriteLine("<span style='color: red'>{0}</span> + <u>{1}</u> = <span style='font-size: 18pt'>{2}</span>", number1, number2, result);
            RowTestContext.Current.LogWriter.WriteLine("<b>Click the following link to open a notepad:</b> <a href='shell://notepad.exe/foobar.txt'>notepad.exe foobar.txt</a>");
            Assert.AreEqual(result, number1 + number2);
        [TestMethod, TestExecution(LogType = LogDetailsType.TestContext)]
        [Row(1, 2, 3)]
        [Row(4, 5, 9)]
        public void TestLogToTestContext(int number1, int number2, int result)
            RowTestContext.Current.LogWriter.WriteLine("{0} + {1} = {2}", number1, number2, result);
            Assert.AreEqual(result, number1 + number2);
        [TestMethod, TestExecution(LogType = LogDetailsType.Console)]
        [Row(1, 2, 3)]
        [Row(4, 5, 9)]
        public void TestLogToTestConsole(int number1, int number2, int result)
            RowTestContext.Current.LogWriter.WriteLine("{0} + {1} = {2}", number1, number2, result);
            Assert.AreEqual(result, number1 + number2);
        #region Parallel Execution Example
        public class BigRowAttribute : RowAttribute
            public override IEnumerable<DataRowValues> GetRowEnumerator(System.Reflection.Assembly resourceAssembly, HelperTestGridResults results)
                for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                    DataRowValues dataRowValues = new DataRowValues();
                    dataRowValues.Id = (i + 1).ToString();
                    dataRowValues.Values = new object[] { i };
                    yield return dataRowValues;
        // It takes 4000ms to execute all rows in sequence. Parallel execution will finish much faster on a machine with more procesor cores.
        [TestMethod, TestExecution(LogType= LogDetailsType.RowDetails, ExecuteInParallel=true)]
        public void TestParallelExecution(int i)
            Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            while (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds < 2) ;
            RowTestContext.Current.LogWriter.WriteLine("i = {0}", i);
            while (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds < 4) ;
        // It takes 4000ms to execute all rows in sequence. Parallel execution with 2 workers will take only 2000ms on a machine with more procesor cores.
        [TestMethod, TestExecution(LogType = LogDetailsType.RowDetails, ExecuteInParallel = true, MaxDegreeOfParallelism=2)]
        public void TestParallelExecution2(int i)
            Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            while (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds < 2) ;
            RowTestContext.Current.LogWriter.WriteLine("i = {0}", i);
            while (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds < 4) ;
        #region Test Filtering Examples
        [TestExclude("Exclude.Row2", ShowSkipped = true)]
        [TestExclude("AlwaysFail.*", ShowSkipped = true)]
        public class FilterExcample
            [Row(3, 4, Id = "Row1")]
            [Row(9, 1, Id = "Row2")]
            public void Include(int x, int y)
                Assert.IsTrue(x < y);
            [Row(3, 4, Id = "Row1")]
            [Row(9, 1, Id = "Row2")]
            [Row(9, 2, Id = "Row3")]
            [TestExclude("Row3", ShowSkipped = false)]
            public void Exclude(int x, int y)
                Assert.IsTrue(x < y);
            [Row(3, 4, Id = "Row1")]
            [Row(9, 1, Id = "Row2")]
            public void AlwaysFail(int x, int y)
        #region Test Execution Override Example
        internal class ExecuteTwiceAttribute : TestExecutionAttribute
            public override ITestMethodInvoker OverrideTestMethodInvoker(ITestMethodInvoker testMethodInvoker, TestMethodInvokerContext originalInvokerContext, RowTestContext rowTestContext)
                return new Invoker() { OriginalInvoker = testMethodInvoker };
            class Invoker : ITestMethodInvoker
                public ITestMethodInvoker OriginalInvoker { get; set; }
                public TestMethodInvokerResult Invoke(params object[] parameters)
                    return this.OriginalInvoker.Invoke(parameters);
        public class ExecuteTwiceTest
            public void Test1()
                // This test method will be called twice.
            public void Test2(int x)
                // This test method will be called twice for every row.
                RowTestContext.Current.LogWriter.WriteLine("Test2: {0}", x);


  • Anonymous
    March 02, 2013
    TestExecutionAttribute is type from official MsTest assembly? I can't found it

  • Anonymous
    April 09, 2014
    This is exactly what I'm looking for. I can't believe this STILL hasn't been included in MS Test in VS 2013 (even Update 2). Is the code for this extension available?

  • Anonymous
    June 30, 2014
    Yes. This is a common requirement & should be part of Visual Studio binaries. Please make that happen.

  • Anonymous
    June 30, 2014
    Thank you for the article. Can you please share the steps & DLLs required to make it work. This is a big requirement for us.

  • Anonymous
    July 02, 2014
    I will try to open source the source code and the DLLs,  if you don't get back from me, please ping me again so that I don't forget about this.

  • Anonymous
    July 02, 2014
    I have the binaries ready for you to test.  Please provide me an email so that I can share with you on onedrive.

  • Anonymous
    July 03, 2014
    Would it be possible to change the name from Row to Case, TestCase, or the like - more like other libraries? I like to think of these as test cases, not as rows in a data grid.

  • Anonymous
    July 06, 2014
    Sure, Let me make a change next week and open source this project.

  • Anonymous
    October 09, 2014
    This looks really interesting, is this available now as open source or as a Nuget package?

  • Anonymous
    December 01, 2015
    Are the sources of those "unit test extensions" available? Espacially the Integration into "Test Explorer", meaning "Discovery" and "Results" (e.g. for the RowTestClaaAttribute/RowAttribute).