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NZ Daylight Savings change: Impact to Citrix customers

Hi All,

The following information was supplied by Andrew McPherson on the 24th of September 2007 by Citrix.

New Zealand has announced a 3 week extension to the daylight saving period from September 2007. Daylight saving now commences on the last Sunday in September and ends on the first Sunday in April. Further information is available on the Department of Internal Affairs web site.

The information below is provided to assist customers in planning for the upcoming change. As you prepare for these changes, Citrix recommends that you follow the guidelines provided by the vendors of products that you use in conjunction with Citrix products.

Citrix Presentation Server
Details on the updates available for Microsoft products can be found here.

The Presentation Server Console (also known as the Citrix Management Console) relies on the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) provided by Sun Microsystems. Refer to the table below for the JRE update method required for your Citrix Presentation Server version. Note that JRE major versions should not be upgraded. For example, do not attempt to upgrade the JRE from version 1.4.x_x to 1.5.x_x as the Citrix Management Console does not recognise the upgraded major version. The latest version of the TZupdater tool includes the new time zone data for New Zealand.

Citrix Version

Version of Sun JRE (Java) shipped

Suggested JRE

Citrix Presentation Server 4.5


Use the TZupdater tool, because there is no acceptable JRE version to upgrade. (Limited testing performed)

Citrix Presentation Server 4.0

1.4.2_06 (Limited testing performed)

Citrix Presentation Server 4.0, 64-bit Edition

1.4.2_06 (Limited testing performed)

Citrix Presentation Server 3.0


Use the TZupdater tool, because there is no acceptable JRE version to upgrade. (Limited testing performed)

MetaFrame XP - Feature Release 3


Use the TZupdater tool, because there is no acceptable JRE version to upgrade. Note that MetaFrame XP has reached end of life and has not been tested with the latest TZupdater tool.

MetaFrame XP - Feature Release 2


There is no acceptable JRE version to upgrade and the TZupdater tool does not work on v1.3.

MetaFrame X - Feature Release 1


There is no acceptable JRE version to upgrade and the TZupdater tool does not work on v1.3.

Citrix Access Gateway
Standard - Citrix has released a patch - please click here for further details. The fix will also be incorporated in future Access Gateway Standard releases.
Advanced - No action required.
Enterprise - Customers should contact Citrix directly (requires a current support agreement) or their Citrix Solution Advisor.

Citrix EdgeSight
No hotfixes are required, however a manual change will need to be made in the EdgeSight Console. Simply select the checkbox when commencing daylight saving and deselect when ending daylight saving.



Citrix NetScaler
Customers with active maintenance are able to download a specific fix for New Zealand here. This page will prompt users to enter a MyCitrix login that is tied to an active maintenance agreement.

Citrix WANScaler
An update for the New Zealand daylight saving change is included in the release. Steps to download this release from are set out below.

1. Go to and enter in credentials.

2. Navigate to Support | Downloads | Firmware

3. Click on the Citrix WANScaler Software Release 4.1.5 link

4. Click Get Software on version Citrix WANScaler 4.1.5 64-bit

5. Copy the *.bin patch file to your desktop

6. Via the WANScaler GUI, use the Update Software page under System Tools to upgrade the software by pointing to the *.bin file

7. Wait for the firmware to properly upload and the system will prompt for a reboot after 500 seconds. Click yes and after the reboot, the upgrade will be complete.

Customers with current support agreements can contact Citrix Technical Support for further assistance if required on telephone: 0800 930 700. Others should contact their Citrix Solution Advisor or Citrix representative.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew McPherson
APAC Technical Support Manager
Citrix Systems Asia Pacific Pty Ltd
