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Windows Server 2008 에서의 Microsoft Failover Cluster Virtual Adapter

What is a Microsoft Failover Cluster Virtual Adapter anyway?

Windows 2003 에서는 Clusnet 이라는 이름으로 클러스터 네트워크 드라이버가 있었는데 Windows 2008 부터는 NetFT라는 이름으로 변경되고 아래와 같은 변화가 있었습니다.

  • DHCP를 사용하여 IP를 받기 가능
  • Cluster node를 분리되거나 라우트 되는 서브넷에 위치할 수 있음 (다른 서버랙, 다른 데이터센터 등에 위치할 수 있음)
  • UDP 브로드케스트로 통신 하던 것이 유니케스트로 변경됨
  • NetFT로 이름이 변경되었고 최소한 두개의 통신 인터페이스를 요구함

그리고 아래 내용은 클러스터 로그를 분석할 때 Network이 초기화 되는 과정입니다.

NETFT - Network Fault-Tolerant
TM - Topology Manager (discovers and maintains the cluster network topology. Reports failures of any networks or network interfaces. configures the Microsoft Failover Cluster Virtual Adapter)
IM - Interface Manager (Responsible for any network interfaces that are part of a cluster configuration)
NETFTAPI - NETFT Application Programming Interface (API)
FTI - Fault-Tolerant Interface

As the cluster service starts, there are events registered indicating NETFT is preparing for communications with other pieces of the cluster architecture -

00000784.000007cc::2009/01/30-14:26:38.199 INFO [NETFT] FTI NetFT event handler ready for events.
00000784.000007b0::2009/01/30-14:26:39.369 INFO [NETFT] Starting NetFT eventing for TM
00000784.000007b0::2009/01/30-14:26:39.369 INFO [NETFT] TM NetFT event handler ready for events.
00000784.000007b0::2009/01/30-14:26:39.369 INFO [CS] Starting IM
00000784.000007b0::2009/01/30-14:26:39.369 INFO [NETFT] Starting NetFT eventing for IM
00000784.000007b0::2009/01/30-14:26:39.369 INFO [NETFT] IM NetFT event handler ready for events.

As connectivity is established with other nodes in the cluster, routes are added -

00000784.00000648::2009/01/30-14:26:39.744 INFO [NETFT] Added route <struct mscs::FaultTolerantRoute>
00000784.00000648::2009/01/30-14:26:39.744 INFO <realLocal></realLocal>
00000784.00000648::2009/01/30-14:26:39.744 INFO <realRemote></realRemote>
00000784.00000648::2009/01/30-14:26:39.744 INFO <virtualLocal>fe80::2474:73f1:4b12:8096:~3343~</virtualLocal>
00000784.00000648::2009/01/30-14:26:39.744 INFO <virtualRemote>fe80::8b6:30ea:caa3:8da7:~3343~</virtualRemote>
00000784.00000648::2009/01/30-14:26:39.744 INFO <Delay>1000</Delay>
00000784.00000648::2009/01/30-14:26:39.744 INFO <Threshold>5</Threshold>
00000784.00000648::2009/01/30-14:26:39.744 INFO <Priority>99</Priority>
00000784.00000648::2009/01/30-14:26:39.744 INFO <Attributes>1</Attributes>
00000784.00000648::2009/01/30-14:26:39.744 INFO </struct mscs::FaultTolerantRoute>

Additional events are registered as the routes to the nodes become 'reachable' -

00000784.0000039c::2009/01/30-14:26:39.759 DBG [NETFTAPI] Signaled NetftRemoteReachable event, local address remote address
00000784.0000039c::2009/01/30-14:26:39.759 DBG [NETFTAPI] Signaled NetftRemoteReachable event, local address remote address
00000784.0000039c::2009/01/30-14:26:39.759 DBG [NETFTAPI] Signaled NetftRemoteReachable event, local address remote address
00000784.000004f4::2009/01/30-14:26:39.759 INFO [FTI] Got remote route reachable from netft evm. Setting state to Up for route from to
00000784.000002f4::2009/01/30-14:26:39.759 INFO [IM] got event: Remote endpoint reachable from
00000784.000002f4::2009/01/30-14:26:39.759 INFO [IM] Marking Route from to as up
00000784.000001f8::2009/01/30-14:26:39.759 INFO [TM] got event: Remote endpoint reachable from
00000784.00000648::2009/01/30-14:26:39.759 INFO [FTW] NetFT is ready after 0 msecs wait.
00000784.00000648::2009/01/30-14:26:39.759 INFO [FTI] Route is up and NetFT is ready. Connecting to node W2K8-CL2 on virtual IP fe80::8b6:30ea:caa3:8da7%15:~3343~
00000784.0000061c::2009/01/30-14:26:39.759 INFO [CONNECT] fe80::8b6:30ea:caa3:8da7%15:~3343~: Established connection to remote endpoint fe80::8b6:30ea:caa3:8da7%15:~3343~.