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Who are you and what are you doing in my blogosphere?

It is written: All blogs must begin with an awkward introductory post from the blogger, explaining in stilted terms who the blogger is, and what he or she intends to do with the blog. This stated direction will then turn out to be anything but the direction in which the blog will drift, in accordance with the long-established laws of the internet.

Here's mine

I'm Jason Brown, freshly minted SharePoint Support Engineer at Microsoft's Sydney GTSC. It is my ongoing mission to assist Microsoft's Premier (and Professional) customers in resolving such issues as they may encounter in their use of Sharepoint, both 2003 and the newer MOSS 2007 suite. In former times I was an IIS Support Engineer working on a range of IIS and developer related subjects, which means I come to the role with pretty good general web-application troubleshooting skills, and what is SharePoint if not a Web Application?

Actually, it's far more than just a Web App, which is why this blog exists. I'll be using this location to post interesting snippets of information, troubleshooting techniques and sundry technical nonsequiteurs loosely related to SharePoint, the platform on which it operates, and the world of Microsoft at large. I'm still learning the SharePoint product and expect to be in a constant state of study as long as my tenure continues, so a lot of the content will shadow my learning experiences and hopefully assist in those of SharePoint users and administrators around the world.

This is most emphatically not my personal blog, so don't expect a lot of musings on the state of the world and whines about the rigours of day-to-day life. I do that elsewhere, and may consider posting a link to that location in due course. I reserve the right, however, to post apropos-of-nothing IT-related items such as this.

I thank you.