Developer asserts Xbox 360 and PS3 Visuals will be undiscernable
Joystiq and Kotaku mention a next gen interview with the
From Kotaku
In a Pre-E3 interview with IGN, Swedish developer Starbreeze Studios ( The Chronicles Of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay ) talk next-gen and offer their insights on the next-gen console cat fight. So, is there really a big difference between the Xbox 360 and the PS3? One Starbreeze folkin had this to say:
The PS3 will have a content size advantage with Blu-Ray and a CPU advantage for titles that are able to utilize a lot of the SPUs. The Xbox360 has a slight GPU advantage and its general purpose triple-core CPU is relatively easy to utilize compared to SPUs. I expect that it will be near impossible to tell Xbox 360 and PS3 screenshots apart.
Way to serve up a PS3 fanboy kick-in-the-pants! Commence flame war.
More Here [IGN] Thanks, Snatchy!
Developer: PS3, 360 graphics "impossible to tell apart"
By Blake Snow
Filed under: Sony PlayStation 3 , Microsoft Xbox 360 |
- Anonymous
June 01, 2009
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